Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 21 He wants to die with me

"What kind of gun is this?"

"This is a devil!"

"Ghost, ghost!"

These gunmen were scared to death. This bullet took the lives of seven or eight of them!

And it was in such a weird way! Instant kill!

The remaining eight or nine people looked at each other, stunned for a moment.

After firing a shot, the system prompt sounded in his mind again:

[The Corpse Hunter Pistol has entered the cooling time, and there are 5 minutes left before the next bullet can be fired]

Qin Feng:. Damn.

Masters fight against each other every second. Such a handsome flame was released before, but it ended up with a cooling time of five minutes.

Qin Feng tried to press it, and sure enough, it didn't work.

Put the gun back to his waist and pulled out the double knives from his back.

The remaining eight or nine people were scared to retreat when they saw Qin Feng was about to shoot again, but they saw Qin Feng put the gun back.

"He's out of bullets!"

"Hit him! Hit him!"


The men were not fools. Qin Feng had no gun and was some distance away from them. They just shot him to death!

The equipment of these men was obviously much better than those bastards before, and their firepower was more than doubled.

The moment they fired, there was fire in front of them.

If he had fought with the knifeman before, he might have died on the spot.

But now, after the bonus of the corpse hunter's strength potion, he recovered.

Qin Feng's speed has recovered to about 90%. With these bullets, how could he be stumped?

The black and gold double knives swung with a gust of wind, like a huge shield blocking Qin Feng, invulnerable to swords and guns.

Soon, those people found that there was no way to stop Qin Feng.

They retreated and roared while continuing to shoot.

However, there was still no way to stop Qin Feng. Qin Feng was about to reach him.

Behind the blade, Qin Feng smiled contemptuously. Do these people rely on shouting to output?

The blade passed, and the people in front fell to the ground. The people behind did not have time to change bullets and shoot. Qin Feng stabbed his throat.

Tu Tu Tu, blood gushed out, and they fell to the ground.

Qin Feng turned his head and looked at the circle of corpses on the ground. He couldn't help frowning: "Is there one less than 10, 11?"

He clearly saw twelve of them when he looked at them before, but now there is one less.

A burst of panting came from the air. Qin Feng looked up and saw that, as expected, a man wearing the same clothes as the people here was running in one direction with a gun in his hand.

He looked back from time to time to see if he had caught up.

Qin Feng sneered: "Hey, deserter. Are you so cowardly as a man? Don't run."

He dragged his two swords and ran towards the man.

At this moment, the man had run to the end of this floor, where there was a whole iron mesh door, and the thick iron mesh separated the outside world.

Can we get out here?

What does this person want to do?

"Hey, big brother!" Qin Feng said, "What do you want to do?"

"Go to hell, go to hell, devil." The man's mouth trembled, and he kept moving his head back, not knowing what he was doing.

However, the next second, the entire iron mesh door trembled, and the man opened the entire iron mesh door with a force!

The man turned around, slumped on the ground, raised the gun in his hand and fired at Qin Feng, shouting: "Go to hell, devil! Go to hell!"

Da da da da, bullets pierced through the air and shot at Qin Feng.

Qin Feng hid aside, and the bullets all hit the iron plate.

Did this man want to attract zombies?

But he couldn't survive this way. There were thousands or even tens of thousands of zombies outside. Wouldn't they all come over when they heard the sound?

Sure enough, Qin Feng's hearing, which was twice that of ordinary people, heard the roar from afar when the man finished shooting.

In two months, everything that should be eaten up outside had been eaten up, and these zombies rushed over immediately when they heard the sound.

One call brings a hundred responses, and the zombies will only increase in number.

Qin Feng immediately became alert. If there are too many zombies, he is not able to deal with them now.

When he was in that corridor, he was a little tired with more than fifty zombies. Now, he is probably dead.

He held the black and gold double swords and prepared to rush out.

At this time, the crazy zombie army had also arrived.

The zombies smelled the fresh human flesh and heard the sound, just like torches flying in the silent night, attracting bees and butterflies.

Ho ho ho, uh uh uh.

The huge zombie roars and the sound of countless zombies stepping on the ground shook the whole ground.

"Go to hell, devil." The man had no bullets left, stood up and said to Qin Feng.

However, the next second, a zombie behind him had already knocked him down, and the zombies behind him rushed over one after another!

In an instant, the man was gone.

Qin Feng used the reflection of the blade to see the zombies coming, about a dozen of them.

And there were no less than a hundred zombies catching up from behind, and the dense zombies were rushing in here frantically.

"This is a great opportunity," Qin Feng smiled, "It's no problem to fill this package now, but I don't know if I can hold on!"

Qin Feng saw the opportunity and observed the surroundings. He dodged and hid behind a pillar on the side.

A few zombies really noticed something, and looked over here with gray eyes. When they didn't see anyone, they continued to gnaw on the rotten corpse.

Of course, a corpse wouldn't cause much of a stir, and these zombies would be gone after a few bites.

Qin Feng kept changing his position at this time and came to the edge of the building.

The zombies were about to finish eating the corpses and looked around for people. They were stunned for a few seconds.

Qin Feng took advantage of this moment!

He dragged his two swords and ran from the edge of the circular building, using one master after another and iron bars to block his figure.

He quickly approached the zombies, and the black, cheetah-like shadow passed through the air and went straight to the zombies.

Ho ho ho, uh uh uh.

Several zombies had not yet reacted, and they were immediately beheaded by Qin Feng, and their heads rolled to the side.

Qin Feng said: "Package, collect it yourself!"

With a buzzing sound, the zombie space package on his waist recovered several fallen zombies, and the bodies disappeared.

Qin Feng's actions attracted the attention of more zombies, and all the zombies who noticed Qin Feng ran over with their bloody mouths wide open.

Qin Feng stepped back and led the zombies here.

With his double knives as weapons and his body as an engine, Qin Feng was like a blood dropper collecting heads, killing everyone he saw.

The zombies fell one after another under Qin Feng's harvest, and black blood splattered all over the ground.

At this time, the corpse hunter's pistol was ready, and Qin Feng took out his pistol and fired a shot at the zombies that rushed over.

However, it was different from the previous flame.

This flame was dark green, and wherever the flame went, the zombies died instead of becoming broken pieces.

With a hum, the space package once again collected the fallen zombie bodies.

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