Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 192 What is this white thing?

There is oxygen in the protective shield. Once it is broken down, the oxygen flows out in a steady stream.

But the black flame didn't seem to be affected in any way. The air jetted out so straight didn't even stir up the flames flowing on the black flame.

"You, are you the owner of the tomb in that cemetery?" Dashan had seen this in the live broadcast, the black flame, the flame that harvested countless zombies and human lives.

Qin Feng exclaimed, "Do you still recognize me?"

Hei Yan slightly deviated from Dashan's eyes, and Dashan looked past Hei Yan and touched the front of Qin Feng.

His eyes were attracted by the two women just now, and then Dashan was looking at Qin Feng.

"Tall, wearing black clothes, driving this burning car," Dashan thought in his heart, "such a weird person, I should have thought that he is the owner of the tomb in the cemetery!"

"Now this Black Fire looks like he's not easy to mess with."

"If you don't take them down, you'll end the fun yourself."

"But, what if these people really come to snatch that girl? We, the people, will depend on her to survive in the end."

"We can't take them there, but there is a good place to go."

At this moment, thousands of thoughts flashed through Dashan's mind.

"Oh? Don't you want to take it with you?" Qin Feng saw Dashan didn't respond for a long time and said, "Then I'll take action."

The black flames spread out in an instant, and were about to cut off Dashan's eyeballs.

Dashan waved his hand quickly and said: "No, no, no, I will lead, I will lead the way! Spare your life!"

Qin Feng narrowed his eyes, and the black flames were stopped halfway.

Dashan swallowed as he looked at the flames less than a palm away from his eyelids.

He said: "The underground city is complicated. I will show you the way, and it will be easier for you."

"But don't kill me, please, don't kill me."

Dashan said it sincerely and looked really scared.

Black Flame slowly pulled out the protective shield, and heat came out of the holes, forming white mist in the ice and snow outside.

The mountain was shrouded in the sudden cold, lying on the ground panting and shivering.

"Get up," Qin Feng said, "lead the way."

The mountain slowly climbed up, and he quickly went down to the dungeon while his protective shield was still of some use.

Otherwise, he would have already failed before he could achieve his goal.

This man and these two women look pretty strong.

However, the place he wanted to take them to had a secret weapon they had developed here.

Although this dungeon is small, it has all the internal organs.

Although there are only seven floors, it is just right. Only by using limited resources can every point be used in the right place.

So, the facilities are good.

Such as basic laboratories, experimental arenas, living areas, etc., everything is available.

Moreover, the power is sufficient.

There are enough protective and safety facilities on the top floor and even on the outside.

Therefore, when Dashan was attacked, the people inside noticed it almost within ten seconds.

Now, Dashan took Qin Feng and the three of them down to the underground city and closed the door of the underground city.

In the slightly dim light, the expressions on the faces of Qin Feng and the others could still be seen.

Dashan took three steps and turned around, looking at the three men and women as he walked tremblingly.

Just now, the white light outside was too bright and I didn't notice it. When I got here, the light was just right, and I could see the appearance of the three people clearly.

Needless to say, the man was very domineering. Just looking at each other made his whole body feel cold.

The shorter woman is, to say the least, no different from a normal human being.

He just seems very curious, like a cat, looking here and there, touching here and there.

He didn't seem to be worried at all, as if there were any mechanisms in this underground city that looked like a tomb.

The taller one

Dashan used his peripheral vision to spy on Chen Qiaoying for a while, and then realized that this woman's skin was frighteningly white.

It's not like the normal white color of human beings, but close to bluish white.

"If the skin were harder, would he be a zombie?" Dashan couldn't help but think, "Even if he is a zombie, his figure is too good. These big breasts and big ass are just my dream."

Looking up all the way, I slowly met Chen Qiaoying's eyes.

It was green and white, and there was no sound. Chen Qiaoying said: "Have you seen enough?"

The hissing sound of zombies.

"Zombie!" Dashan was still about to scream when Qin Feng cut off one of his ears with a black flame, and the hot blood fell directly.

"Ah, ah!! Ahhh!!"

Dashan covered his ears and screamed.

Qin Feng sent out the black flame again, and the blade-like black flame was placed across the neck of the mountain: "Lead the way, lead the way. If you don't understand my request, your ears will be gone. If your eyes are crooked, I will help you correct them, and then you can stay in this underground place." Going around town, your legs are gone."

Although Dashan covered his ears and screamed, he was slightly surprised in his heart.

Could this man see that he was taking them around a curve?

But the three people in front of him would not answer this question.

He felt a sharp pain in his ears, and the feeling of blood pouring into his cochlea was excruciating.

Hatred, murderous intent, fear, and complex emotions kept flowing in Dashan's heart.

While Dashan was holding back, he was thinking about whether to continue leading them astray and take these people to the "most dangerous place" in the underground city, or to take them to the underground city experimental base and directly put them down and capture them for experiments.

From the depths of this circuitous staircase, several people came at the same time, and they were holding long things in their hands.

"You brought us here just to find reinforcements?" Chu Rou showed a cute and evil smile, "Holding a gun, just what I want."

Chu Rou likes gunfights the most. In this kind of gunfight in a small space, she can fight ten or a hundred at a time.

Just relying on the gun in her hand!

So, she happily stepped forward and loaded the gun and aimed it at the person who came.

At this moment, Dashan, who was originally staring at the person who came, seemed to have seen something, and a strange smile appeared on his face that was almost half covered by a big beard.

Qin Feng glanced at it and suddenly felt something was wrong.

His senses were instantly enhanced, and he clearly felt how many people were coming and what they had.

The world became clear.

"I said, you are dead." Dashan said.

There were only four or five people coming, but they were not holding guns, to be precise, not traditional guns, but electric pulse guns!

There was a long wire behind the gun, but no one knew where it was connected to.

"Chu Rou!" Chen Qiaoying shouted, "Be careful!"

Chu Rou was still aiming at that place, when suddenly, a white lightning came and focused on Chu Rou.

Chu Rou's eyes went black in an instant and she fell to the ground.

And then, countless white lightnings rushed towards Qin Feng and the others, and the entire stairwell was bright white.

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