Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 193 I am actually no match for a defective product?

Countless lightning bolts struck, and the corridor suddenly turned pale.

Dashan was hit instantly, and the voltage of tens of thousands of volts hit him. He was just an ordinary human.

Soon, he was electrocuted into a charred corpse, emitting a strong smell of burning.

The huge white current lasted for about five or six minutes, until the ammeters in the hands of those who came stopped when they indicated that it had reached a dangerous level.

At this time, there was no sound in the corridor.

"Are they all dead?"

"With such a large current, no one can survive. I can smell the smell of burnt meat."

"Then they must be dead, let's go and see."

"Let's go and see."

Several people came over on tiptoe, holding long-barreled electric pulse guns in their hands.

As soon as they came over, except for Dashan's body that was burned to a crisp in the corner.

In addition, there were three people lying on the ground.

Two women and one man, but no matter who they were, there was no scar on their skin.

However, it seemed that they had stopped breathing and were lying there.

"Dead, dead?"

"They should be dead, they have stopped breathing."

"These three people seem to be the people in the cemetery. They are so strong, how could they just die like this?"

"What else? No one can withstand the 100,000 volts of electricity."

"But there are really no scars on their skin and flesh. Let's take them underground and do some autopsy research."

The few people discussed and came to the side of Qin Feng, Chu Rou and Chen Qiaoying who were lying on the ground.

After checking their heartbeats, they found that they were all gone, so they felt relieved to "divide the spoils".

"Fuck, these two women are so beautiful, even if they are corpses, I still want to."

"I haven't eaten meat for 800 years."

"Let's eat meat first, and then study it."

"Okay, let's go, carry it."

Chu Rou and Chen Qiaoying were carried down quickly, but when Chen Qiaoying was carried, the person carrying her said: "Fuck, this woman looks thin, how can she be so heavy? Her skin gets cold too quickly."

The remaining three were a bit unlucky, one had to drag the charred corpse of Dashan, and the other two had to carry Qin Feng.

However, no matter how they carried him, Qin Feng didn't move at all.

"Did this man eat stones? It's so heavy."

"Although it's very high, how can it be as heavy as a car?"

"Don't drag the charred corpse first, come and help, fog!"

The three men barely moved Qin Feng, carrying him on their shoulders, and the excessive pressure made them almost unable to resist.

They walked down the stairs step by step.

At this time, Qin Feng, who was carried on the shoulders of three people, was not dead, but was breathing with his eyes closed.

A huge electric current hit, and Qin Feng's blood curtain was given to Chu Rou, and he and Chen Qiaoying faced resistance directly.

For the physique of the two of them, the damage caused by these electric currents was not high.

However, Qin Feng was surprised that such a remote place could have such high energy, which was close to several times the lightning in the sky.

So, he quickly told Chen Qiaoying to pretend to faint together, so that these people would not have to take them down in a detour.

Go down and see what this underground city is all about.

However, there was a special picture that broke through Qin Feng's consciousness barrier and reached Qin Feng's mind when the electric current hit.

Because this picture was not aggressive, Qin Feng did not choose to counterattack, but entered the picture.

Now, he was observing around in this picture.

The picture was almost completely black, and a faint light shone from top to bottom into the darkness.

While he was still looking at what was in the picture, a little girl, no, to be precise, a little girl with blue skin, slumped and appeared in the beam of light.

"Save me"

The girl slowly raised her head and said to him, but it didn't seem like she was saying it to him.

"Save me"

The girl kept saying: "Qin Feng, save me."

Qin Feng frowned: "Do you know my name?"

Girl: "I broke through your consciousness barrier and read part of your memory. But you are too strong, I can't read it completely."

The girl's voice was weak, but her logic was very strong. Qin Feng realized that it was very likely that someone had entered his mind through the electric current.

Take the opportunity to talk to him.

"Who are you?" Qin Feng asked, "There are very few people who can break through my consciousness barrier. Are you a mutant with mental power mutation?"

Qin Feng thought of the white brain.

However, the reason why the white brain was able to break through his consciousness barrier at that time was, first, because the white brain mobilized all its strength, and second, he had no awareness of defense in this regard.

But the girl in front of him was very weak, very weak.

Not to mention whether her face was pale or not, he couldn't see it.

It was the scars all over her body, the bumps caused by something, and even the blue skin that couldn't hide it.

At least, she is very weak now, and it seems that she can die with a pinch.

But even so weak, she can still enter his consciousness barrier.

Qin Feng's heart was alarmed. This girl, who looks only fourteen or fifteen years old, is a strong person.

"You will see who I am later," the girl said, "I contacted you through the current generated by my body. I want to remind you that this underground city is very dangerous.

Not only can the current on my body hurt you, but even the monsters produced will take your lives."

Qin Feng snorted coldly and said, "Oh?"

Qin Feng is very confident in his ability. Chen Qiaoyan and Chu Rou, who are protected by the blood curtain, are not weak.

The girl chuckled and said, "You are very strong, so I said those monsters can only hurt you."

"But I must remind you that these monsters have all kinds of abilities. One of them is immune to your weapon, which is the flaming knife."

"Your knife flame is a cutting weapon for other ordinary objects, but for them, it is just a stick."

A hint of sarcasm flashed in Qin Feng's eyes. It was the first time someone said that Black Flame was a stick.

"This is not sarcasm, this is the fact," the girl raised her eyes and looked at Qin Feng with her yellow eyes, "because they are all defective products produced by me."

"You can't beat me. Your ability is less than half of mine, so you may not be able to beat my defective products."

Qin Feng couldn't help rolling his eyes and said nothing. This scene was too boring.

The little girl said, "So, let's cooperate."

Qin Feng:.

The little girl said, "Let's cooperate and destroy this underground city. You rescue me, and I help you find the weaknesses of those defective products."

"Otherwise," the girl's voice was ethereal, "you and your two women will definitely be buried here as fertilizer to feed the defective products."

Qin Feng looked at the little girl and felt her consciousness flowing in his mind.

Thinking about the possibility, he said, "Okay."

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