Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 194 Dare to touch me?

The little girl smiled when she heard this.

She said, "I knew you were a capable person. A man who knows the times is a hero."

Qin Feng had no expression on his face.

"My willpower cannot be released for too long. I will keep it short about the situation here. Remember my instructions."

"Of course, I also believe in you. After everything is done, you will save me."

It turns out that all the resource flows and energy support in this underground city come from the little girl.

She is a mutant with hundreds of mutated genes.

There are many undeveloped genes, and the developed genes are used by the people in the underground city of Bingji City.

Including huge electric currents, fire, water, etc., and willpower.

Willpower is similar to Qin Feng's mental control, but one is free invasion and simple control, and the other is extreme control.

This was originally a great ability she awakened, but she was imprisoned, with electric clamps and wires all over her body.

As long as she overuses her willpower, the current flowing out of her body will backfire, and she cannot break free.

"So, I can only be imprisoned in this place, and I can't move, and I can only stand for a long time." The girl said, "And more importantly, even if I try to get rid of the electric clamp, the entire underground city will collapse within five seconds.

I and these beasts will be buried together."

Qin Feng listened for a while, and nodded: "So, you want to join forces and use me to take you out of the underground city?"

"Yes," the girl looked really weak, "I believe you have a way to protect me out."

"As for the weaknesses of those monsters, I'll tell you."

The girl's words were intermittent, and Qin Feng could only hear a general idea, but before she finished speaking, the girl suddenly screamed miserably.

She used her mind power and was backfired by the electric current, and completely disappeared from the screen.

A strong suction force, Qin Feng got out of the picture, in front of him was the shaky ceiling of the stairwell.

Qin Feng's eyebrows flowed with thoughts, and after a while, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

In fact, no matter how the girl said, there are so-called "defective" monsters in this underground city, which are very strong.

But Qin Feng still had the confidence to fight.

It was the ability of this girl that Qin Feng was very interested in.

What abilities did Qin Feng have? He believed that since the little girl could break through his mental barrier, she must have known what he was capable of.

However, with this level of understanding, the little girl had already said that sentence, "Your ability is not even half of mine."

She was young, but she was very arrogant.

"In that case, why not try to cooperate with her," Qin Feng thought, "She is indeed strong, but to what extent, I have to see for myself."

Several people carried Qin Feng down the stairs slowly, and the scene in front of them began to lead from the monotonous corridor to the huge underground city.

In theory, this is one of the underground cities of the Ark Spiral, and the structure should be the same.

But it is very strange that the facilities here do not seem to be suitable for people to live in.

Tables placed randomly, wires laid randomly underneath, and messy facilities.

It is obviously half-built and not yet completed, with cement floors and mottled walls.

But these wires are all powered, connected to the lights on the wall, and the light is cold.

Moreover, these people should take them to the lower floor, but there is no elevator, so they can only go down floor by floor.

"It's quite simple," Qin Feng said.

He went down the first and second floors.

When they reached the third floor, they arrived at a place like a spider cave.

The first floor was six meters high.

The sky was full of electric wires, covering the top floor and the ground, like a spider's web.

And the starting points of all these wires were concentrated in the center of this floor.

It was like an iron thorn ball covered with iron thorns, half hanging in the air.

White electric current flowed from the center of the "iron thorn ball" from time to time, making a crackling sound.

Because the wires were too dense, Qin Feng couldn't see what was connected in the middle at the initial angle.

Until they turned a big corner, a person coming towards them interrupted the route of these people.

The greasy turkey came over and asked, "Did they sound the alarm just now?"

"Yes, three fat guys."

The turkey snorted coldly and looked behind him: "Where's Dashan?"

"He was electrocuted to death, a charred corpse, and he hasn't been taken down yet."

"Fuck," the turkey said without a trace of sadness for his companion's death, "It's OK, he experienced 100,000 volts before he died."

"Hasn't he always wanted to have sex with that woman? Now he's going up. Forget it, I'm not going to talk about it anymore, I'm going to send these three white pigs down."

The time he stayed here was a little long, so Qin Feng was able to observe it carefully.

He glanced over and found a protruding point through the layers of dense wires.

It was like a tree on a hill.

"This is a human breast," Qin Feng instantly understood what it was.

But it was not in the usual shape, but was clamped by a clamp and squeezed very long.

Qin Feng felt an inexplicable pain in his chest, and then thought of the girl in the picture in his mind.

Looking up, he found that what was hanging down was not the wire, but the girl's hair.

Qin Feng looked carefully again and found that with so many electric clips and wires connected, the girl really couldn't sit down or even move.

He didn't know how long she had been here, and her body was constantly supplying power to these wires.

At this time, the girl's head moved, and a pair of yellow eyes emerged from the messy hair.

She looked at Qin Feng, and in an instant, the two exchanged thoughts.

Qin Feng retracted his gaze and let these people lift him down.

When they reached the fourth floor, these people finally put the three of them down and placed them in a place like three operating tables.

The white light on the top made the faces of several people flicker.

"You don't know until you see it," someone said, "the front of these two women is so big, they can be thrown up."

"Beauty, absolute beauty."

"This man has a good appearance."

"Wow, are you heavy or not? Are you going to take a man too?"

"Who cares? In the doomsday, I have been seeing fewer people for a long time. I think a man has a handsome face."

"Hehehe, then you take him, and we take these two."

"Okay, we will continue the research after we finish."

Several people were about to take action against Qin Feng and the other three, but when one of them reached out to Chu Rou's chest.

Chu Rou immediately raised her legs and quickly twisted the man's hands.

Her legs were bent in a powerful posture, and there was a sound of "crackling". The man immediately screamed in pain: "Ah! My hand is broken!!!"

Chu Rou retracted her legs and kicked hard again, and the man flew down and fell unconscious.

She sat up and said, "Who dares to touch my sister? Are you looking for death?"

Several people looked at Chu Rou, who had "resurrected from the dead", in horror. Wasn't this person electrocuted to death? How come he was fine?

At the same time, what shocked them even more was that Qin Feng and Chen Qiaoying also sat up at the same time, looking at them with gloomy faces: "What do you want to do?"

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