Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 195 Defective products appear

The people were shocked.

Chu Rou was petite and strong. Her legs could break a man's hand. What kind of strength is that?

Chen Qiaoying, her body was covered with purple blood vessels, her eyes were white, and she kept growling in her throat.

Isn't this a zombie?

As for Qin Feng, he was dressed in black, tall, with a strong aura and a handsome face.

The point is, these people just experienced a 100,000-volt electric current attack, how could they be fine?

Of course, before these people were surprised, Chu Rou, who was at the edge, said: "Leave these idiots to me, you two don't have to do it."

He jumped down and rushed towards the people quickly.

Humans against humans, it's worth watching.

Chu Rou is used to using firearms, and her bare-handed kung fu is still seldom used, but she is still fierce, and she beats several people to pieces.

Qin Feng and the others also enjoy this "cat and mouse" game.

However, Chu Rou is a human after all, and she uses bare-handed fighting, so the speed is much slower.

Those people were familiar with the terrain and fled in all directions.

Just when Chu Rou was having fun, one of them fled to a place in a hurry, where there were hundreds of buttons on the wall.

He was calm and calm, and quickly pressed a row of buttons.

"Chu Rou!" Chen Qiaoying suddenly realized something, "Come back quickly!"

Chu Rou stopped, looked at the person who had been chased by her and collapsed on the ground, and the entire wall was shaking, and hurried back.

Qin Feng also realized something, and the three of them immediately turned to a state of preparation, staring at a passage on the wall over there.

About ten seconds later, a fire slowly appeared in the dark passage.

The dark green firelight was reflected, swaying, getting closer and closer.

"It's a zombie!" Chen Qiaoyan stared at the passage with her blue-white eyes without pupils.

"Zombies?" Chu Rou also narrowed her eyes, "Zombies that can catch fire?"

As she spoke, the green flames finally appeared. Sure enough, they were zombies with dark green flames burning all over their bodies.

The flames almost engulfed them from head to toe.

"Hahaha, you're dead!"

"You three fools, die as soon as possible, die!"

"Monsters, all monsters!"

"How many monsters like you have been born in this doomsday!"

Before the fleeing people could laugh and shout, the green fire zombies rushed towards them.

The zombies' low roars of "uh uh uh" and "ho ho ho" in their throats were accompanied by the beeping sound of sparks.

There were about dozens of such zombies, and because of the close distance, they all rushed towards those people.

In an instant, the green flames surged because of the new "fuel".

But it cooled down in a second, and when the fire zombies moved away, the remaining place was all burnt bones.

"These zombies." Chu Rou was surprised, "These zombies can also burn people."

"They are coming!" Chen Qiaoying said, "Fight!"

She and Chu Rou were ready for battle, and Chu Rou picked up a stick by the table and rushed over there.

The two sides were about 200 meters apart at this time.

However, just as the two rushed towards the zombies, and the zombies were about to rush over and touch them.

Two black flames rushed over quickly, hugged Chu Rou and Chen Qiaoying, and pulled back directly.

The two quickly fell into Qin Feng's arms.

"What's wrong?" The two asked at the same time.

Qin Feng let them go, took them behind him, and said, "These zombies are very special, don't move, I'll do it."

The black flames behind Qin Feng surged, like scattered steel wires, all rushing towards the zombies running over.

However, when the black flames touched those zombies, something unexpected happened.

Under normal circumstances, the black flames under Qin Feng's control are like sharp fire knives, cutting and burning are no problem.

Rushing towards the zombies, directly piercing and cutting quickly, it is still unmanned in the zombie pile.

However, when the black flames touched those fire zombies, they did not cut and pierce, but just knocked them away a little, but were firmly sucked by them.

The green fire took the opportunity to climb up the black flame at a very fast speed and flew towards Qin Feng!

"Qin Feng!" Chen Qiaoying and Chu Rou couldn't help but shout behind him.

Qin Feng made a prompt decision, cut off the black flame, and jumped back.

Without the support of his thoughts, the black flame disappeared quickly, but the green flames were like ghost fires in the graveyard.

It still floated in the air for a few seconds before it fell down with a clatter.

On the ground, several holes were melted by the green fire.

Qin Feng frowned and looked at the scene in front of him. This was the defective product that the little girl said was immune to his black flame.

"Uh uh uh, ho ho ho!" Dozens of zombies roared towards the three without Qin Feng's obstruction.

"Qin Feng!" Chen Qiaoying said, "Let me try."

Qin Feng shook his head: "The fire on them can even burn my black flames. Although you are the zombie king, you can't resist it."

"Maybe," he said solemnly, "If you touch them, you will also become a zombie with flames, and you will never change back. Don't move."

Chen Qiaoying looked a little nervous, looking at the zombies rushing in front of her.

One zombie is already full of flames, and the temperature is very high.

And dozens of zombies, the flames are added up, the flames are high, and the surrounding air is shaking.

Some steel bars and iron pillars seem to have melted.

The temperature of the green flame is so high that it is difficult to guess.

"Qin Feng, draw your sword!" Chu Rou said.

"No," Qin Feng said, "These zombies will attack back because of the flames. I hold the black flame golden knife in my hand, which will only enhance the power of black flames."

At that time, it will only backfire.

Looking at the zombies getting closer and closer, feeling the heat wave getting higher and higher.

"Qin Feng!" Even Chen Qiaoying felt a sense of crisis, "What should I do?"

Qin Feng did not speak, but turned back to give them a reassuring look.

Take out the blood curtain and surround the two women in the middle. The blood curtain also felt the crisis.

The blood burst out and stabbed the zombies at a high speed.

Qin Feng continued the black flame attack, but this time, his attack method was different.

Several black flames flew towards the zombies, bang bang bang hit the zombies, and hit the zombies hard.

Because of the flame assimilation, it was impossible to pierce, but it could hit.

So, every flame of Qin Feng was powerful.

The zombies were twisted left and right, and before the green fire attacked, Qin Feng immediately cut off the black flames.

Continue to attack, attack continuously, attack without rest.

And use your own speed and flexibility to constantly adjust the attack position, so that these zombies can't find the target to attack.

The blood curtain protects Chen Qiaoying and others, he is not worried.

And Qin Feng also understands that his black flame is not a knife to the fire zombies, but an iron rod.

The iron rod has no ability to cut people, but it is still possible to beat people to death.

Qin Feng has no ability to kill these fire zombies at once, so he kills them. After doing this continuously, the fire zombies actually began to slowly move and be hindered!

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