Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 198 How many monsters are there?

Uh~~~ Ho~~~

A hoarse roar came from the zombie's throat.

Qin Feng could clearly feel that this zombie had a big problem.

The black flame was protecting Qin Feng tightly, preventing the zombie from getting close.

But the power of the black shadow increased little by little, forcing Qin Feng to increase the number and power of the black flame every moment.

However, this was like a bottomless pit, and this zombie seemed to have endless power.

Finally, it seemed to realize that this squeezing method could not hurt Qin Feng.

Like pulling a thread, it pulled its body up.

In a flash of light, Qin Feng saw the appearance of this zombie.

It was very tall, about three times his size.

The stone-like muscles on his body were spliced ​​together, and the flesh on his face seemed to be hard, with both strength and speed.

"7.6 times stronger than humans," Qin Feng frowned, "this zombie"

The zombie's arm gathered power backwards, his fists clenched, and rushed straight towards Qin Feng.

Qin Feng took advantage of the zombie's attack gap, which took only about a second, and used black flames to forcibly open up space for movement, instantly moving a few fists away from the original position.

Bang! The zombie's fist hit the wall, creating a big hole.

The gravel burst.

Qin Feng was slightly surprised. Is this a skill that zombies can use?

If this punch hit him, even a body ten times larger than that of an ordinary person would not be able to bear it.

The big zombie did not intend to just hit this one punch. It quickly adjusted its position and raised its fist to hit Qin Feng again.

Qin Feng used black flames to open up space, move, and avoid damage.

In this way, bang bang bang hit, Qin Feng dodged.

Along the way, he actually punched a whole deep tunnel in the wall of the underground city.

In this way, Qin Feng got enough space. He attacked the big zombie with black flames once, causing the big zombie to turn its attack target to black flames.

Turning around and rolling, breaking the black flames, successfully escaped, and jumped to the ground.

Uh uh uh, ho ho ho.

The whole space was filled with the roar of zombies.

Qin Feng took a look and saw that Chen Qiaoying was still fighting with the zombies that could learn skills.

Chu Rou found a gun from somewhere and helped Chen Qiaoying fight the zombies. Every shot hit the head.

However, it was unexpected that these zombies could even learn the trajectory of bullets and avoid the bullets shot by Chu Rou in the same way.

The two people's attack on zombies became more and more difficult.

And in front of him, a big zombie with muscles as hard as stones was also difficult to deal with.

This big zombie, if it was just powerful, would not be enough to threaten him.

The threat was so great that the system issued a warning notification, and immediately turned on fearlessness and enhanced senses.

"There must be something special." Qin Feng thought.

Uh uh uh, ho ho ho.

The big zombie in front of him was not much different from other zombies in appearance except that he was tall and strong.

The pale and lifeless eyes stared at Qin Feng, ready to go.

Qin Feng looked at it, judging its actions, but suddenly saw a data that surprised him.

"7.7 times the attributes of humans?" Qin Feng was surprised, "Wasn't it 7.6 just now?"

He would not remember the data in this aspect wrongly, but the data of the zombie in front of him did change.

"Could it be that I can improve myself?" Qin Feng couldn't help but wonder.

He didn't wonder for long, and this big zombie rushed straight towards him.

Qin Feng's black flames burst out, and more than a dozen black flames rushed towards the big zombie.

With a few puffs, they all pierced into the hard flesh like stone.

The big zombie's movement was instantly blocked. With a black mouth and a tilted head, it was hung in the air by Qin Feng, and its two giant hands waved up and down.

It wanted to cut off the black flames.

But the black flame is essentially an intangible light weapon. No matter what it does, the black flame can only produce a cutting and burning effect on him.

After a while, its hands were full of black blood.

But it looked like it had stopped the big zombie's actions and injured it, and its hands were dripping with black blood.

However, Qin Feng did not relax at all. He stared at the big zombie.

Suddenly, his pupils shrank.

Because the data on the big zombie changed from 7.7 times the attribute value of ordinary people to 7.8.

After a while, it became 7.9, and then 8.0

It kept rising.

Qin Feng made a prompt decision and pulled out the black flame. With a bang, the big zombie fell to the ground, smashing a deep pit on the ground.

Uh uh uh, ho ho ho.

The big zombie slowly stood up and looked at Qin Feng with pale eyes.

At this time, the data on the big zombie stopped rising and stopped at 8.3 times the data of ordinary people!

Qin Feng was slightly surprised. Could it be that this big zombie became stronger because of his attack?

"Ugh!!!!" The big zombie roared in anger and flew towards Qin Feng.

The huge claws wanted to grab Qin Feng, but Qin Feng dodged the attack lightly, and the big zombie missed.

Turned back and continued to attack Qin Feng.

The two fought everywhere in this floor of the dungeon, you hit me and I dodge, moving in a large range.

The big zombie smashed the stone pillars and created deep pits in the wall, and the force was to take Qin Feng's life again and again.

Finally, Qin Feng relied on the black flame to jump back and opened a large distance with the big zombie.

The big zombie paused, turned around and looked at Qin Feng, then rushed towards Qin Feng again.

So far, Qin Feng has not attacked the big zombie once, and its attributes remain at 8.3 times that of ordinary people.

In other words, Qin Feng's guess before was correct.

This big zombie will absorb the attack damage and transform it into its own ability improvement.

Then it will become stronger and stronger.

But if you don't attack it, you can't kill it.

And the more you attack it, the stronger it becomes, and the harder it is to kill it.

This has entered a dead loop. If the attacker has ordinary ability, he would have been eaten by this kind of zombie long ago.

"This dungeon is so simple, it is completely abandoned by the Ark Spiral," Qin Feng thought in his heart, "but how can there be so many weird monsters?"

"Flame zombies, zombies that can learn other people's attack skills, and this zombie that becomes stronger the more it attacks."

Qin Feng sighed, this is really a weird place.

No wonder the big bearded man at the beginning didn't look afraid of them at all. There are too many perverted things in this place.

The more he thought about it, the more Qin Feng felt that the little girl really needed to be saved.

She must be a high-level mutant, with hundreds of mutant genes, and these are just a few of the ones that have been developed.

With her, the cemetery dungeon will be even more powerful.

Qin Feng couldn't help but think about it again, and the big zombies continued to rush towards him.

Qin Feng came back to his senses and fought. For now, regardless of the little girl, this zombie didn't tell him where the weakness was.

He had to find the weaknesses of these zombies quickly.

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