Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 199 They Can't Be Killed

This time, the big zombie rushed over, and the attack force, attack speed and agility had greatly improved.

Qin Feng dodged again, and this time, the big zombie rushed over directly.

With a bang, it hit the wall not far behind Qin Feng.

If it weren't for the solid ground behind the underground city wall, it is estimated that the zombie would be knocked out.

However, with this force, a big hole was knocked out of the wall, revealing the reinforced concrete inside the wall.

"Qin Feng!" Chu Rou shouted at this time, "Hurry up and find a way, the two of us can't hold on."

Qin Feng turned his head and saw that at this time, the two had killed more than a hundred zombies, and the entire ground was covered with zombie corpses.

However, there were still nearly a hundred zombies.

These one hundred zombies all learned their previous attack skills.

Now, they can fight Chen Qiaoying for a few minutes.

Unless Chu Rou hits in succession, it is difficult to hit the heads or hearts of the remaining zombies.

"Hold on a little longer," Qin Feng said, "I'll be here soon."

He burst into black flames, facing the big zombie that turned back and continued to rush towards him.

Attacking can make you stronger, this ability is very abnormal.

But no matter how strong a zombie is, no matter how abnormal its ability is, it still has weaknesses.

Maybe the weakness of this zombie that becomes stronger when it attacks is its ability?

Qin Feng was thinking frantically about how to deal with this zombie in his mind.

The big zombie rushed over, punching and clawing at Qin Feng.

Qin Feng did not attack, but dodged by moving.

He was not that stupid. Before finding a way to completely kill this zombie, Qin Feng would not take the initiative to attack and let the zombie continue to improve its ability.

Soon, the dungeon was beaten beyond recognition.

Qin Feng thought about leading to those zombies with learning ability, but the big zombies and learning zombies could not collide at all.

The learning zombies could quickly avoid it and continued to attack Chen Qiaoying and Chu Rou in an orderly manner, without any intention of attacking Qin Feng.

However, Qin Feng only needed to actively attack those zombies once.

They would immediately learn all the attack skills that Qin Feng had seen before.

In this way, their chances of winning this battle would be greatly reduced, and the three of them were in a stalemate.

A stalemate that could lead to their slow death.

Qin Feng's steps had spread throughout the entire dungeon, and the big zombies continued to follow him without any fatigue.

Qin Feng couldn't help it, turned around, and two black flames rushed straight towards the big zombie.

Piercing into his flesh, he lifted it up and smashed it against the wall on one side.

With a bang, another deep pit was smashed.

It is estimated that if this continues, the dungeon will collapse.

"Uh! Hoo!!"

At this time, Chen Qiaoying, who had been fighting with the learning zombies at close range, was anxious because of the long-term use of her abilities.

She used more and more zombie king abilities.

The purple blood vessels on her body were not just swelled, but floated up, like purple earthworms wriggling on her skin.

Qin Feng was using the least attack power to fight the big zombie, but it was a drop in the bucket, and this was not a solution.

The attributes of the big zombie had been increased to 8.6 times that of ordinary people.

Just after Chen Qiaoying roared, Qin Feng clearly felt the power behind him burst out.

Looking over quickly, Chen Qiaoying seemed to have gone completely berserk.

But just by looking at it, Qin Feng discovered a magical phenomenon.

Every time he passed by Chen Qiaoying not far away, the black flame on his back would float towards Chen Qiaoying.

He used his consciousness to detect it.

These black flames were actually attracted by Chen Qiaoying.

When he got closer, the black flames were actually absorbed by Chen Qiaoying, and the purple blood vessels turned slightly black, and the abilities of her subordinates became more violent.

Even if the zombies who came here learned the previous skills, they would be scum no matter how much they learned under the absolute strength of the same skills.

However, another learning zombie came and happened to adapt to the attack of Chen Qiaoying who had just absorbed the black flame, and fought with Chen Qiaoying again.

"What's going on?" Qin Feng was confused while fighting the big zombie.

At this time, the prompt sound in his mind sounded:

[Ding, the host's black flame has a new function]

[The black flame has a resonance with the purple blood of the zombie king on Chen Qiaoying]

[Absorbing black flame can make Chen Qiaoying's ability soar]

Qin Feng frowned slightly and asked: "In other words, my black flame can improve Chen Qiaoying's ability to a certain extent?"

[In theory, black flame is infinite and there is no upper limit to the ability]

Qin Feng snorted coldly: "Then she can kill all these zombies in seconds?"

[Yes, in the case of absolute strength crushing, any learning and improvement are scum]

[But I have to remind the host that the greater the improvement, the greater the damage will be later]

Qin Feng's face turned cold, and his men couldn't help but attack the big zombie with more force.

The big zombie was not killed in one second, and its ability increased a bit.

"What will happen in the worst case?" Qin Feng asked.

[Chen Qiaoying will lose the ability of the zombie king, and it is very likely that she will not be able to recover]

Qin Feng took a deep breath and looked at Chen Qiaoying seriously.

If she loses her ability, it should be very painful for her.

However, while Qin Feng was thinking, Chen Qiaoying, who was almost in a violent state, also discovered the effect of the black flame and what she saw.

Every time she absorbed the black flame, her cold body in the zombie state would suddenly become hot.

This kind of heat was like being thrown into the flames of hell.

Her ability was renewed and improved in the "roasting", and then her strength increased.

The more her subordinates tore the zombies and hit the zombies, the stronger their ability was.

She shouted hoarsely: "Qin Feng, your black flame is auxiliary to me, inject it into me quickly!"

Qin Feng said while beating: "No! The black flame injected into your body, how much power, how much damage it will cause after the matter is done!"

Chen Qiaoying was a little anxious and said: "But these zombies, if we don't kill them in seconds, we will be in more trouble."

"I know," Qin Feng said, "but you will die."

Qin Feng's mind flashed Chen Qiaoying on the Wengcheng Lighthouse, who was determined to let him stab her heart.

A trace of untraceable tremor flashed in his eyes.

Chen Qiaoying would really sacrifice herself for him to accomplish something, and he couldn't do that.

Chen Qiaoying finished killing a zombie, which had already taken her nearly ten minutes.

She couldn't delay any longer, because the next zombie, which had already learned all the previous abilities, was about to rush over.

She turned to look at Qin Feng, gritted her teeth, and rushed towards the big zombie that was fighting with Qin Feng.

She grabbed the throat of the big zombie and slammed it into the wall, causing the rocks to explode.

She turned around and rushed over, hugging Qin Feng.

In an instant, the black flames on Qin Feng's body swelled, and countless black flames rushed directly towards Chen Qiaoying in Qin Feng's arms.

He wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

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