Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 200 Saving you must benefit me

The black flame opened a whirlpool behind Chen Qiaoying, almost like a gluttonous vortex, swallowing the black flame into the vortex.

Looking from a distance, it looks like a big black butterfly spreading its wings, with countless firelights flowing.

Qin Feng hugged Chen Qiaoying and consciously felt the power in her body surge wildly.

"Qin Feng," Chen Qiaoying said in the commotion, "I can do it."


Qin Feng held his hands tightly and let out a weak sigh.

It lasted for about ten seconds, and Chen Qiaoying had absorbed enough black flames.

Her zombie-like body felt unprecedented heat, scorching, burning, and hot.

From her shoulders, the originally floating purple blood vessels gradually turned black, and even her lips turned purple.

The eye sockets were filled with black, and the whole person was as terrifying as death.

Chen Qiaoying suddenly let go of Qin Feng and turned around.

Previously, because Chen Qiaoying took the initiative to attack the study zombies and the big zombies, the moment she turned around, these zombies rushed towards Chen Qiaoying.

"Ugh!!" Chen Qiaoying let out a piercing scream in her throat, her black blood vessels bulging as she rushed towards the zombies.

For a moment, the sky was dark and the earth was dark.

Flesh and blood, broken bones, countless organs, brains.

In the huge underground city, the floor was covered with countless zombie corpses in a thick layer.

Qin Feng and Chu Rou stood side by side, looking at Chen Qiaoying who was still attacking crazily not far away, and the zombies that were attacking crazily.

The flying flesh and blood, the slapping sounds of constant killing.

Even though the two of them were used to seeing so much massacre, and having experienced so much massacre themselves, they still felt a little numb.

This is simply a carnage feast between zombies.

"Qin Feng," Chu Rou looked at Chen Qiaoying's brutal tearing method and felt a little nauseous, "Is she okay like this? Why do I feel like she can't come back?"

Qin Feng shook his head and said: "I can come back, but I came back too thoroughly."

Chen Qiaoying can explode like this. It is estimated that her abilities will be cleared after she recovers.

She was already furious.

The corpse of a large zombie on the ground is the best proof.

In fact, the big zombies do not become stronger when they are attacked, but they convert the damage they receive into their own abilities if they are not killed instantly.

Therefore, the way to kill it is to crush it and completely destroy its body functions.

After Chen Qiaoying broke out, she rushed forward and tore the big zombie into pieces.

And he tore it very carefully, tearing the flesh piece by piece, pulling out the tendons one by one, sucking the bones and blood.

Now, except for the head, the big zombie doesn't have much other parts intact.

As for learning zombies, even if you can learn skills, you really have no chance to resist when you are crushed by the absolute advantage.

These more than a hundred zombies pounced on Chen Qiaoying and were torn apart wherever they happened.

Chen Qiaoying's hands were like sharp weapons in the world.

But after that, her abilities may be completely gone.

"If I lose my ability, will you still take me in?" Chen Qiaoying asked him as she rushed into his arms.

He didn't say anything, just nodded.

Chen Qiaoying would have known about the fighting relationship for such a long time.

That's why Chen Qiaoying rushed towards the zombies so recklessly.

It was already an hour after killing all the zombies, and the learning ability of these zombies should not be underestimated.

Chen Qiaoying stood on top of the pile of zombie corpses, her hands dripping with black blood.

The black blood vessels began to slowly shrink from her fingertips, and the whites of her eyes gradually disappeared, revealing the brown pupils of her human days.

Chen Qiaoying gasped for air, looked at Qin Feng and Chu Rou, and with a pop, she fell into a pool of zombie blood.

"Chen Qiaoying!" Chu Rou couldn't help shouting.

Qin Feng quickly ran over and hugged Chen Qiaoying before she landed.

"Remember to take me home." Chen Qiaoying said weakly and fainted in Qin Feng's arms.

Her black blood vessels finally shrank to the bitten spot at the junction of her shoulder and neck, and the purple blood vessels disappeared.

Instead, there is a small black manjushuahua-like flower.

As if hearing a sound, she lay quietly on Chen Qiaoying's shoulder.

"Is she okay?" Chu Rou ran over and asked, "How is she feeling now?"

"Asleep." Qin Feng said lightly, turned around and carried Chen Qiaoying on his back.

Black Flame surrounded her warmly, forming a cover and fixing Chen Qiaoying on Qin Feng's back.

Soft and peaceful.

"Oh," Chu Rou couldn't see anything, but felt that it was nothing serious, "By the way, Qin Feng, do we still have to go up to rescue people next?"

Qin Feng patted the space package around his waist, and all the zombies disappeared instantly.

"Yes," Qin Feng said, "These monsters are all produced by the women on the upper level. We will take her away no matter what."

Several people slowly left the fourth floor and came to the third floor.

The air here seems to be still condensed with blood, and the walls are beginning to seep.

I don’t know if the fighting below was too fierce, which caused the structure of the dungeon to change.

Qin Feng carried Chen Qiaoying on his back, and he and Chu Rou came to the third floor, next to the girl with electric clips all over her body.

At this time, there was a charred corpse lying in front of the girl, still smoking. He must have just died.

Looking at the outfit, it can be barely recognized that it is the person who was guarding the little girl here before.

"Really powerful," the little girl raised her head weakly when she saw Qin Feng and others coming over, "If I can do it, I will applaud you."

Her voice is the same as in the picture, thin and soft.

But now, Qin Feng will not underestimate this little girl.

This little girl is very strong.

"Don't be surprised, I was just electrocuted again just now," the little girl was weaker than before, "just to kill this guy."

She was really restricted in all her movements by these electric clamps.

Qin Feng couldn't help but sneer and waited for the little girl to finish.

"Now, you know my ability," she said, "Now, you rescue me out."

Qin Feng looked at her and thought for a while.

Said: "I can save you, but you said that this underground city is supported by the energy in your body. If you stop supporting it, this underground city will collapse."

"I can take this risk to save you, but you have to give me a good benefit."

Qin Feng's eyes flashed with a trace of cunning, and said: "Otherwise you also know my ability. You can't break through me now."

The little girl snorted coldly and said: "Okay, if you save me, you can use my genes as you like. The girl next to you is a researcher, right? She can study my genes."

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