Qin Feng blinked, his eyes were sore.

He looked down and saw that the protective suit on his body had dissolved automatically under the light.

Oh no, it melted into his body automatically, revealing his strong chest and abdominal muscles, leaving only a pair of shorts.

"Fuck!" Qin Feng couldn't help but twitch his mouth. Does this ability need to be suppressed like this?

He reached back and touched the familiar black flame, and the black flame golden knife was gone.

Is this a half-cut? This is a deadly cut!

Now, the black flame golden knife and the black flame can't be used, and the blood curtain can't be used.

The physical fitness is cut in half, and many skills can't be used.

This wormhole change is still disgusting enough.

Just when Qin Feng was still complaining about the suppression of his ability after the portal wormhole went wrong, a system prompt sounded in his mind:

[The designated location was successfully transferred]

[The transfer location is the human defense new city]

[Expected to stay for three days and two nights]

[The monitoring host used four bottles of time extension potion, and the expected retention time is 29 days]

Qin Feng:. Shit, when did I use the time extension potion? Nima joke!

At this time, a voice came from Qin Feng's side: "Hey, the water in this bottle is really magical, it's gone as soon as it's opened. All four bottles are."

Qin Feng turned around and saw a beautiful girl in ragged clothes, about fifteen or sixteen years old.

She held the glass bottle of time extension potion and looked at it under the light.

Qin Feng:.

"How did you get these four bottles of potion?" Qin Feng's personality was originally very cold, and when he spoke like this, it was like a gust of cold wind blowing through the hall.

Not only the girl in front of him, but everyone in the cage trembled.

The girl was in tattered clothes and thin, with whip marks and burn scars on her skin that was exposed from time to time.

She had an electronic collar on her neck, which was very tight.

She looked like she had been abused for a long time.

She timidly put the potion bottle in Qin Feng's arms and said, "Sorry, I, I just picked it up on the ground."

Qin Feng's eyes flashed with murderous intent, but it quickly disappeared.

In this situation, hundreds of people were locked in a large iron cage, surrounded by countless soldiers.

This was not at all like what he had imagined, a high-tech, human rights society.

Instead, it felt a bit like a regression to medieval Europe.

"If you want to apologize to me," Qin Feng said, "tell me what's going on here."

The girl looked puzzled. Didn't he know what happened to him?

That's right, I had never seen him before, he should have been locked up recently.

Look, he has no clothes, but he has a great figure, this abs are abs, meat is meat.

It's just like the male model in the past.

The girl felt that she was a little angry when she saw Qin Feng's figure, and she lowered her eyes and said, "This is the New City Colosseum, we are the captured beast slaves."

The human defense city, also known as the New City.

After it was established, the survivors who wandered in the doomsday were recruited from all over the place.

Because it is a large organization, basically 90% of the survivors came with the large army.

This also includes some mutants.

It was okay at the beginning.

Everyone worked together to build the new city, which covers an area of ​​half of the magic city and can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people.

However, when everything was built, that is, after the survivors were recruited for more than half a month.

The so-called city lord system began to be established, and various classes appeared in the city.

The equality and mutual assistance of the original society could not be restored at all.

In addition to resisting the zombies and monsters outside the city, the corruption of society in those safe places inside was revealed again.

For example, this Colosseum.

The beasts fighting inside are not the so-called lions and tigers, but the monsters caught in the outside world fighting with humans or mutants.

They are provided for the so-called upper class to watch.

Some of the survivors who are not caught will be judged as "untouchables" and then put on electronic collars around their necks.

This collar will be worn by humans or mutants as long as they are "judged" as the so-called "untouchables".

As long as they dare to resist, the electronic collar will emit electronic waves to destroy their brains.

Every "beast fight".

It is like this, hundreds of "untouchables" are caught and put in the arena.

Such "untouchables" are called beast slaves.

Release a few low-level monsters to fight.

Those who survive will have a full meal, and those who are more obedient may be promoted to "new humans" and will not be thrown into the arena again.

But I don't know when they will be judged as untouchables again.

How can ordinary humans beat monsters without guns?

So basically they will be beaten to pieces by monsters, and then be regarded as a pile of meat paste by these people, and insulted at will.

What new society, what human rights.

None of them are reflected here. This is another purgatory in the end of the world.

They are now beast slaves.

They have to fight those monsters to get a chance to survive tomorrow.

"Well, anyway, they are all dead," the girl's eyes lost their luster, "I will open these medicine bottles. If you want to blame me, you can do it in the next life."

Qin Feng frowned. He used to think that the Wengcheng Prison was already ugly, but he didn't expect it to be even more terrifying now.

Suddenly, the handle of a gun hit the iron railing next to Qin Feng, buzzing.

Someone said: "There is a pariah here without a collar."

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