Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 216 Even if a tiger is in trouble, it is not your turn to bully him.

The "untouchables" refers to Qin Feng.

Qin Feng frowned slightly, subconsciously thinking whether to kill the soldier in front of him instantly.

The last person who dared to point a gun at him like this had been torn into pieces long ago.

The ground trembled, as if some monster was lifted out.

A roar of thunder and sea came from behind the thick door.

It has been more than three months since the doomsday outbreak, and Qin Feng also wants to know what the world has become.

He retracted his hand and looked at the soldier in front of him calmly.

Remember his name, and in the future, you can crush his bones with your clone.

The iron cage was opened, and the collar symbolizing the so-called "untouchables" was to be worn around Qin Feng's neck.

The electronic collar showed a blue fluorescent light, and the small electronic screen on it occasionally passed a string of numbers and a few letters, which were the codes of each "beast slave".

In the eyes of the "upper class", these people are very lowly and do not deserve to have the names of the original human world.

So, there are only codes, and being called is also a code.

Qin Feng looked at the electronic collar for a few seconds, and when he was about to put it on, he whispered: "If you dare to touch me, you'll be dead."

When Qin Feng said this, the people around him, including the little girl, all looked at Qin Feng in shock.

Is this man crazy?

Is this man going to die?

To denaturalize, the untouchables need to please these soldiers, so that they can get the denaturalization card and successfully denaturalize.

This man offended the soldiers all at once.

Even if he defeats those low-level monsters later, he will still enter the dead cycle of untouchables!

Everyone unconsciously moved away from Qin Feng, including the girl.

Qin Feng was still sitting there alone, with a tall body and tighter muscles than anyone present.

It looks like he is very strong in combat.

The soldier who was holding the collar and was about to put it on was just stunned for a moment, after all, he was talking to such a strong man in front of him.

But then, an exaggerated and sarcastic smile appeared on his greasy face.

"Hahahahahaha" the soldier laughed, "What did this pariah say? What did he say just now?"

"He said you'll die if you move! Ahahaha."

"Wow, I don't know how miserable the last pariah who said that died."

"When you're besieged by monsters later, you'll know to kneel down and cry, kneel down and call us grandpa!"

The soldiers have a reason to be so arrogant.

In the original society, everyone was used to observing etiquette.

But later, they found that under the newly established social system. As long as you are in a high position, it doesn't matter if you expose more bad qualities.

Those who should respect you respect you, and those who should humiliate you will still humiliate you.

Moreover, the soldiers control part of the power of the lowest people to get rid of their status as pariahs, and can beat and kill them at will.

Arrogance is certain.

Even if Qin Feng's physique scares them, Qin Feng's aura also suppresses them invisibly.

But the various killings and deaths during this period of time have made them not afraid at all.

All kinds of exaggerated and arrogant laughter.

At this time, the broadcast sounded behind.

Notice, a new round of beast fighting is about to begin, the monsters have been released into the arena, and the beast slaves must be transported to the arena immediately.

The soldiers responded loudly, some spitted at Qin Feng and rolled their eyes.

They all dispersed, some went to stand guard, and some went to prepare to hang the cage.

Here, only the soldier who was going to put the collar on him was left.

"Hey, stinky boy, I warn you," the soldier said arrogantly, "you be honest, or I will send you to the most ferocious monsters and let you be mashed into meat by those monsters!"

The soldier's voice was sharp, and everyone got goose bumps.

Those monsters, they had seen before they moved into the underground city, they wanted to kill people, eat human flesh, drink human blood, and gnaw human bones!

"Be honest, damn it!" The soldier cursed in a low voice.

He was going to take the collar and put it on Qin Feng.

However, when his hand was only three inches away from Qin Feng, Qin Feng grabbed the soldier's hand fiercely.

He squeezed hard.

Although his strength was not as strong as the original one which was ten times stronger than that of an ordinary person, he still had five times stronger than that of an ordinary person, and Tai Chi, Jeet Kune Do, etc. were not suppressed.

With such a strong squeeze, the soldier's bones were broken, making a crackling sound.

"Wow!" The people around him exclaimed.

When the soldier was about to scream in pain, Qin Feng pulled the soldier over, very hard.

With a bang, the soldier's head hit the iron cage and he was knocked unconscious!

"Ah~" The girl who was closest to him was frightened by Qin Feng's action, and she shrank up, looking at Qin Feng as if he was looking at a monster outside.

The reactions of the rest of the people were similar.

They were all stunned and shocked.

Among them, there was actually someone who had such a great ability to break a person's hand bones?

This break was not a simple break, it was like twisting the soldier's arm like a twist, bending and twisting it!

Qin Feng stood up regardless of the surprise of the people around him. His strong muscles moved slightly, and he felt full of strength.

He stretched out his hands to hold the two bars of the iron cage. With a force, the two iron bars, as thick as forearms, were bent by Qin Feng with a clang.

He walked out in such a swagger.

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