Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 218 Is this purgatory? (2)

Going up to the stands, Qin Feng leaned against the edge of the entrance.

Through a thick layer of glass, he looked at the people who had just been sent to the Colosseum, and the three monsters imprisoned in the sealed iron box.

There were about a thousand beast slaves, most of whom were half-dressed, thin, and looked weak.

There were only five machetes, five guns, and ten small daggers in the middle of the venue.

There were really few weapons.

These beast slaves, with these weapons, might not even be able to kill a zombie on weekdays, let alone a monster.

Qin Feng shook his head. These people were really treated like meat paste.

"Roar! Roar!"

A roar shook the glass several times.

More than a thousand people just surrounded them, pushing each other to see who was in front and who was close to the monster.

The monster smelled the smell and struggled hard, shaking the box to move.

The tall box swayed and looked like it was about to fall down and could not resist.

The people below were so scared that their faces turned pale, some even wet their pants, and some fainted directly.

On the stands, those people cheered and whistled, and shook their heads to mock the "beast slaves".

"Hahaha, look at that person, he wet his pants."

"I can smell the urine smell even through a layer of glass."

"What a waste!"

"Release the monster! Why are you still locking them up! These lowly people should be trampled into meat paste!"

The soldiers in front of Qin Feng were also shouting happily, almost all of them shouted loudly and spoke even more roughly.

Qin Feng's eyes passed over and fixed on a girl with a mixed-blood face and low-key clothes.

She looked at the people below trembling, clasped her hands together, as if praying.

But Qin Feng just sighed in his heart, this woman is pretty.

He immediately looked away, and he was more interested in the people below.

Will anyone here rise up to resist, otherwise wouldn't the one-sided slaughter be ugly at all?

Lowering his eyes, waiting for the monster to be released.

Soon, without warning, the three large iron chains that tied the iron box loosened.

Pulling back a little bit, the iron chains made a series of clanging sounds.

I don't know if it's because of the environment, but Qin Feng felt a little creepy when he listened.

Because he could almost imagine the tragic scene of the horse trampling the blood corpse when the monster came out.

The iron chain was finally opened, and the monster struggled less.

The iron box seemed to be calm, but everyone knew that this was just the calm before the volcanic eruption.

Maybe in the next second, these monsters will break out of the box and take their lives mercilessly.

Everyone stared at the weapons placed in the middle of the three iron boxes. There were only twenty weapons in total, but there were more than a thousand of them.

Meaning, there were only twenty chances to survive, or even less.

The few people in front looked at each other, and their eyes, which were very eager to survive, knew what the other party meant as soon as they met.

"Ah!" Everyone screamed, and the people in the inner circle rushed to the weapons.

As long as they get the weapons, they will have a chance to survive.

Bare hands, they will definitely die!!!

However, the people who rushed over were just about to grab the weapons.

The three big iron doors were suddenly kicked open by the monsters inside.

The three boxes were actually built at a special angle, so that they could open and smash each other.

All of a sudden, more than a hundred people who rushed in were smashed to pieces, and red blood, flesh, and white brains splashed instantly!


"No! Help!"

The people below were shouting in a mess, and the stands were even more excited, and even the people at the front desk stood up and slammed the glass.

The whole scene was in chaos.

However, Qin Feng held his breath and stared, staring at the view blocked by the three big iron doors.

The three monsters all stepped out, and the ground trembled slightly.

It seems that these three monsters are not huge monsters like the bone-spurred turtle, but relatively small ones.

There was a fire, and the flames gradually rose.

The burning air trembled, and the big iron gate seemed to have melted a little.

There was a cold air, and the cold air was flowing.

Some of the blood that was trampled by it under the feet froze in the air.

When the other one came out, it was accompanied by the sound of mucus and flesh sticking together. It was the first to come out, and its appearance was suddenly presented in front of everyone.

From beginning to end, it seemed to be put in a high-temperature microwave oven for three days and three nights, pus and mucus.

If it weren't for the powerful arm that suddenly grabbed the iron door, I would have thought it was just a simple liquid man.

Qin Feng took a look, and his frown suddenly loosened, and he couldn't help but sneer: "Hehe, ice and fire wolves and mucus monsters, I thought they were some terrible monsters."

These three are just low-level among low-level ones. In other words, they are only two or three times stronger than ordinary beasts on this planet.

There is no point to see, there must be someone who can kill them, but these people are too stupid.

Wouldn't it be exposing yourself to the monster if you go directly over? Given the huge disparity between the abilities of monsters and humans, they should actually hide at the edge of the iron box first, waiting for the monsters to chase and kill others before looking for weapons.

Safe and convenient.

But soon, Qin Feng shut up.

These monsters are still too scary for humans.

Two ice and fire wolves and a slime monster completely killed everyone in the arena, and the arena was a purgatory.

Bloody, scary.

But Qin Feng forgot that the soldiers in front of him were very close to him, and his light voice was heard.

Among the soldiers in front of him, several turned around and looked at Qin Feng.

"Hey, you, a third-class soldier, are so talkative? You look so arrogant!"

"Why don't you go down and enjoy it."

"That's right, he is just a third-class soldier who just got out of his lowly status not long ago, and he still has the nerve to talk."

"Come on, let's throw him down too, otherwise these people below will be too weak to fight."

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