Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 219 You are the ones who will die

In the Colosseum, after the monster was released, corpses were everywhere.

There were blood and flesh everywhere, and miserable screams.

A man dressed as a soldier was pushed out from the small door of the stands, tall and mighty.

His face was hidden under the helmet, dark.

He was Qin Feng.

Above his head, on the stands.

Those soldiers whistled at him and gave him the middle finger.

Dirty words.

"Ahahaha, this third-class soldier's confused look is really funny!"

"This man must be scared."

"Little white face, damn, it's definitely fun to be trampled into meat paste."

"Colored pen, colored pen!!!"

Qin Feng turned around and sneered, looking at the scene of monsters killing humans in front of him, he was extremely excited.

He ran away, turned around and ran into the chaotic dust and crowd, and disappeared from everyone's sight.

Those soldiers were still cheering and saying something that was hard to hear.

In a blink of an eye, the third-class soldier who was pushed in by them just now actually rushed into the monster pile by himself. Isn't this looking for death?

"Uh, what is he doing? Committing suicide?"

"I don't know, wow, he probably thinks he can't survive, so he's going to die quickly."

"Ahahaha, or maybe he thinks he can kill it? He went to grab the weapons in the middle."

"How is it possible? I'm afraid he was killed by the ice and fire wolf and the slime monster before he took a few steps."

"Especially the ice and fire wolf, it's simply a bug. One of their mouths spews cold air and the other spews fire, both of which are extremely hot!"

"I heard that the chief pastoral official had a lot of trouble catching them, and that person is dead."

But just as these soldiers were talking, the praying girl that Qin Feng had seen before slowly walked over.

She spoke softly behind them: "You are all wrong, this person will not die."

The soldiers turned around and saw a beautiful woman with a charming face and mixed-race appearance.

For a moment, lust was aroused.

"Hey, little girl, what are you talking about?"

"Such a beautiful woman is rare in Doomsday."

"You are not a good girl to come and see such bloody things."

"Would you like to spend some time with your brothers? They love you."

"Our things are bigger than those of other men in the city."

The girl smiled brightly, not caring about these obscene words at all.

She said lightly: "It's you who will die."

The girl's voice was very prominent, and all of a sudden, the soldiers were quiet.

He looked at the girl in front of him for a while, and then burst into a huge laugh.

Although all of them are nobles, residents of the middle class and above in the city.

But no one dares to disrespect the soldiers, which is also the capital of the soldiers' arrogance.

The girl said that the third-class soldier who rushed into the monster pile would not die, but they would die instead?


Everyone laughed so hard that they fell forward and backward. A man who laughed so hard that his stomach hurt came over and patted the girl's shoulder: "Little girl, are you kidding?"

"Do you know what this glass is used for? In peacetime, machine gun bullets can't penetrate it."

"The giant monster personally tested it and hammered his hands until they were rotten, but it was still useless."

He pointed at himself: "Will I die? Hahaha, I won't die even if you die."

The girl's soft eyes passed through several people and surrendered to the man in the Colosseum, with a deep smile in her eyes.

Said: "Oh? Then I'm just a kind reminder, you continue."

The soldiers laughed again. The soldier just now wanted to touch the girl.

"Little liar," the soldier said, "If you cheat us, you will pay the price for cheating us."

Reached out to touch the little white rabbit under the girl's white clothes.

The girl also reached out and slowly unbuttoned the two buttons on her clothes, and took out a pendant from it, with the word "Mu" written on it.

"Touch me," the girl said, "think about the price you will pay."

The soldier's hand paused, and the embossed word "Mu" on it was gilded and glittered in the sun.

Is this girl from the Mu family?

The girl saw that the soldier was stunned, took back the pendant and smiled slightly.

Finally, she looked in the direction of Qin Feng again, with a hint of admiration in her eyes.

She turned around and left.

The soldiers behind him were a little confused and asked, "Fuck, what are you standing there for?"

"That's right, go ahead, the girl didn't mean to resist."

"Group P in broad daylight, how interesting."

"That's right, so young, must be a pink."

The soldier turned around and said, trembling, "She, she is from the Mu family."

In an instant, everyone's face changed drastically, the Mu family, the Mu family where Chief Mu Zheng was?

But aren't the Mu family members all in the center of the defensive city?

Why are they here? In this bloody place of wine and meat?

"We seem to have offended the Mu family!"

"It's over, we're going to be cut into pieces."

"Oh, no, Chief Mu Zheng is not such a cruel person, right?"

"Don't worry about it for now," a man said tremblingly at this time, "Why don't you take care of that third-class soldier first, he, he's coming up."

The soldier's voice was trembling and scared, and the others said they couldn't understand.

That third-class soldier? Why did you mention that third-class soldier?

And he came up! ?

Everyone turned around and was about to yell at that person impatiently.

They saw that not far from them, a man in a third-class soldier's uniform jumped onto the glass cover.

Because it was slippery, he went down quickly.

But when he fell, he stepped on the head of the huge monster below!

Then he continued to jump up, with loud bangs, which stunned the audience in the stands.

"Is this Spider-Man?"

"So awesome? No, no, no, so unreasonable?"

"Wait, what is he going to do?"

The audience gradually exclaimed, this is a super high ability that has not been seen in many years.

This third-class soldier actually dared to step on the monster's head?

Looking for death? Don't want to die?

These soldiers also hurriedly surrounded him, and Qin Feng just fell off the glass cover.

The ice wolf's huge claws slapped down, and it seemed to have hit Qin Feng, making a sound of flesh breaking.


"Wow, why are you trying to be cool? You're dead anyway?"

"Rubbish, pretending!"

"Ahahaha, you're a meat paste!"

"What are you worried about? No one can beat the Ice and Fire Wolf, not even the Chief of Pastoral Affairs!"

Just as they were enjoying watching the feast, a tall figure suddenly jumped up from the ground and fell on the glass cover in front of them.

Bang! !

Qin Feng knocked the glass and shook it.

Looking at the person in the glass cover, a cruel smile appeared on his face.

He let go and fell down, and the next thing that hit the glass cover was the huge claws of the Fire Wolf!

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