"Nanzao City?" Qin Feng muttered, "Isn't it the place where that fool Wang Junqi said that group of people came?"

Under Qin Feng's pressure, Wang Junqi said that the people in the car had said that there was a military base in Nanzao City that was completely safe, and they wanted to go there.

This is Nanzao City, and it’s also a military base, maybe

"What a mistake," Qin Feng sneered, "It seems that we are going to meet them this time."

Qin Feng lowered his eyes, and what was hidden under his eyes was a danger soaked in blood.

Find them, then throw them one by one into the zombie crowd, and let them see with their own eyes what it feels like to be bitten to death by zombies.

Then he would transport them back as zombies or corpses, and he would bury them with his own hands.

Converging his gaze, Qin Feng no longer saw any bloody hatred in his eyes.

The terrain here looks more complicated than the prison we went to last time. Find the way out here as soon as possible.

Then, go find out if those people are really here.

12 hours, kill them and then kill the zombies, that's enough.

Qin Feng walked out along the corridor.

It seems that this place has already encountered a zombie crisis. Most of the simple facilities have been destroyed in a mess, and there are not many broken arms and limbs.

But there were blood stains on the walls, on the floor, and even on the light strips, black blood, and blackened red blood.

There was no one left, and all the scientific equipment had been knocked to pieces.

For example, in the corridor with flickering lights, next to Qin Feng's left foot is the frame of the microscope, and not far away is the broken barrel of the microscope.

There are holes left by bullets everywhere. There is a place in front where the ceiling is densely covered with bullet holes and stains of blood.

It should have been caused by someone being thrown to the ground by a zombie and then shooting upwards in a panic.

You can imagine what happened here when the zombie virus broke out.

Qin Feng really wanted to find a way out, but he was a road addict. Unless he deliberately memorized a path, it would be easy to lose his direction as soon as the direction changed.

Wandering around, Qin Feng didn't know where he was now.

"Why is the design of this research institute so complicated?" Qin Feng sighed, "If someone comes to steal the research results, will he get lost and faint here?"

And just as he was saying this, there was a dense sound of footsteps above his head, pat pat pat pat!

Like drum beats, there are light steps at first, with order and direction, and then heavy, messy and aimless steps.

It's a group of people chasing one person, no, in this day and age it should be said to be a group of zombies chasing one person.

The footsteps were like the passing of the wind, and soon spread to the distance.

Qin Feng shook his head: "Forget it, let's find a way out first. I really can't change this stupid way. Damn it."

Bang bang bang, the sound of brisk footsteps came again, and they were about to reach Qin Feng's head.

Layers of smoke and dust were shaken down, and the floating smoke particles were cut into streaks under the flickering lights here.

Qin Feng was just about to reach the place where bullet holes were extremely dense, and at this moment, there was a particularly loud blowing sound from above!

boom! As if hitting the ground with a big hammer, more and more ash fell down.

"Bang!" There was another loud noise, and the place actually broke, and countless pieces of gravel fell down.

Qin Feng quickly turned around and raised his hands to protect his eyes.

After the ashes faded a little, Qin Feng raised his head, but one of his legs fell off.

Wearing small leather shoes and white mid-leg socks, her legs are very beautiful.

And upwards, there are panties of the same color. Perhaps the skirt is stuck on top and is too high, exposing all the way to the position above the ribs.

And these legs, these white panties, when Qin Feng raised his head, they were only a fist away from his face.

Because of Wang Junqi's shadow, Qin Feng took a closer look and realized, well, it was a woman.

"Woo, eh, eh!" The person with the legs was struggling, probably because he was stuck.

"Damn it, I'm stuck." A girl's voice came from above. It wasn't a sweet lolita sound, but it was still very sweet.

"I knew I would have made it bigger. It's really annoying to have a pair of breasts that are out of proportion to my body."

"Those zombies are coming soon, let me get down quickly."

"Depend on!"

The girl rocked her body back and forth, causing her body to sway back and forth.

Then, he touched Qin Feng's forehead.

She was obviously stunned for a moment, and quickly shouted: "It's a human or a zombie! If it's a human, can you help me? My breasts are too big and stuck!"

Qin Feng took a step back. It had been too long since he had sex, and he saw that this loli's legs were still a bit...

"It's a human being," Qin Feng replied, "But why should I help you?"

When the girl heard Qin Feng's reply, she quickly said in surprise: "It's a man! Man, can you help me? I just led the zombies to the trap here and wanted to hit the floor and jump out. But, the hit was too small and it got stuck!"

"Then I need some benefits," Qin Feng asked, "Do you know the way here?"

"We know each other," the girl said, "Don't you know the way? I do. I will take you out! The stairs on the floor above are all blocked by zombies. There is an escape hatch on your floor. I will take you there! "

Qin Feng snorted softly, reached out and grabbed the girl's ankle, and said, "I pulled it, don't feel it hurts."

"Well, you pull it!" the girl said.

Qin Feng's hand strength is not ordinary. If someone else had pulled her, he might not be able to pull the girl off after a long time.

Qin Feng pulled, and the girl slid down from the hole above with a plop.

She screamed and fell towards Qin Feng, and Qin Feng also fell backwards as usual.

With a bang, the two fell to the ground.

To be precise, Qin Feng fell to the ground, and the girl sat on Qin Feng's chest, and then her skirt covered Qin Feng's face.

Qin Feng:.

"It's a close call to meet you," the girl quickly got up, a little surprised, "Ah, the clothes are torn."

Qin Feng sat up, this is still a girl with twin ponytails, and she looks a little cute.

Hatsune Miku?

The girl's clothes on her chest were all torn because of something scratching her, revealing

Fortunately, she was wearing underwear.

Otherwise, it would be a feast for the eyes.

The girl groaned, stretched out her hand and tore the skirt directly, throwing it aside: "I've had enough of this skirt."

She turned around and pulled Qin Feng, who was a little surprised and slightly opened his lips, and said: "Let's go, hurry up. Follow me, I'll protect you!"

"." Qin Feng was helpless and was directly pulled away by this fierce girl with twin ponytails.

This is not Hatsune Miku. His previous thoughts were bullshit.

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