Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 55 The fallen base

The little loli, wearing pure white underwear, didn't care about the eyes of the people behind her at all, and pulled Qin Feng to run quickly on this floor.

Turning left and right, she was very fast.

Of course, Qin Feng had no problem keeping up, and it was just a leisurely jog for Qin Feng.

However, the terrain here was too complicated, and he turned left and right with the little loli.

Qin Feng actually felt like he was playing Temple Run.

Finally, Qin Feng came to a locker room, the women's locker room, under the guidance of the little loli.

As soon as he opened the door and went in, he was hit by a foul smell.

Qin Feng looked closely and saw a female corpse nailed to the wall facing them.

A thing, which should be called a long spike, pierced through the female corpse's mouth and throat, nailing her to the wall.

It had been a certain number of days, and the body had begun to rot, with a few flies crawling on it.

Qin Feng frowned slightly, but the little girl looked straight ahead, seemingly not surprised at all why the female corpse died here in such a weird posture.

The little girl let go of Qin Feng's hand, ran to a dressing box, opened it, and took out clothes from it to wear.

If she really didn't shy away from Qin Feng, then Qin Feng didn't need to be shy.

Leaning against the side of the cabinet, she just looked at the little girl.

She had a good figure. Although she was not tall, she was well-proportioned and curvy.

"Okay, this is the most comfortable," the little girl said, "Ah, why are you looking at me?"

Qin Feng: You almost broke in front of me. I can't even take a look.

But Qin Feng is more concerned about his goal now. He asked, "Didn't you say you could lead the way? Why are you bringing me here now?"

"Put on some clothes and get weapons," the little girl said, "There are a bunch of zombies down there, but since you have two knives, I won't find them for you."

After that, the little girl took out a baseball bat from the cabinet, weighed it in her hand, and said, "Let's go! Let's talk about the situation here as we walk."

Then she dragged Qin Feng away in a hurry.

The little girl's name is Chu Rou. In her own words, it's because she is charming and gentle.

She is a staff member here.

When the zombie virus broke out outside, the military took corresponding measures to protect this place.

But it was still captured by zombies.

When she was captured, she was sleeping on the upper floor, using the terrain to escape the zombies all the way, and ended up meeting Qin Feng in that weird way.

"The princess dress was actually worn by a colleague of mine who was bitten by a zombie," Chu Rou said. "I had no choice but to run out wearing it. I couldn't just run naked like this."

Qin Feng: What did you do just now?

Qin Feng wanted to block Chu Rou's mouth. This elder sister was simply a violent loli and a chatterbox.

"Let's not talk nonsense. Because this is a military territory, the terrain is more complicated," Chu Rou said. "Except for our internal personnel, others will always get lost and be arrested by us."

Finally stopped, Chu Rou and Qin Feng leaned against the wall and squatted down.

"But don't worry, the escape hatch on this floor is almost here," Chu Rou said, "These teams didn't say a word when they evacuated. I was sleeping, and a big zombie pounced on me and scared me to death."

Qin Feng rubbed his aching temple, resisted the urge to chop Chu Rou with a knife, and asked: "So, you mean that everyone who came here has evacuated?"

"Yes, anyway, when I woke up from a nap, the whole base fell."

Qin Feng was still thinking about that group of people, so he asked: "Did any foreign convoys come to join the military before?"

Chu Rou thought for a while and said: "Yes, there were many, but the military basically didn't dare to accept them. Because you don't know if the outsiders carry the zombie virus. Basically, they were all driven away."

Qin Feng:.

That means that the clues are broken again, and the group will definitely not be accepted by the military after they come to Nanzao City.

Qin Feng sighed, and the previous strong hatred slightly disappeared.

In this case, there is no need for him to go with Chu Rou.

The way will always be found, and he helped Chu Rou in the beginning not only because he was tempted by the pair of long legs of a little girl, but also because he wanted to know the way of the group from her.

Now that the clue is broken, let's go our separate ways.

"In this case, I won't go with you." Qin Feng was about to stand up while talking, but was pulled down by Chu Rou.

She said, "Don't make noise, the zombies are coming."

Pulling Qin Feng down, Qin Feng's hand was directly clamped under the armpit by her.

Then, it touched... Damn, it's so big.

Qin Feng looked over and saw a few lost zombies. He snorted and was about to draw a knife from behind to chop them.

At this time, Chu Rou stood up with a baseball bat.

She strode forward and was directly exposed to the zombie's field of vision: "Hey, come here!" She hooked her small and slender fingers at the zombie.

The zombie paused for a moment, and rushed towards Chu Rou with a roar of "ho ho ho, uh uh uh".

Qin Feng was still holding the knife behind him, and was about to go forward.

Chu Rou, who was just as tall as Qin Feng's chest, rushed over with a baseball bat.

One stick, two sticks, three sticks. The zombies' heads exploded directly!

Several small zombies died just like that, and their heads were smashed.

Chu Rou put the baseball bat on her shoulder and turned to Qin Feng and said, "How about it? It's right to follow me! I can lead the way and protect you."

Qin Feng:.

"Let's go, the escape exit is just ahead," Chu Rou said, "but the real danger should be after we get out."

Qin Feng admired this loli girl named Chu Rou a little. Not only is she sexy and cute, but she is also quite independent.

She was not like other women when facing zombies. She screamed continuously and was so scared that she almost pushed the man out to block the gun.

Maybe, it's not bad to walk together for a while. 12 hours can't be wasted.

The two walked for a while on this floor. The light was getting brighter and brighter. They were about to reach the escape exit that Chu Rou said could directly reach the ground.

Just when they were about to pass, Chu Rou stopped Qin Feng and pulled him aside.

The sound of chewing and swallowing came from the air, and the zombies' ugh ugh, ho ho ho filled the whole space.

"These zombies are dangerous," Chu Rou said with a serious expression, unlike the previous one when she rushed out directly, "Let's find a way to take a detour."

Qin Feng frowned and leaned over to look.

I saw three zombies lowering their heads to eat something.

After a closer look, Qin Feng's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

These zombies are actually besieging and biting another zombie?

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