Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 56 Mutated Zombies

"What's going on?" Qin Feng asked in a low voice, "Zombies are biting zombies?"

"I can't explain this to you," Chu Rou looked like she was hiding something, and said, "I just discovered that some zombies will eat zombies, so it's very dangerous."

Qin Feng looked at Chu Rou's eyes and dodged slightly, and he understood in his heart, and didn't ask any more questions.

Pulling out a long knife from behind, the sound of metal friction was obviously abnormal in the air, and the zombies stopped biting.

"Hey, what do you want to do?" Chu Rou grabbed Qin Feng who was holding a knife and said, "You can't kill them, they are very strong?"

"Oh?" Qin Feng smiled and asked, "How do you know, didn't you just find them?"

Chu Rou stopped talking, Qin Feng snorted coldly, drew his knife and walked over directly.

However, when he got closer, Qin Feng realized what the danger Chu Rou was talking about was. These zombies are really different from ordinary zombies.

These zombies are similar in appearance to ordinary zombies, but their eyes are not pure gray and white, but with a little green viscous liquid.

They wore uniform clothes, just like the prisoners in the prison.

However, there were countless needles on these clothes that pierced through the clothes and nailed them.

Grayish-white eyes soaked in green juice, gray-purple skin like plastic rubber, and bloody mouths full of black blood because of biting their own kind.

Qin Feng rushed up with a knife, and the zombies roared and chased Qin Feng.

Qin Feng raised his hand and chopped straight at them.




All kinds of fighting sounds were heard.

After a series of operations, Qin Feng didn't kill a zombie.

"Uh uh uh~~~~" It sounded like someone strangled their throats, and Qin Feng panted.

Qin Feng's heart was alarmed, and it seemed that he couldn't chop randomly.

Qin Feng understood the difference between these zombies. Their combat effectiveness was at least several times that of the ordinary zombies before!

Zombies were instinctive and would only pounce on humans.

But the strength and attack speed of these zombies were obviously stronger than other zombies, and they were very purposeful, gnawing at Qin Feng's neck.

Qin Feng twisted his neck, and his cervical vertebrae made a clicking sound.

Staring at the zombies, he took out another knife from his back.

At this time, Chu Rou was hiding in the dark, observing carefully.

"I didn't expect this man to be so powerful," Chu Rou took a deep breath, "If it was an ordinary zombie, it would definitely be killed instantly. However, these zombies escaped from that place and created the chaos here. They are not so easy to kill."

Who is he?

Chu Rou couldn't help but recall in her heart. She had never seen this person before. Was he a newly recruited zombie tester?

Specialized in chopping zombies in the laboratory?

Not like that, those people don't have such good equipment as him.

Chu Rou continued to cling to the wall and carefully observed everything here.

Ho ho ho! Uh uh uh!

The zombies were only stagnant for a little while, and soon pounced on Qin Feng again.

Qin Feng had understood everything the moment he came into contact with the zombies. Of course, he also observed and judged the weaknesses of these zombies.

Generally, in addition to shooting the zombies in the head and stabbing their hearts, you can beat them to pieces.

However, the skin of these zombies has obviously been strengthened. If you just cut them straight, you can only make a cut. Qin Feng can cut them in half, but it is very risky.

Therefore, beating them to pieces and stabbing their hearts will not work.

You can only cut the neck!

Qin Feng raised his knife and rushed over. The zombie raised his hands and opened his mouth to pounce on Qin Feng.

Qin Feng dodged the zombie's claws sideways and blocked the zombie's pounce with his left hand.

He swung his other hand back and found the neck of the zombie in front of him, using about 50% of his strength.


The zombie's head was still chopped off by Qin Feng!

There were two more zombies. One of them took advantage of the gap when Qin Feng was blocking and attacking to attack Qin Feng's waist and bit Qin Feng's waist directly.

"Be careful!" Chu Rou screamed in fear.

However, the zombie bit him with a snap, and the protective effect of the protective suit was immediately revealed.

The zombie didn't bite him at all!

Chu Rou opened her eyes wide. Did she see it right? The zombie's teeth broke! ?

Broken? ? ?

Qin Feng sneered, turned back, and the blade rotated downward and stabbed the zombie's neck.

With a snap, the zombie's neck made a sound of cervical vertebrae being cut off, and fell directly to the ground.

At the same time, the zombie from the front was also chopped sideways by Qin Feng, and the head flew out directly.

Qin Feng retracted his hand, and the three so-called "dangerous" zombies were killed by Qin Feng in an instant.

Chu Rou's heart: Wow, my God, this, this is something that even the special forces in the army can't do. This person actually knows the weaknesses of these zombies after just one fight?

Is this so strong?

[Ding, mutant zombie corpses detected, the space package capacity occupied is 1:50, do you choose to collect?]

Mutated zombies?

Are these zombies mutated? Can zombies mutate?

Qin Feng lowered his head and sneered in his heart. It seems that this place is full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers. There are still many secrets.

"Collect." Qin Feng said.

The space package shook twice, and three mutant zombies were received in his arms.

Chu Rou on the side was shocked again by the scene in front of him. Zombies disappeared?

"Wow, what are you doing?" Chu Rou came out at this time and said, "Zombies, why are the zombies gone?"

Qin Feng patted the package on his waist.

There is nothing to hide. As for whether Chu Rou can understand it, it is Chu Rou's own business.

Chu Rou's eyes turned and said, "No wonder, I felt that you were very special from the beginning. Super strong combat power, calm attitude and unique equipment."

Chu Rou smiled and said, "This doomsday, many monsters appeared."

"A lot?" Qin Feng asked.

"Yes," Chu Rou did not explain, "A lot."

She did not say anything, nor did she continue to show a surprised look, and continued to move forward.

Qin Feng also followed behind, and the two of them walked for a while and finally found the escape hatch.

Chu Rou said, "This escape exit leads to the large playground of the base, where there are also many zombies. I wanted to protect you and rush out together, but now it seems that it is not necessary."

"There are off-road vehicles, armored vehicles, and several helicopters outside the playground. Although I don't know if they have been driven away by the retreating people, it is at least a way out, isn't it?"

Chu Rou smiled, and it seemed that she didn't have much intention to go with Qin Feng.

It's not that she didn't want to, of course she was willing to go with such a strong and handsome man. However, now that the zombies ran out, she naturally couldn't leave immediately.

"I'll help you open the escape exit," Chu Rou said, "you go by yourself."

She said while operating, and before she finished speaking, Chu Rou's face changed drastically: "Fuck. These beasts sealed the escape exit with cement!"

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