Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 57 Mutant Zombie Experiment

Qin Feng went forward to check, and sure enough, the escape hatch that could accommodate an adult was completely sealed with cement.

"This is not just ordinary cement," Chu Rou frowned and said, "This is specially developed for bonding and construction of extremely important buildings in the world. This cannot be split with a knife, and cannot be corroded by acid."

She exhaled: "These people are too ruthless. They just sealed it without caring whether there are any survivors in the building. No need to look, the door and the emergency escape window are all sealed."

"You keep talking about those people, those teams," Qin Feng asked, "Why did they block this place, and those mutated zombies, wearing such uniform clothes, I don't believe they came from outside, can you give a reasonable explanation?"

"Mutation?" Chu Rou The tone was still a little trembling, and it seemed that he still wanted to hide it a little, "Do you think they have mutated?"

"I have fought with countless zombies, and no zombie is the same as the three heads," Qin Feng said, "Ordinary zombies can be killed by me with a single operation. After all, they were human flesh and blood before. They have no brains, no fear, and can only rush forward.

These zombies are of course also rushing without thinking, but their attack power and skin hardness are stronger than before."

"So," Qin Feng lowered his eyes and looked at Chu Rou, saying, "You'd better tell me the truth."

Chu Rou looked at Qin Feng, with a hint of surprise in her eyes, but it quickly disappeared.

She stood up and said something that was not relevant to the question: "You should go to a place with me first. There is more than one zombie like the one just now."

Qin Feng felt that Chu Rou was going to explain to him what she had said before, so he nodded and followed Chu Rou.

Chu Rou explained the situation here thoroughly as she walked.

The zombie virus broke out more than two or three months ago. At that time, several major military regions here responded most quickly.

Protect some people, scientific researchers, etc. in the military base.

At the beginning, it was just a simple defense, because when it first broke out, everyone thought they could control it and survive.

But gradually, news came out that the team here could not resist for long.

It is necessary to use large weapons and even develop new weapons to fight zombies.

So, some scientific researchers put forward the idea of ​​using their own methods to fight back.

Use the captured living zombies for scientific research, so that zombies can kill zombies without using humans.

So a weapons research institute was established here, and the weapons used were not machine guns and ammunition, but zombies.

It was the mutant zombie just now.

"It was very effective at the beginning," Chu Rou said as she walked, "During the test, these mutant zombies can obey human commands to slaughter ordinary zombies."

"And later, these zombies can even help us resist some small zombie sieges."

"The team took them with them, just like police dogs, to encircle and suppress zombies together."

Qin Feng nodded, it turned out to be transformed into tool weapons.

Qin Feng continued to ask: "What happened later? Those zombies just attacked humans."

"The problem lies in a genome," Chu Rou said, "The research team said that they have developed obedient and powerful zombies, but one of the gene maps obtained is an uncertain genome."

"I wanted to study it further, but I didn't expect someone to have such an idea."

"This gene map was sold before it was completed, and it seems that someone in the organization saw the commercial value of this aspect and kept doing experiments on zombies."

"Finally, the unstable genome finally mutated."

So, they locked up these mutated zombies.

These zombies cannot be killed, so their actions can only be restricted.

Then the organization quickly organized personnel to participate in the research to restrain this change of the situation, and Chu Rou was one of them.

"I worked hard for three days and three nights," Chu Rou said, "and then I went to sleep. I didn't expect that when I woke up, my colleagues around me had turned into zombies."

Qin Feng:.

But what made Qin Feng speechless was that the place where Chu Rou brought him was actually the laser channel that almost split him before.

"Here is my laboratory." Chu Rou put her palm on a small secret door at the door, and that place suddenly lit up.

A ray of light on the screen traced Chu Rou's palm, and then the sturdy door at the end of the corridor opened.

Qin Feng followed Chu Rou up, and sure enough, there was no sizzling sound of electricity.

"Fuck!" Chu Rou looked up and said in surprise, "Who cut the wires? This backup circuit is used!"

Qin Feng said leisurely: "It was me."

Chu Rou turned her head and looked at Qin Feng, her eyes narrowed slightly.

Qin Feng shrugged, meaning: I cut it, so what.

Chu Rou sighed, shook her ponytails, and came to the door.

This time, she put her eyes into a small frame on the side of the door, and a red light swept across her eyes from top to bottom.

With two beeps, the gray door in front of her quietly opened.

"This is really a scientific laboratory," Qin Feng asked, covering his head, "Chu Rou, are you a laboratory assistant? Or an intern?"

In this laboratory, zombies are indeed being studied.

Like the zombies that were dressed in uniform and looked like prisoners before, several cylindrical columns here are filled with liquid.

There were zombies in uniform floating inside, with needles and iron spikes crisscrossing their bodies.

Chu Rou closed the door of the laboratory, slowly walked to a table, put on the round-frame glasses on it, turned around and said: "Number 17658, Chu Rou, senior biological gene coding experimenter in the No. 7 laboratory of the Fourth Military Region Weapons Research Institute in Nanzao City."

Qin Feng: ".Scientist?"

"The outside world generally calls us scientists," Chu Rou shrugged and said, "Why, Qin Feng, don't you believe it? I don't look like a scientist?"

Qin Feng looked at Chu Rou's shaking ponytails, and remembered the first time he saw her falling from the upstairs, and his mouth twitched.

Qin Feng said honestly: "Not like it."

Chu Rou laughed and said: "That's right, after all, I am a genius girl, and I am only 19 years old now. No one believes that I am a senior experimenter in a scientific laboratory."

Qin Feng was surprised and helpless, and said: "Then why did you bring me here?"

"I used the biological gene drug that changes zombies to make a feeding potion before," Chu Rou said seriously, "I have to do an experiment now to see if I can feed back those zombies and turn them into ordinary zombies, and then kill them and rush out."

Chu Rou raised her hand and pointed at the zombies floating in the jar, and said: "Please help and get them out."

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