Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 91 The Ruthless Old Man

Qin Feng followed the old man to the top floor.

It was the place where he had seen clothes drying before.

But unlike the desolateness he imagined, this was an aerial garden with plants everywhere.

However, most of them had wilted due to lack of water, but it can be seen that the overall environment is still very good.

Qin Feng followed the old man and suddenly found that there were several people sleeping in the corner, or rather, several corpses.

They were already rotten beyond recognition.

"They are my son, daughter-in-law, and grandson," the old man said, "the one next to them is a security guard."

Qin Feng glanced at the corpses and did not show any surprise.

"When the zombie virus broke out, they were all bitten," the old man said, "I had no choice but to kill them all."

Qin Feng nodded: "They are about to become zombies, so it's better to die."

The old man was very cruel, but it was true that no matter how close the blood relationship was, they had to be killed if they were going to become zombies.

The old man should have been trapped here when the zombie virus broke out. If it were other people, they would have been very excited to see him and begged him to save them out.

Or ask for food right away.

The old man was in good spirits except for being a little weak, and he had no intention of asking Qin Feng for anything.

It was because of this that Qin Feng followed him up.

The two came to the edge of the rooftop garden, where there was a large open space with a few small chairs next to it.

Looking up, it was the scenery of the entire Hongteng City business and financial circle.

There were traces of other survivors living on the high-rise buildings, but after all, in three months, no matter how much food was stored, it would be exhausted.

People who stabbed themselves to death with knives, and people who were hanged with ropes.

All over the rooftops of other high-rise buildings.

On the opposite building, there was another body hung in the air by a corner of the building's sign.

It seemed that he also committed suicide by jumping off the building.

The old man sat down on the chair and asked Qin Feng to sit down.

Qin Feng also sat down without hesitation, without any fear.

"My last name is Guo, but I can't remember my name," the old man said, "You can just call me Grandpa Guo."

"Grandpa Guo," Qin Feng nodded, "My last name is Qin."

Grandpa Guo nodded and said, "Don't worry, I'm not asking you for help. I'm used to living here, and I don't want to die anywhere else."

"Besides," Grandpa Guo said, "my family is here, and I don't want to go anywhere else."

The bodies Grandpa Guo pointed to.

Qin Feng's heavy truck was so obvious that people on the seventh floor saw it. Grandpa Guo could see all the scenes in the financial and commercial circles of Hongteng City.

It's impossible not to see the heavy truck.

I was well-equipped, and Grandpa Guo must have seen that he had a base and supplies.

But the old man didn't look like he was asking for help.

Qin Feng also secretly observed this place. There was a small house, which was small but well-equipped, with certain daily necessities.

There were several large water tanks in the corner of this floor, which Grandpa Guo probably used to collect rainwater.

There are rattan chairs, beautiful scenery, and insects chirping.

If it weren't for the end of the world, Qin Feng would have thought this place was a paradise.

"Mr. Guo," Qin Feng couldn't help asking, "How long have you been trapped here?"

"I happened to be resting here when the zombie virus broke out. It's been three months since then."

"Did you have a lot of food reserves here before?"

"There were some, and I planted some myself, but now there's basically nothing left. I haven't eaten for seven days."

"Mr. Guo is so amazing, may I ask how old you are?"

"Over a hundred and four."

Qin Feng was stunned, Mr. Guo is over a hundred years old!

Let alone whether ordinary people can live over a hundred years old, this Mr. Guo is a hundred and four years old and can still walk briskly. Just now when he was on the seventeenth floor below, he was ruthless in the face of seven or eight zombies.

Dealing with zombies with ease, this, this is a god.

And the others, but haven't eaten for seven days.

Qin Feng thought for a moment and said, "How did you endure not eating for seven days, Mr. Guo?"

Mr. Guo smiled and said, "Breathing meditation is a method of self-cultivation in Tai Chi. A day passed unknowingly, and the brain was satisfied, so I didn't feel hungry."

Qin Feng nodded. This old man was indeed a good Tai Chi player.

"I have a question for you," Qin Feng asked, "I don't know if it's convenient to ask."

"You say."

"Mr. Guo, have you killed anyone before?"

Qin Feng asked this because he saw that Mr. Guo was extraordinary and fierce.

The skeletons of zombies are different from those of ordinary people, but Mr. Guo has no difficulty harvesting them.

It's obvious that he is an experienced expert.

Mr. Guo was silent for a long time, turned around, and stared at the sky in a daze.

The blue sky was reflected in Mr. Guo's somewhat turbid eyes, and I don't know what kind of emotions he was hiding.

Qin Feng sighed, maybe the old man was just practicing Kung Fu: "Mr. Guo, I'm just asking, you don't have to."

"No, no, no," Mr. Guo said, "I'm thinking about how many people I killed, ah, I can't count. I'm old"

Qin Feng: !!!

It seems that the old man is still recalling how many people he killed. He thought he asked the wrong question.

"I can't even remember how long ago society had so much etiquette and life," Mr. Guo said. "If you don't like it, hit him. If you hit him, you'll be beaten to death."

"It's easy to die in ordinary struggles, not to mention that people like us who travel around the world have life-and-death duels."

"The two sides have agreed on a duel and decided on the situation of life and death, but they are still responsible for life and death."

"Since I was 19 years old, I have been a disciple of the Tang Dynasty. I have robbed foreign lands and licked blood on the tip of my knife. During the war, I killed several traitors."

"All in all, there are more than fifty people in Linlin."

Qin Feng somewhat admired Mr. Guo.

According to Mr. Guo's age, he must have been from the Republic of China period. He lived in the Tang Hui. At that time, the Tang Hui was a person who licked blood on the tip of a knife and slept on a needle board.

The old man must also be a ruthless person.

Otherwise, in this doomsday, at such an old age, it would be impossible to survive alone outside for three months.

"But I remembered it recently," Mr. Guo said. "When the zombie virus broke out, some people in this building wanted to come up and kill me and take away my things. I threw them down the stairs one by one and died."

Qin Feng nodded, no wonder there were so many broken arms and limbs downstairs.

"But, Mr. Qin, you must be very curious as to why I invited you here," Mr. Guo looked at Qin Feng with sharp eyes, "I want to compete with you."

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