Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 92: Fighting, friendship regardless of age

Compete with him?

Qin Feng was a little confused. Could this old man be possessed by a demon?

Old man Guo stroked his long beard and said, "I have almost no rivals in my life, except for a master who learned Jeet Kune Do in my middle age, who fought me to a draw. Time has passed, and it has been decades, but I still feel a little bit upset."

"When I first met you, I felt that you, Qin, were extraordinary and must be a master."

"But your walking posture is exactly the same as that of the Jeet Kune Do master back then. I think you must be very good at Jeet Kune Do, right?"

Qin Feng was slightly surprised. He could see this?

Sure enough, this old man has a sharp eye.

Qin Feng nodded and said, "I know Jeet Kune Do."

"Who taught me?"

"I learned it by myself."

Grandpa Guo's eyes flashed with admiration, and he said, "Then you must be a martial arts genius. How about it? Are you interested in fighting with me?"

Qin Feng smiled and said, "Okay, Grandpa, please show some mercy."

Grandpa Guo laughed three times and said, "You are so much my favorite."

The two came to a wider place. Behind Qin Feng was the edge of the rooftop, and behind the old man was the bushes in the garden.

The essence of Jeet Kune Do is to attack quickly, both offensively and defensively.

And Tai Chi is soft and flexible. It seems slow but it hides a needle in cotton. It uses the force of others to fight back.

It is both attack and defense.

Qin Feng took the initiative to attack and swung his fist down.

Considering Grandpa Guo's physical condition, Qin Feng only used two or three levels of strength as usual.

After all, he now has nearly six times the physical strength of an ordinary person, and the old man has not eaten for a week.

However, after a punch, the old man lowered his body slightly, and then the force of Qin Feng's rush moved back.

Qin Feng's previous force was directly neutralized, and the whole person rushed forward, skipping Grandpa Guo.

Qin Feng stood still and turned around, with amazement in his eyes.

"Qin kid, continue." Grandpa Guo stepped forward, rubbing his hands and scooping up the spring.

Qin Feng smiled and continued to rush forward.

Close-range kicking, using hands and feet, both offensive and defensive.

Since Tai Chi is to use the force to fight the force, Qin Feng will not rush forward, but choose to attack with force, quickly shifting his attack position.

So that Grandpa Guo has no way to resolve his moves in a slow and gentle way.

However, how can he compare with Grandpa Guo's actual combat experience?

Qin Feng's advantage is youth, of course he did not use his full strength, six times that of ordinary people, the old man is not enough to fight.

Grandpa Guo has deep kung fu and first-class experience. He is still as steady as a mountain after being hit by Qin Feng for several rounds.

The two entangled for a while and separated at the same time.

The two men had an estimate of each other's strength.

Mr. Guo looked at the young man in front of him, and even though he was well-informed, he could not hide his admiration.

This young man obviously restrained his strength and lowered himself to fight him.

Every move was more fierce than that Jeet Kune Do master back then, and even his skills were better than that man.

He was so powerful at such a young age, and he was self-taught.

A martial arts genius!

Qin Feng was also shocked when he looked at the old man.

This old man's Tai Chi Kung Fu can be said to be perfect. Each move was soft, slow but light, and hard and soft.

It is not an exaggeration to praise a master.

"Good, good, good!" The old man stopped first and said, "I admire you. I admire you. You are really a rising star. Qin boy, you are so powerful."

Qin Feng smiled and said, "Compared to Mr. Guo, I am really nothing."

Qin Feng said the truth. He is the real Kung Fu.

Tai Chi is indeed one of the essences of Chinese martial arts, and Qin Feng is convinced.

Grandpa Guo then frowned slightly and said: "Qin boy, you have extraordinary abilities. You must protect yourself well in this doomsday. Don't learn from other rescue stations and save people blindly."

Qin Feng:. Shouldn't these people persuade him to be a savior?

Grandpa Guo sighed and said: "I also thought that saving a human being is a blessing. But I have lived for most of my life, and I have done all the bad and good things. But I have only realized a little truth here in the past three months."

"I would like to hear more about it." Qin Feng said.

"My children are very kind, they took in a family," said Mr. Guo, "but in order to get food and fight for this place, the family actually opened the door and let the zombies in to bite my children."

"Later, in order to prevent them from becoming zombies, I killed them with my own hands."

"Of course, the family also underestimated me, an old man who was half buried in the ground. I threw them all down."

Qin Feng nodded as he listened. Isn't this a typical case of the doomsday saint being fucked back?

Mr. Guo's eyes were full of heartache.

He said: "So Qin kid, your extraordinary ability is not because you want to be a savior, and you shouldn't have such an idea. It's enough to protect yourself well, understand?"

"I understand." Qin Feng said.

"That's good, hahaha," Mr. Guo laughed loudly and said, "You are really my type. If it weren't for the doomsday, maybe we could have become close friends."

Mr. Guo narrowed his eyes and said, "Qin, let's put it this way. You and I are destined to be together. I am over a hundred years old, and my family all died in this doomsday. I will give you something as a gift to you, my friend."

Qin Feng watched Mr. Guo take out a well-made key with no rust at all from his Tang suit pocket, and said: "There is a cemetery on the outskirts of Hongteng City. There is a bunker three kilometers north of the cemetery in the forest. You open the door there and there's enough stuff inside to survive the apocalypse."

Qin Feng took the key and felt a huge weight as soon as he received it.

The metal this key is made of should also be very expensive.

Mr. Guo said seriously: "However, I listened to the radio recently and some people said that there is some kind of base in that cemetery where people can have a place to live.

I suspect that someone has found it there, but there is no way to open the door. You have to go as soon as possible, and then transport out as much of the contents as you can use. If you can't transport it out, if it explodes, don't leave it to others. "

Qin Feng nodded and held the key and knife in his arms.

Mr. Guo should give him some very important supplies.

"I have spent my whole life sitting on glory, wealth, and blood. I have had enough of everything," Mr. Guo said. "I hope you, Mr. Qin, can live a good life. Alas, it would be great if I had the opportunity to teach you Tai Chi. It's a pity that this kind of kung fu It won’t be possible without time and effort, just let it disappear with my bones.”

Qin Feng sighed. In fact, he looked very much like a Tai Chi student, having mastered such profound skills.

Are those zombies enough?

"I'll take you down," Mr. Guo smiled openly, "It's enough for me to make a friend like you, Mr. Qin, before I die."

It was also the first time that Qin Feng felt the urge to kill without seeing a human being, so he followed Mr. Guo to the entrance and downstairs.

However, the moment the door was opened, a sharp steel bar pierced the shoulder of Mr. Guo who was walking in front.

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