The dark setting sun, the cold wind rustling.

If you smell carefully, there is still a hint of blood in the air.

When Lu Kuan woke up, he was knocked unconscious, so his mind was not very clear.

The first thing he saw was the setting sun on the huge floor-to-ceiling glass window, which was blood red.

A large piece of scarlet spread down, shining on the tied person in front of him.

The tied person was the man in the shirt.

"What's the situation?"

"What's going on?"

Lu Kuan wanted to stand up, but he found that he was also tied tightly, with his hands tied behind his back.

Moreover, a very long rope was wrapped around his neck and hung up somewhere, and the other end of the rope was tied to an unknown place.

The shirt man opposite also had it on his neck!

Lu Kuan subconsciously felt that something was wrong, someone tied them up! !

He kicked the shirt man with his legs: "Hey, hey, hey, wake up! Fuck! Wake up!"

Lu Kuan kicked very urgently, and the shirt man shook twice and woke up.

It took him a second or two to see the scene clearly. He was also surprised: "What's going on? What happened? Why are we tied here!"

No matter how the two struggled, they couldn't get free.

And the more they struggled, the tighter the knot on their hands seemed to be.

"Fuck," Lu Kuan stopped struggling, and the burrs on the rope pierced his flesh. He cursed, "Which bastard did this! Is Xiao He still that man?"

"Isn't Xiao He dead?" said the man in the shirt.

Lu Kuan remembered Qin Feng beating Mo Chuan to death with a steel bar on the top floor, and he shuddered subconsciously.

But he was soon covered by anger again, and cursed: "Damn it, wait until I get out, and kill this kid!"

"I'm going to castrate him and fuck him!"

"The pretty boy looks young and so arrogant, dare to tie me up!"

"See how I kill him when I get out!"

However, Lu Kuan kept mumbling, and a pair of eyes hidden in the dark showed a mocking smile.

Suddenly, there was a sound of rope sliding quickly in the air, and Lu Kuan and the man in the shirt didn't have time to react.

The rope tied to their hands and necks suddenly tightened, and then they were lifted up with their backs as the center of gravity.

The rope was tied around their wrists, waists, and necks, and they were all lifted up to the same level.

There was a cramp, and their stomachs were suddenly tightened when they were facing down, and their minds were turned upside down.

The two were lifted more than ten meters above the ground and hung high on the ceiling.

At this time, the two saw clearly that they were originally in the lobby on the first floor, and they were dropped on the ceiling of the lobby on the first floor.

The bloody sunset, the zombies outside were swaying, and they would be discovered as long as they made a little sound.

"Pa, pa, pa"

At this time, the sound of applause came from a corner.

The two were dropped on the top, and their faces turned red in just a few seconds. They looked at the two people walking down and couldn't help but be shocked.

"What? She, how come she's still alive?"

"Xiao He? Xiao He!"

Walking in front, holding two taut ropes in his hands, was Qin Feng.

He controlled the two people above, and it was not difficult for him to lift this weight.

And the only one behind Qin Feng was Xiao He!

Xiao He was obviously a little timid, following behind Qin Feng, his pale and thin limbs trembling.

"Stinky boy!" Lu Kuan shouted from above, "Put me down! I warn you, if you don't put me down, you're dead!"

"You'll be hit by a car when you go out~!"

"You'll be torn apart by zombies!"

"You'll be struck by thunder! Anyway, you'll die a miserable death!"

Lu Kuan kept struggling, but the more he struggled, the greater the angle of his head downward.

It was about to become a right angle.

His face flushed, and his sour, smelly and wrinkled clothes slid down his body because of the violent struggle, revealing a greasy belly.

The black stains were mottled on a large arc, and because of panting and movement, the belly bulged, looking even more greasy and disgusting.

Qin Feng picked his ears and said, "Do you know what this is called? It's called impotent rage."

He winked at Xiao He and asked Xiao He to go forward.

Xiao He timidly stepped forward, looking at Lu Kuan's flushed face on the top, still a little timid.

"If you are afraid, don't do it," Qin Feng said coldly, "then go get a knife and commit suicide yourself, don't let me do it."

Xiao He swallowed his saliva and said loudly: "Game rules."

Game rules? The two people on the top were stunned. What time is it, what game rules are being read out!

"Shooting game."

"Each person reads out loud one thing the other person has done to make He Min feel sorry for him."

"If you say it well, you will be shot once the rope is lowered by one meter."

"If you say it badly, you will be shot once and the other person will lower the rope by one meter."

"If anyone lies, He Min will be the witness and they will be shot to death."

After Xiao He finished explaining the rules of the game, the two people on the top turned pale.

What does this mean?

Are they going to expose each other's secrets? And then decide who to kill?

This ceiling is more than ten meters above the ground. If you want to lower it completely and safely, you have to say more than a dozen things that the other person has done to make Xiao He feel sorry for him.

No, there is no such a lot!

"Don't go too far!" said the man in the shirt. "I, I am the HR manager of the Guo Group. I do my best for every employee! Even if the doomsday breaks out, I still haven't treated Xiao He harshly! Why do you treat me like this? You are disregarding my human rights!"

"That's right!" Lu Kuan also said, "I had sex with Xiao He voluntarily."

"We have nothing to say sorry to her. Do you have to ask us to say sorry? Are you sick?"

"Xiao He, please tell me quickly, we have nothing to say sorry to you! Damn, are you still a colleague? Do you treat your colleague like this and then please outsiders?"

"If he is a jerk, do you follow him and be a jerk?"

Qin Feng sighed, took out his pistol, and shot one on the left and one on the right.

Two bangs.

The knees of Lu Kuan and the man in the shirt were hit accurately. In an instant, the whole lobby was filled with the screams of the two people slaughtering pigs.

Their knees were broken.

The blood flowed down like a floodgate. Xiao He was shocked when he saw it and took a step back.

"Do you have any questions about my game rules?" Qin Feng said.

The two of them felt pain in the air, the pain of broken bones spread throughout their bodies, and they trembled.

"No, no!"

"Let me say it first, Lu Kuan is a bitch, and he has been imprisoned with Mo Chuan since the beginning of the doomsday," the man in the shirt said quickly, "He forced Xiao He day and night, and gave him food once last time. He didn't treat Xiao He as a human being at all! I, I feel sorry for Xiao He and gave her food!"

Xiao He nodded, Qin Feng raised his hand and loosened it, and the man in the shirt dropped one meter, no more, no less.

He raised the gun and continued to hit Lu Kuan's shoulder, the bones burst, and more blood came out.

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