Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 97: A tiger in the heart but still smelling the roses

"Ah!! Damn it, you have the nerve to say that to me, Manager Chen, you are the same!"

"You are not good enough, but you want to have sex with Xiao He, so you hide beside and peek."

"You are not giving food to Xiao He because you sympathize with her. You are afraid that she will be too weak to be fucked to death by us and you will have nothing to watch, so you give her food."

Xiao He thought about this period of time, and it was true that the shirt man looked at her like this.

For many cold days and nights, the shirt man's figure passed by the place where she was imprisoned, but he never saved her.

It turned out that he was just the same as Lu Kuan and Mo Chuan.

They are all birds of a feather.

Xiao He nodded.

Lu Kuan's rope descended one meter, and a bullet accurately hit the shirt man's other knee.

Over and over again, the two rushed to reveal the so-called "sorry to Xiao He" to each other.

The rope kept moving, and the gunshots never stopped.

In the end, the two were almost at the same distance from the ground, and their bodies were also covered with bullets.

The body was bent and kneeling, facing each other.

Blood fell on the ground like rain, forming pools of blood.

When there were more blood, it became blood water, flowing over, gathering at Xiao He's feet, and not flowing anywhere else.

"I, I still have," the two said at the same time, but their breath was already intermittent.

Qin Feng looked at the two of them, and his hand suddenly loosened.

The two people fell at the same time, four or five meters away from the ground, and with a bang, they hit the ground head-on.

The sound of bones breaking rang out, and the two people lay on the ground, twitching from time to time.

Their bones and nerves were broken.

Even if they are not dead now, they are almost dead.

Xiao He knelt on the ground dejectedly, her hair and clothes were already soaked with sweat.

The soaked clothes were attached to her body, outlining her skinny back.

She suddenly started laughing, laughing wildly, and her laughter echoed in the whole space.

Outside the lobby, zombies were gradually gathering. They looked inside through the thick floor-to-ceiling glass and tilted their heads in confusion.

Slowly walking over, the sounds of ho ho ho and er uh uh became more and more obvious.

Xiao He started crying while laughing. She knelt down and sobbed.

Qin Feng walked to her side, bypassing the blood that surrounded Xiao He, and said, "Are you happy?"

Xiao He nodded.

"Heh," Qin Feng said, "the two of them deserved to die, but just now, don't say that you didn't show partiality. Whether they were right or not, you nodded, right?"

Xiao He raised her head in surprise and looked at Qin Feng.

After a while, she smiled miserably and said, "Yes, I just want them to die."

Qin Feng chuckled and said nothing.

Xiao He took a deep breath and asked, "Why did you help me? You could have killed me in the stairwell."

"But you didn't, and you brought me here to kill these two beasts in front of me."

"Do you hate people like them who do so many bad things? Or do you sympathize with me and want me to take revenge?"

"Why did you do that?"

When Qin Feng took Xiao He away and lured Lu Kuan and Manager Chen out to knock them out, Xiao He was sure that the man in front of him had the strength to kill everyone instantly.

His figure, speed, and strength were not something that ordinary people could match.

Then he could have quickly withdrawn and left without lying in the muddy water.

Now there are a large number of zombies gathered outside, and he probably can't leave.

"What do your affairs have to do with me?" Qin Feng sneered, "When you and them plotted against me, whether you were active or forced, it was enough for me to kill you."

"Then, why did you let me go, and then" Xiao He swallowed and asked.

Qin Feng looked down at her, with an elusive smile on his face, saying, "I simply want to appreciate human nature."

The Doomsday has been here for so long, and I have seen human nature again and again.

It's all the bad guys who are at work, and it's all those people with ulterior motives who are showing him their human nature.

When he put his hand on Xiao He's head, he suddenly thought, would kind and timid people also show their human nature in a certain link?

So there was this shooting game.

Sure enough, as he guessed, Xiao He also had his own selfishness.

In fact, a person's timidity and honesty are just a shell that hides his cruel heart.

Just like those honest people I have seen many times, they have nothing to do on weekdays and treat people kindly.

But under certain circumstances, the demons in their hearts can be stimulated, and this demon is often more terrible than those who are released.

What is this called?

There is a tiger in the heart, but he chooses to smell the rose.

Qin Feng sighed, and his eyes lost all interest in this place.

He has really seen enough of the human nature of the Doomsday.

There were more and more zombies outside. Xiao He looked at Qin Feng, and he didn't know what he felt.

The zombies saw the two humans inside and finally started to riot, crowding on the glass.

Soon, cracks appeared at the corners of the glass, starting small and then gradually expanding.

Qin Feng threw the pistol to Xiao He and said, "Let's fend for ourselves. I don't have time to take care of you. Of course, if you want to shoot me, go ahead and try."

"You will die miserably." Qin Feng left a last sentence and pulled out two black and gold long swords from his back.

He only left Xiao He with a tall and sharp back, and rushed towards the zombies that broke the glass.

Xiao He watched as he chopped up and down the zombies in the zombie group.

Facing the zombies rushing towards him, Qin Feng could be fearless, not retreat, and even face them head-on.

His technique was sharp and sharp.

This was the real him.

Xiao He solemnly knelt down in the direction of Qin Feng, and then kowtowed.

He raised his hand with the pistol in his hand and pointed it at his temple.

The man was right. In the end, she was so weak and incompetent that she caused trouble to others and didn't deserve to live.

Besides, now the hatred has been avenged.

"Thank you." Xiao He said.

Then, she did the bravest thing she had done in her twenty-year life.

She pulled the trigger, and with a bang, she returned to peace.

Qin Feng heard the gunshot without frowning.

For him, harvesting dozens of zombies was just a matter of minutes.

After the harvest, the black blood and the red blood of humans were reflected.

Qin Feng looked at the three people lying in a pool of blood behind him, shook his head, and patted the space package on his waist.

Buzz, buzz, buzz, all the bodies were collected.

From now on, he will never participate in such disputes among small groups again.

What kind of human nature is this? He really vomited.

Qin Feng sneered, put away his long knife, and walked towards the heavy truck.

Unexpectedly, he walked to the driver's door.

A human hand was holding the door handle, of course, only one hand.

Fresh, hot, just bitten off.

And under the door, there was actually a little zombie gnawing on the human who wanted to steal the car, kneeling on the ground and gnawing on the internal organs.

This looked like a child gnawing on a hamburger in KFC.

Chewing with big mouthfuls, and very attentively.

"After watching for a long time, I still think you are cuter." Qin Feng said to the little zombie.

Hearing the voice, the little zombie made a babyish sound of "uh uh uh, ho ho ho" from his throat.

The head slowly tilted over.

Qin Feng pulled out his knife, and with a swipe, the little head rolled down.

Qin Feng collected the little zombie and the human corpse.

He removed the hand holding the door handle, threw it aside with disdain, got in the car and drove towards the cemetery.

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