Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 98 Why are you crying?

The night deepened, without the hustle and bustle of the city, the world gradually returned to peace.

On the highway more than 600 kilometers south of Hongteng City, a long van was driving.

They traveled day and night, and their destination was the cemetery in the suburbs of Hongteng City.

Captain Wang Lang had been driving for a day, and now the thorny man took over the driving.

However, even after driving for a day, Wang Lang's body was extremely tired.

He lay in the back of the car, but still couldn't fall asleep.

Now they only had three expired cans of food, a pack of hard bread and half a pack of pickled mustard.

These were found with great difficulty from a car that had been attacked by zombies and was almost scrapped.

Moving the corpses bitten by zombies away, the feeling of being rotten, the rotten and strong smell of blood made the long-haired girl and the short girl vomit all over the floor.

Three months after the outbreak of the zombie virus, the lives of all of them were simply turned upside down.

This convoy, at the beginning, could still smile after surviving a disaster when they gathered together.

Now, everyone is silent.

Their food can only last for one day at most. According to the coordinates, it is about 600 kilometers to reach the cemetery.

If they can't reach it within one day, they will starve.

Even if Wang Lang still tried to comfort everyone that there would be food, it has been three months since the end of the world. No one here doesn't know how cruel the world is.

"The next city," the long-haired woman suddenly spoke in silence, "Is it Longfu City?"

Wang Lang hummed.

The long-haired woman sighed: "I'm in my hometown."

Everyone didn't know how to respond, so they continued to be silent.

The long-haired woman said: "The last time I went back to my hometown was two years ago. I haven't seen my parents, my grandparents and my brother for two years. I didn't expect that in a blink of an eye, I am the only one left alive in the family."

A heavy sigh came from someone in the air.

Like a match, it ignited the long-haired woman's emotions. She turned around and leaned on the short woman's shoulders.

"I don't want to die~~" The long-haired girl burst out with a crying voice.

Sad, solemn.

But everyone was helpless.

The crying voice became louder and louder, and the irritable man finally couldn't bear it anymore and started to curse: "Can you shut up for me? You are the only one in the world who wants to live, right? Cry, cry, cry, you just cry every day!"

Everyone has respected each other along the way, and this is the first time that the long-haired girl has been yelled at.

She was stunned for a moment, hiccuped, and surprise was written in her eyes.

"You, how can you scold me?" The long-haired girl said, "I'm going to my hometown, and my homesickness bursts out. Can't I cry? You are too domineering."

"Then you can't think silently, cry a few times!" The irritable man shouted, "You make me cry and upset, do you understand? Shut up, be careful I will beat you."

The long-haired woman was so angry that she was panting, but no one spoke for her.

At this time, everyone was actually suppressing their emotions.

Or sad, or panic, fear that they might face death soon.

It's been three months, and I haven't adapted to death, separation, and I'm still crying here.

Isn't that annoying? The hot-tempered man was a bit angry, but he was very restrained.

The long-haired woman muttered a few words, and when no one helped her, she shrank to the side and sulked.

Wang Lang looked at all this, sighed, and said, "Save your energy, go to Longfu City and see if there is anything to eat. So many people died, there must be a lot of abandoned places. We can find food."

Even Wang Lang didn't have the confidence to say this.

After searching several cities in a row, they were either robbed or burned, and there was not much left.

The short woman and the thin man were silent from beginning to end, and the thorny-headed man who was driving looked at the pitch-black silence outside and didn't say anything.

The crowd drove forward for a while.

Suddenly, the thorny-headed man stopped the car with a swish, and everyone was thrown forward due to inertia.

The grumpy man was hit on the head, and he cursed: "Why did you brake suddenly?"

The thorny man hissed, turned off the lights, and said: "In front, there is a convoy attacked by zombies, and they are biting people. This car is so luxurious, there must be a lot of supplies on it."

Convoy, supplies.

As soon as these two words came out, the people who were thrown into various corners by the sudden brakes just now lost their anger.

Instead, they were like hungry wolves in the middle of the night, watching an off-road vehicle about ten meters away from them being captured under the cold moonlight in front of them.

Several zombies were pulling the person in the driver's seat at the front of the car, holding the person's brain and gnawing on his internal organs.

There were also zombies biting people behind the car, and the person didn't seem to be dead yet. The zombies were twitching while biting.

The zombies behind the car bit for a while, and suddenly stopped biting, put down the dead person and stood up stupidly.

After more than ten seconds, the person who was bitten also stood up staggeringly.

It has turned into a zombie, and it is making the low growl that only zombies can make.

Wang Lang came to the front of the car and said, "Wait until they finish eating, then we will go over to get the supplies."



Everyone was surprisingly unanimous.

After waiting for more than an hour, the zombies finally staggered away, not to mention somewhere in the darkness.

The thorny man started the car and slowly approached the SUV with as little noise as possible.

Everyone moved quickly, holding the few remaining flashlights in their mouths, and got off the car with sacks and machetes.

Once they got on the off-road vehicle, they were all excited! The food on this off-road vehicle is so rich!

"Fuck, is this a rich person's trip? They are so rich!"

"Canned food, canned fruit, instant rice dumplings, instant noodles!! Great."

"Hurry up and take it! It's not safe at night."

"Okay, okay."

Everyone was searching for food, with excited smiles on their faces.

The movements were getting faster and faster, and they didn't even care about the rotten corpse hanging on the front of the car.

However, they didn't notice that the zombies had heard the sound and were moving closer step by step.

The long-haired girl and the short girl were collecting some of the owner's belongings at the front of the car, such as lighters, cigarettes, or tissues, etc.

The thin man also helped them.

"The people in this car really have everything ready. Except for the places where people can sit, everything is filled with supplies."

"They were probably going to the cemetery, but unfortunately, they died on the way."

"What's a pity? This is a bargain for us! We just need to survive, don't look at other people."

The irritable man, the thorny man, and Wang Lang took a lot of supplies from the back of the car and jumped into the van to put them away.

The other three continued to look for trivial items.

However, at this moment, the thin man suddenly shouted, and the two girls opposite him were stunned for a moment.

But it was too dark, so only the thin man's voice could be heard.

"You, what's your name?"

"Yes, what did you shout?"

The two girls approached each other in fear, because they couldn't see the thin man clearly, and could only vaguely see his outline moving.

"What happened?" someone shouted from the van.

"I don't know," the long-haired girl replied, "He suddenly shouted, and I was scared to death."

After that, the thin man's voice was not heard. With a plop, the thin man knelt on the car.

The whole off-road vehicle shook.

The long-haired girl and the short girl looked at each other. The long-haired girl mustered up her courage and went forward to check: "Hey, hey, brother, are you okay?"

At this moment, a zombie's face suddenly jumped out from behind the thin man, with its extremely smelly mouth wide open, making a sound of "uh uh uh".

The long-haired girl was startled, and a scream cut through the night sky.

Driving, Chu Rou looked at the bright moon in the night sky and couldn't help yawning.

Why is Hongteng City so far away from Nanzao City?

More than 2,000 kilometers, one is south and the other is north.

"I don't know if Qin Feng is really there," Chu Rou looked at a portrait with the help of the moonlight. It was a bit abstract, but she knew she was drawing Qin Feng, "When I find you, I will fuck you inside and out, hum."

Just then, a scream came from the front, and Chu Rou turned on her night glasses.

Seeing the situation near a van and an off-road vehicle about 200 meters away, a smile appeared on her delicate face: "Oh, there are zombies, hehe."

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