Chapter 373 Subordinate Territory: Mechanical Kingdom

after an hour.

Banas reappeared in front of Su Ye.

“It’s all done”

Su Ye asked.

Banas nodded: “It’s done, I will come back regularly in the future to ensure the safety of this place. In addition, there is this, please sign.”

Saying that, Banas took out a contract and handed it to Su Ye.

The latter took it, glanced at it, and narrowed his eyes.

This turned out to be a subordinate territory treaty.

Party A is Su Ye, the star domain, and Party B is the mechanical kingdom.

“You want to conclude a subordinate territory with me”

Su Ye asked back.

Banas coughed lightly: “It’s not me, it’s the entire mechanical kingdom.”

In the previous hour, Banas and the people of the Machine Kingdom had exchanged a lot of time.

They are very hopeful, very hopeful that Banners can take over the entire mechanical kingdom.

It’s a pity that Benners didn’t have such an idea.

But now the defenders of the mechanical kingdom have basically been killed by him and Su Ye.

It is difficult to guarantee the safety of the mechanical kingdom.

Finally, Banners came up with this solution.

Let the Mechanical Kingdom become a subordinate territory of the Star Territory.

In this way, the mechanical kingdom can hug the thigh of the star field, and there is no need to worry about safety issues.

Rebuild some doomsday mechas, purgatory guards and other machines and send them back here.

The mechanical kingdom will be able to develop again.

This is the best ending that Baners can think of so far.

Su Ye looked at Banas, but didn’t immediately.


This made the latter a little nervous.

“What’s the matter, is there any problem?”

Bannes asked.

Su Ye’s lips curled slightly: “You know, I’m a more direct person. I want to know what can the Mechanical Kingdom provide me after it becomes my subordinate territory.”

This is the question that Su Ye is most concerned about.

He’s not the Virgin, there’s no reason to accept a tow bottle for Benas.

And it’s also an oversized tow bottle.

He only cares about interests, and only subordinate territories that can create benefits for him will Su Ye accept.

Otherwise, I’m sorry for Banas’s face when he heard the words, he obviously didn’t expect Su Ye to ask this.

But he quickly reacted and said decisively: “Resources, the Machine Kingdom has its own mines that can be mined.”

Su Ye didn’t speak, and still looked at Banas.

The latter gritted his teeth and continued after thinking for a moment: “In addition to resources, I can also teach them how to make machines. With their assistance, I can build a machine army for you.”

As soon as these words came out, Su Ye signed his name.

If it can benefit the Star Territory, it is feasible.

Su Ye’s name has just been signed, and the contract will start immediately.take effect.

It turned into a little bit of light and dissipated in the air.

From this moment on, a mechanical kingdom has been added to Su Ye’s star field territory list.

“Remember what you said, I will give you time.”

Su Ye’s lips curled slightly and said lightly.

Saying so, he rode blazingly ready to leave.


As for Banas, it is up to him to decide whether to go or stay.

Banas stood there for a moment, then gritted his teeth and shouted at Su Ye’s back: “I will give you a satisfactory answer.”

After saying that, Banas turned and walked towards the giant city behind him.

He understood what Su Ye meant, and was determined to complete his mission.

Now, let’s start! Banas chose to stay, but Su Ye didn’t say anything.

Riding on the blazing, with his own large troops, he left the portal of the mechanical kingdom, and then went straight to the star field.

I hope he will give himself a surprise when he sees Banas next time! Three days later, Su Ye successfully returned to the Star Territory with a large army.

After the Storm Spirit, Mountain Shaking Giant Spirit and other units have been settled.

Su Ye went straight to the gold mine.

Here, he met Eve.

The latter reported to him the situation of the gold mine during this period.

Because of the particularity of gold mines, sporadic harassment by monsters is indispensable.

Almost every day there are monsters attacking here.

Fortunately, Su Ye knew that he had built a territorial defense zone on the periphery of the gold mine.

In addition, a lot of resources were given to those territories to develop.

Now, those territories are basically mature.

Enough to resist all kinds of monsters for the gold mine.

Even if there are difficult ones, there are still Eve, Andre, the dragon, the dragon hunter and the undead knight.

After ensuring that there was no problem with the gold mine, Su Ye harvested a batch of resources and then returned to the Star Territory.

In general, the harvest of this attack on the Machinery Kingdom is not bad! The current resource reserves of the Star Territory are as follows: [Lord Hall] Lord: Su Ye Level: 6 Sky Alliance: Cloud Territory, Red Rose Territory, Clear Water Territory, Galaxy Territory, Dryad Territory Subordinate Territories: Warhammer Tribe, Mechanical Kingdom Building: 25 Arms: Dragon [Tier 10], Centaur [Tier 4], Blade Spider [Tier 4], Goblin [Tier 1], Red Armored Fire Ant [Tier 4], Stone Throwing Giant [Tier 7], Undead Knight [Tier 7], Dragon Hunter [Tier 8], Mountain Shaking Giant Spirit [Tier 9] Population: 99 Timber: 12.

Billion Stone Mine: 12.

Billion iron ore: 16.

Billion gold coins: 30.

100 million food: 530,000 Currency: 100,000 Required for upgrades: 5 million each of wood, quarry, iron ore, and gold coins. Wood, quarry, iron ore and so on are fine, and there are more than 10 billion resources.

Even gold coins, there are still three billion.

On the contrary, the population of this territory is approaching its peak.

If you don’t upgrade your territory, I’m afraid it will cause population saturation.

Thinking of this, Su Ye didn’t stay idle, even when the territory upgrade was turned on.

“The cost of wood, quarry, iron ore, and gold coins is 5 million each, and the Star Territory level is upgraded to level 7, which is estimated to take 240 hours.

The system prompt sounded, and a progress bar appeared at the top of the Star Territory Lord Hall, slowly scrolling.

Upgrading often reaches 240 hours.

It’s ten days.

Even if Su Ye has a god-level cooling, it will take more than two hours to complete.

I have to say, torment! There is no other way but to wait.

By the way, before the siege begins, take a rest to recover your stamina

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