Chapter 374: Level 7 Main City

More than two hours passed quickly.

The upgrade of the Star Territory has been completed, and the progress bar floating at the top of the Lord’s Hall has disappeared.

At the same time, outside the Star Territory territory, there were already monsters’ roars in four directions.

Su Ye has been waiting in the sky above the star field for a long time.

Now riding blazing, he can easily overlook the entire battlefield.

There are a lot of monsters approaching rapidly in the four directions of the outer city of the Star Territory.

It is densely packed, and a large piece of black is pressed.

And what caught Su Ye’s attention the most was the east side of the Star Territory.

There is a flying corps there.

There are many, at least more than 30,000.

It turned into a dark cloud in the sky, approaching the Star Territory.Although there are no flying units in the other directions of the city wall, there are also a lot of common units rushing in.

Roughly estimated, the total number of monsters that came in this siege battle should not be less than 150,000.

This is the peak that has never been encountered in all the siege battles in the Star Territory.

However, Su Ye was not worried.

The Star Territory has long and strong walls.

There are also various city defense weapons systematically distributed on the city wall.

The most important thing is that there are high-level arms such as dragons, storm spirits, and mountain-shaking giants in the star domain.

With them protecting the entire Star Territory, there is no need to worry too much about security issues.

At this moment, Su Ye has already started arranging tactics.

The 30,000 flying troops on the east wall are the most important and the only offensive force that can threaten the Star Territory.

So, get these guys first.

Secondly, the southern city wall of the Star Territory has the largest number of monsters, more than 70,000, accounting for half of the total number of monsters in this siege battle.

It must also be taken seriously.

The other north and west city walls are fine, and there are not many monsters, so they can be easily defended.

After figuring out the distribution of the monsters, Su Ye began to order: “Two thousand giant dragons, go to the east, resist the flying troops, and make a quick battle, each thousand giant dragons, go to the north and west to garrison, and all the remaining arms are concentrated in the south. city ​​wall.”

Order, all kinds of troops that have been prepared for a long time are now taking action.

Thousands of giant dragons soared into the air and flew in four directions.

The spirit of the storm, the mountain-shaking giant spirits, in groups, climbed the southern city wall.

Soon, the city defense equipment with monsters within the range has been detected, and the attack has already begun.

Among them is the Hanas Cannon.

This is the city defense equipment with the longest range in the star field.

At this moment, it is roaring furiously, sending out huge cannonballs.

It crossed the arc from the air, and finally fell into the monster camp dozens of kilometers away.

The cannonball exploded, and the violent explosive force and the shrapnel flying around were the main factors causing damage to the monsters.

Some monsters that were closer to where the shells landed didn’t even react, and their bodies were torn into pieces and scattered all over the place.

The flying shrapnel turns into a sharp razor, all obstacles it encounters.

Among them, including the bodies of monsters.

The explosion sounded non-stop, and the shells exploded in the monster camp.


No wait: These guys have been killed and injured a lot when they got close to the city.

Worthy of being a first-class architectural drawing, it is indeed powerful.

To the east, the first batch of flying units with faster flight speeds have approached the city wall.

Fight fiercely with the dragons stationed here.

The combat power of the giant dragons can be imagined, fighting against these flying arms whose rank is only the eighth rank.

It’s almost like chopping melons and vegetables, I agree very much.

Even if the number of opponents is more than ten times that of dragons.

However, the fallen flowers were still killed.

Corpses kept falling from the sky like raindrops.

What kind of stump fragments are even more uncountable.

Battles also broke out on the north and west walls.

A siege battle has begun.

Su Ye rode blazingly and traveled to and from various battlefields for command and deployment.

It does make the entire battlefield orderly.

The monsters kept dying, and Su Ye’s troops increased their level and strength during the battle.

Especially Storm Spirit.

These guys are standing on the city wall, constantly releasing the eye of the storm one by one.

Detonated in the monster camp, the power is even greater than a bomb.

Hundreds and hundreds of monsters died, and the massive experience points made their levels rise rapidly.

The entire battle lasted about an hour, and it was over.

The monsters that attacked the Star Territory have all been killed and injured, not a single one remains.

Mountains of corpses lay outside the city walls.

Sadly, except for the 30,000 flying troops on the east wall.

The monsters in other directions did not even touch the special city wall.

It’s all fucked up already.

Su Ye was happy with the great victory.

Arranged a group of troops to go down to clean up the battlefield.

And he himself, returned to the lord’s hall and opened the territory attribute panel.

The information panel of the upgraded Star Territory is as follows: [Lord Hall] Lord: Su Ye Level: 7 Sky Alliance: Cloud Territory, Red Rose Territory, Clear Water Territory, Galaxy Territory, Dryad Territory Subordinate Territories: Warhammer Tribe, Mechanical Kingdom Building : 25 Arms: Dragon [Tier 10], Centaur [Tier 4], Blade Spider [Tier 4], Goblin [Tier 1], Red Armored Fire Ant [Tier 4], Stone Slinging Giant [Tier 7], Undead Knight [Tier 7], Hunter Dragon Hunter [Tier 8], Mountain Shaker [Tier 9] Population: 99 Timber: 12.

Billion Stone Mine: 12.

Iron Ore: 16.

Billion gold coins: 29.

100 million food: 210,000 Currency: 100,000 Required for upgrades: 200 million each for wood, stone ore, iron ore, and gold coins.

The population peaked at 20,000.

This is the biggest change.

After a while, the resources dropped on the battlefield have been recovered, about several hundred million.

Su Ye was also unambiguous, and went straight to the Storm Spirit Barracks.

At present, the information of the Storm Spirit Barracks is as follows: [Storm Spirit Barracks] Tier: Tenth Tier Level: 5 Units: 30 Training Template: Storm Spirit Training Cost: 200,000 Gold Coins No Special Conditions Training Time: 24 hours required for upgrade : Timber, stone, iron ore, gold ore each 1 billion, time 480 hours.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect, push

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