"Hey, then I don't worry, I'll have to choose carefully then."

  The young man swallowed. He remembered that many of the people who were arrested last time were good looking.

  At least there are six or seven points.

  That figure, that appearance, before the end of the world, was not something that a small programmer could climb.

  He couldn't help but get even more fiery, and the speed of controlling the drone was a little faster.

  However, the drone he was controlling had just turned around a building.

  The screen suddenly went black, and the signal on the computer screen was directly interrupted.

  It startled him.

  "what happened!"

  The young man was a little overwhelmed: "Why is the drone's signal interrupted!"

  Huo Zu's brows also wrinkled, he said solemnly: "What is the maximum range of your drone?"

  He had some suspicions that the signal range was exceeded, so the signal was directly interrupted.

  The young man shook his head heavily and denied: "Impossible, my drone has been tested for the longest distance, and it can fly more than ten kilometers without signal interruption."

  "And even if it flew over, it would only be intermittent, it wouldn't suddenly disappear like this, could it be because of some kind of attack?"

  Immediately he shook his head again, the drone flying at high speed.

  The speed can reach 80KM per hour. If you want to hit a shot, none of the big guys in the base can do it.

  Huo Zu is more inclined to this answer: "It seems that you have kicked the iron plate, but your armed drone is too fragile to calculate the contribution, keep working hard."

  He patted the young man on the shoulder and turned away.

  If there is such a dangerous existence nearby, it must be reported.

  If you can capture a group of slaves or women, that would be great.

  Slaves can be used to engage in various labor activities, and women are naturally used as a resource to motivate those elites to keep working hard.

  After Huo Zu left, the young man was still unwilling.

  "How is that possible, I obviously added a steel plate, so even normal rifle bullets shouldn't be able to penetrate it."

  Just one step away, he can exchange for a good woman and solve his virginity.

  As a result, it was destroyed by this survivor who appeared out of nowhere.

  He can't wait to peel the other side and cramp.

  It's a pity that he didn't know what was going on at all, and no matter how unwilling he was in his heart, he couldn't do anything.

  On the other side, Li Yi put away his sniper rifle, his eyes full of solemnity.

  On the other side, Li Yi put away his sniper rifle, his eyes full of solemnity.

  The drone was actually reinforced, if it wasn't for the 7.62mm bullet he used.

  And aiming at the fuel tank, I am afraid that it will not be able to shoot down the opponent.

  "Sure enough, there are many talents in the city center. If you shoot a brick, there are nine out of ten who are masters and doctors."

  Li Yi shook his head.


  The ability to modify drones is not something that ordinary people can do.

  At least it's not something that can be done just by using love to generate electricity.

  But even so, he couldn't escape death.

  He will not leave any of these dangerous people.

  Unless it is a person whose appearance can be comparable to his woman.

  Then he might think about it.

  After getting rid of the drone, Li Yi asked in the earphone: "Xinyan, what else has the other party changed?"


  Meng Xinyan's voice came from the earphones.

  Li Yi was relieved, if there were still enemies approaching, he was really worried.

  Although the Black Shark is called a civilian armored vehicle, it is not indestructible.

  Once it was destroyed, he was afraid that he would die of distress.

  After confirming that the other party did not have any other changes, Li Yi's feet tightened and he flew directly out of ten meters.

  He rushed to the building next to the elevated, and began to run on the building with his strong physical strength.

  The high strength endowed by the god-level muscle ability made him easily fly over the eaves and walls.

  It's just that he doesn't have the lightness of those martial arts heroes.

  One step at a time is what he is talking about now.

  He was running wildly against the wall with his own physical strength.

  Due to the god-level parkour, his control of power is almost to the extreme, and there is no such thing as too much or not enough force.

  Jump and move between buildings like a ninja.

  After a while, he came to the roof of the nearest building from the base.

  Through the glasses, Li Yi saw the scene clearly.


  After seeing the scene below clearly, the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

  Compared with the scene seen that night, this moment is obviously more real.

  The group of people in the base below has a clear class division.

  But this is normal. After the law and society collapse, this class situation will naturally appear.

  Like in the novel, the kind of survivor base that specializes in saving people simply cannot exist.

  This is bound to happen.

  The former ruler, the ruler of the base, is located on the first step.

  Followed by the ruler's henchmen, the second step.

  Those who are capable are the third step.

  As for the last, it is those ordinary people who seem to be treated as slaves.

  Just like the fourth-class people in the Yuan Dynasty, they were engaged in the lowest life.

  Worse still, there may be women.

  In Li Yi's line of sight, women have almost become a tool for the group of people to vent their desires, a woman who can have status.

  Simply pitiful.

  This is the truest portrayal of the end times.

  Without help for no reason, the desire for power that grows in the dark will inevitably lead to such a situation. .

Chapter 156 Attacking Zombies

  "It doesn't seem to matter if it is destroyed."

  Li Yi sneered.

  After the end of the world, people who can still remain rational have long since died.

  At this point, even a good person is forced to become a bad person.

  In order to survive, it is not strange even if people cannibalize.

  He clearly knew that, in fact, there was a devil lurking in everyone's heart.

  Before the end of the world, the existence of the law sealed the demon.

  But in the context of the end times, the law has been lost, and this demon has been released, and what he once dared not do, in this context, is not the case.

  Take those people in the building where Song Xiaoqi was at that time, for example.

  Before the apocalypse, they were just ordinary office workers, who would dare to do something like rape.

  Some people even blush when they see a woman.

  Don't dare to chat at all.

  But once there is no restraint, they dare to do anything.

  From the very beginning, Li Yi had a deep understanding of this truth, so he had no scruples in killing people.

  Even if he destroys the survivor bases one by one, he has no worries.

  Because what he destroyed was no longer a human being, but a demon who released his own desires.

  "The plan can begin."

  Li Yi glanced under the building.

  There are at least hundreds of zombies roaming the streets.

  I don't know how many zombies there are in the dark.

  This amount is enough, or even a little more.

  He tore off the chains on the rooftop and pulled the door open.

  Then, with his strong physique, he came downstairs in just a few seconds and led a circle of zombies up.

  The breath of the living people immediately stimulated those zombies.

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