They ran towards the corridor one after another, chasing them all the way to the rooftop.

  Li Yi, who was already on the rooftop, rubbed his hands excitedly. After all, he threw the zombies out for a while.

  He has never done anything so exciting.

  However, ten seconds later, the corridor remained silent.

  Thirty seconds passed, but there was still no trace of any zombies.

  He was a little puzzled, could those zombies be lost?

  A minute later, he finally heard the figures of the zombies running out of the corridor.

  "Why so slow?"

  Li Yi was a little dissatisfied.

  Fortunately, those zombies are tireless and have no consciousness, otherwise they will be pissed to death.

  Climb up the rooftop of the thirty-story building in one minute. If they weren't tired, they would be foaming at the mouth by now.

  However, Li Yi was not polite.

  He even couldn't wait, and rushed to the rooftop door in one step.

  He grabbed a zombie that had not yet stepped out of the door.

  Then he slammed into the base below.

  The first zombie hadn't flown very far, and the other one followed closely behind it and flew out.

  For a time, the zombies in the sky were almost connected into pieces.

  Those zombies hadn't even stepped out of the rooftop gate and flew out before they could react.

  In the base below at the moment.

  A third-class person walking on the street looked up at the sky.

  A black spot is flying towards this side.

  He narrowed his eyes a little suspiciously, facing the light he couldn't see what it was.

  "Could it be that there are already eagles in the city now?"

  He was a little puzzled. The next moment, he saw black shadows flying out from the roof of a building, flying towards the top of his head.

  He was a little surprised: "What's the matter, a flock of birds came?"

  However, with the enlargement of the shadow, panic appeared in his eyes, and it was clearly a zombie with fangs and claws!

  "No, the zombies will fly!"

  "The sky is full of zombies!"

  He shouted loudly.

  He shouted loudly.

  However, the zombies have fallen down like dumplings.


  One after another muffled noises kept coming, and the group of zombies smashed into various places.

  Roads, flower beds, railings, buildings.

  There were zombies everywhere, and even one fell directly in front of him.

  It shattered in front of his face and turned into a pile of meat sauce.

  A head flew towards him unexpectedly and landed in his arms.

  "Morning.... Zombies!"

  There was fear in his eyes.

  He even forgot to throw away his still intact head.

  "Ho ho!"

  The zombie with only one head left suddenly moved and bit the man's hand fiercely.

  A deep tooth mark was left on his palm.

  There is only one head left, but it still bites like a poisonous snake.

  The man threw the zombie's head off in pain, but his face was as white as paper. He clearly remembered the consequences of being bitten by a zombie.

  He was helpless.

  Such scenes appear in almost every corner of the base.

  No one knew why so many zombies fell from the sky, but they had no time to think about it.

  Because many zombies who were lucky not to fall to their deaths have already climbed up from the ground.

  Start moving towards the living people around.

  On the rooftop, Li Yi appeared at the door.

  However, there were no traces of zombies in the corridor, and all the zombies that caught up were thrown out by him as cannonballs.

  Unknowingly, he threw out hundreds of them.

  "It's gone."

  Li Yi was still a little unfulfilled, and this kind of 'shameful' taste was actually a little addictive.

  Picking up the glasses, Li Yi looked down.

  There were gunshots from below, and although they were thrown from such a height, many of the zombies had already lost their arms and legs.

  ...... 0

  But with their vitality, as long as there is no major problem with their heads.

  Just climb, you have to climb up and take a bite.

  Such terrifying vitality is simply a metamorphosis.

  It's a pity that the other party has formed a counterattack, and the strength of that group of soldiers is very unusual.

  The group of seriously injured zombies were easily suppressed.

  But this time, the loss has already reached a terrifying level.

  Those fourth-class people who are like slaves can't run away in the face of the siege of zombies.

  He didn't even have a tool to resist, and he was often hungry and full in the past.

  They have no room for resistance at all.

  Either bitten or scratched, and after half an hour, it will definitely become a zombie.

  Their entire base has been completely chaotic.

  It's a pity that those elite soldiers are there, if only to this extent.

  The other party will be able to suppress it sooner or later, this is not what he wants to see.

  Let him add a fire below.

  Li Yi set up the 85-type sniper rifle and waited for the appearance of the leader of the other party.

  If it is in such a chaotic situation, a beheading operation will take place.

  The opponent is determined to be in chaos.

  There was even an anti-bone boy among them.

  You don't need him to do anything, the other party can kill each other.

  He aimed the scope at the most heavily guarded house on the base.

  If nothing else, the leader of the other party will be there.

  And in such a chaotic situation, the other party will definitely come out to see, that is the moment of beheading. .

Chapter 157 It's Not Fair

  in a room in the building.

  A middle-aged man who is not angry and arrogant, sitting behind his desk, looking at the map in front of him and thinking.

  "The base defense of that idiot in Sihuan is good, why was it suddenly destroyed?"

  He made a cross somewhere on the map and asked a man in a suit next to him.

  This person is the highest level of this base, Wang Tianhao, the head of the Wang family.

  Before the end of the world, he was already one of the giants of Jiangcheng.

  Stomping the country will be in turmoil.

  The end has only just begun.

  He quickly built a base, and his vision was much more terrifying than the average person.

  The end of the world has just come, and he understands that society and laws will collapse, and he does not hide his power at all.

  It is precisely because of this that he was able to quickly gain a firm foothold in the third ring.

  "I tell the Patriarch, the subordinates don't know, but the strength of the people who can destroy them is definitely not simple. I also know Qin Meng of "May [-]". The strength is very terrifying, even if we all find it very difficult."

  The man in the suit said respectfully.

  There was an unusual respect for Wang Tianhao in his eyes.

  As a veteran who has followed Wang Tianhao for many years, even if the end of the world comes, the era when the strong speak.

  He still did not dare to have the slightest disobedience.

  Because he knew Wang Tianhao's methods.

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