Under crazy deceleration.

Qin Feng finally reduced his speed to Mach 8 when he was several thousand meters above the ground.

Returned to Yijiang Garden safely.

In order to cool down the twin stars, Qin Feng did not land on the ground, but dove into the artificial lake.


The terrifying high temperature of the Gemini shell instantly boiled the surrounding lake water.

One after another, the freshwater fish turned over the water, turned over their bellies, and slowly floated to the surface. boom!

After about ten seconds, Qin Feng started the propeller and rushed out of the water.

Drawing an arc in the air.

Back to the villa

"Lao Jia, has the particle accelerator been built?"

As soon as he entered the basement, Qin Feng took off his twin stars and said at the same time.

It took more than two hours in total from launching the satellite to deploying the satellite. The high-energy particle accelerator must have been built.

"Yes, the accelerator is finished"


"Sir, have you forgotten something?"

Seeing that Qin Feng seemed to be starting to create new elements next, Jarvis couldn't help but remind him.

"Isn't it the vanguard organization base of Neon Country?..."

"Leave him alone."

Qin Feng curled his lips and said without caring.

"Sir, this is not like your character."

Jarvis complained a little.

With Qin Feng's vengeful character, Qin Feng would magnanimously let go of a person who launches missiles and wants to destroy his rocket launch plan?

Is that really the sun hitting the west ? Out!

"So what, didn't they fail? Qin

Feng said without caring.

After saying that, he walked straight towards Villa No. 6.

The high-energy particle accelerator was built in the basement of Villa No. 6. It is a large ring-shaped device similar to a particle collider.

"Besides, I need them to do me a small favor later."

Qin Feng walked into the basement and said at the same time

"Sir, you know that you are in a hostile relationship, right?"

Jarvis really can't imagine what kind of help the hostile organization can do to Qin Feng."

"Test weapons"

"The space-based satellites that I spent so much time deploying cannot be left there as decorations, right?"

Qin Feng said lightly.

In an understatement, he revealed a horrifying plan of destruction.

He wanted to wait for the space-based module to be installed....

Take Neon Country’s Pioneer Organization Base as a test target!

Test the power of the space-based cannon in geostationary orbit!

Magnanimous? Don't adults remember the faults of villains? Forgive your enemies?


These situations are impossible for Qin Feng!

There is only one result for provoking him!

"Okay, without saying so much, let’s get the new elements out first."

Qin Feng said, setting his sights on the high-energy particle accelerator.

Before the space-based module is installed, the people in Neon's pioneer organization can live a little longer and enjoy their last time.

"Expand the arrangement of new elements!"

Qin Feng gave an order, and the holographic projection lit up in the basement of Villa No. 6!

An extremely complex elemental structure was displayed in front of Qin Feng through the direction of the holographic projection.

………… at the same time.

Located in the Pioneer Organization Base of Neon Country, a group of senior officials are holding an emergency meeting.

Little did he know that a catastrophe was about to come!

"Hikawa Okita, I think you are mainly responsible for the failure of the interception!"

"You said 6 missiles are enough!"

"fart! He obviously knew our interception plan in advance!"

"Murakami! I suspect you leaked the information! Otherwise, how would he know that we were going to launch interceptor missiles? We also intercepted our missiles in advance!"

"Hinikawa Okita, you are quibbling!"

"It was obviously you who leaked the information! Murakami!"

In the conference room of the base, a group of short Japanese were shirking responsibilities to each other.

They were quarreling with each other!

"Enough is enough!"

At this time, an old man with a gray beard sitting at the head of the conference room stood up and yelled.

If any outsiders saw it at this time, they would be surprised to recognize that this old man was clearly Neon's former boss, An San..

But in the news, it has been reported that he passed away due to advanced lymphoma.

"Now it has happened!"

"There's no point in arguing!"

An San looked around the people in the conference room, and his tone naturally revealed the temperament of a leader.

"In addition, I think it is possible what Hikawa Okita said. Our enemies may have known our interception plan in advance. How did they know it?..."

"I'll find out!"

An San glanced at everyone. His old eyes did not have the turbidity of the old man.

They were only cold and stern.

"But before that, we must find a way to save the failure before the headquarters pursues us!"

An San said seriously


"Didn't the headquarters give an order not to send anyone to Yinx City anymore?"

Someone asked in the conference room

"That was before"

"Now that we have not completed the task, if we still find a way to save it, we will definitely have the least share of serum next month!"

As soon as An San's words came out, everyone in the conference room immediately echoed.

"That’s right, everyone is dead on both sides, so it’s better to give it a try!"

"I agree too!"


"Okay, then it’s decided, send an action team to assassinate the target!"

Listening to everyone's agreement, An San finalized the conclusion.

But they didn't know...

Just when they were discussing how to deal with Qin Feng, Qin Feng, who was thousands of miles away, also received a reminder from Jarvis.

"Installed so quickly?"

Qin Feng was slightly startled, and quickly stopped what he was doing.

He turned on the holographic projection screen, adjusted the orbit of the Znami satellite, and pointed the lens at the Neon Country.

Then he pressed the record button.

"Okay, it’s time to shoot!"

Qin Feng couldn't wait to say.

With an order!

In a geostationary orbit more than 35,000 kilometers above the ground, a huge satellite like a mechanical jellyfish, with countless sophisticated and complex mechanical structures, slowly started to operate.

On the side of the satellite, a laser There is a line of words engraved on it:

【Annie, Qin Feng’s shining pearl]

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