Soon, the space-based satellite, which looked like a mechanical jellyfish, was deployed.

The black hole's muzzle is aimed at the blue planet below!

Inside the satellite!

A tungsten rod with a diameter of 30 cm and a length of 6.1 meters enters the guide rail!

Electromagnetic track charging! boom!

The tungsten rod derailed!

Under the acceleration of the orbit, the muzzle velocity of this 8.3-ton tungsten rod reached the terrifying Mach 16!

Because this time it was thrown in geostationary orbit!

To pass completely through the atmosphere!

In order to reduce the friction coefficient of the atmosphere, the shape of the tungsten rod has been redesigned to become sharper, and the whole thing looks like a slender tungsten needle!

In order to increase the top speed of the tungsten rod,

Qin Feng frantically added a micro impact beam engine at the end of the tungsten rod.

Under the dual effects of Blue Star's gravity and propulsion engine!

This tungsten rod went from a muzzle velocity of Mach 16 in a very short period of time....

Becomes Mach 19!

Mach 23!

Mach 27!


Still improving!

It wasn't until it entered the atmosphere, rubbed against the atmosphere, and produced a dazzling light like a burning flame that the speed increase of the tungsten rod was slightly restrained.

Mach 28!

Mach 29!

Although the speed of improvement is not as fast as before.

But don't forget!

This tungsten rod was thrown from a geostationary orbit 35 kilometers above the ground!

Even at a speed of Mach 30!

It also takes 3400 seconds!

It takes almost an hour to land!

But tungsten rods don’t last that long!

Its speed quickly exceeded Mach 30!

And after a period of acceleration, it increased to Mach 40!

At this time, the tungsten rod was like a burning meteor falling rapidly!


It's faster than a meteor!

The impact force it carries also becomes more and more terrifying!

Finally, after a few minutes, the tungsten rod entered low-Earth orbit and reached the highest speed it could achieve!

Mach 61!

At this time, the high temperature on the surface of the tungsten rod has reached the limit of tungsten metal!

The original total mass was 8.3 tons!

By the time it entered low-Earth orbit, it had become less than 6 tons!

But the power of the tungsten rod is already dozens or hundreds of times greater than before!

"Countdown to attack is 20 seconds!"

"The total strike time was 21 minutes and 7 seconds!

Jarvis started the countdown the moment the Znami satellite captured the tungsten rod.

It was hundreds of kilometers above the ground.

For the tungsten rod at Mach 61, it only took 20 seconds!

On average, it dropped more than 20,000 meters per second.!

"coming! coming! I'm more excited now than TM's national football team winning the championship!"

Looking at the 'meteor' flashing past the satellite lens,

Qin Feng said excitedly. As he spoke, the lens of the Znami satellite once again locked the vanguard organization base of the Ni.At the same time, several strange-looking planes slowly took off from the vanguard organization's base.

The cabin was filled with two teams of powerful reformers and superpowers!

"Akimoto-san, the target of this mission is very dangerous, so be careful!"

"Don’t worry, Hikawaokaban-san!"

"You can definitely do it with our strength...."

The plane had just taken off and had not had time to fly away.

The words haven’t been finished yet on the channel!

Everything was interrupted by a harsh air raid siren!

Just one sound!

A very brief sound!

Because as soon as the radar scanned the tungsten rod falling at a rapid speed, a white light suddenly fell!

Don't give them any time to react!

Everything seems to be still!

The tungsten rod penetrates everything instantly!

Boom boom boom——!!!

Accompanied by a belated loud noise.

The terrifying impact spread along the earth in a ring shape to the outside!

The vanguard organization base that was fine just now suddenly turned into a huge crater with a diameter of more than a thousand meters!

No one even had time to react!

The few planes that had just taken off didn't have time to fly away!

He was crushed into scrap metal by the terrifying shock wave!

Before even an explosion could occur, everything was instantly annihilated!

But the tungsten rod’s blows aren’t over yet!

The even more terrifying impact comes from the impact point of the tungsten rod!

At the ultimate speed of Mach 61.

This tungsten rod weighing 5.0 tons penetrated the earth like a bullet that penetrated the human body!

The terrifying impact even caused shock to the continental plates!


The country itself is located at the junction of the Eurasian and Pacific plates!

Thus, an unprecedented earthquake in human history began!

After a short delay, the two plates began to move violently, and the real power of the earth began!


Amid the roar of the earth, most of the Neix Kingdom shook violently!

High-rise buildings collapsed in an instant!

The city collapsed instantly!

In the face of the true power of the earth, no matter how strong the zombies are!

A survivor base of any size!

They are all like ants in front of a landslide!

Destroyed instantly!

The earth tore open countless bottomless cracks!

The water is pouring in!

This scene seems to be a replica of the 2012 movie!

Shaking violently, the ground where the entire city was located was lifted up, then broke off, and tens of millions of tons of land crashed into the sea.

The same scene happens everywhere!

In the violent crustal movement, almost 1/3 of the country sank into the sea!

At the same time, an unprecedented super tsunami has formed!

Waves tens to hundreds of meters high!

They are starting from NiX Kingdom and heading towards Guo Jiahe city along the coast!



"Lie down! groove!"

Looking at the doomsday scene captured by the satellite, Qin Feng stood stunned for dozens of seconds.

He no longer knew what words to use to describe the scene in front of him.

Only two words could sum up his mood.

"How can I use this in the future?!! ?"

Qin Feng almost shouted these words.

But soon...

Qin Feng realized the seriousness of this matter.

I am afraid that I will become a global public enemy!

"Sir, I think you are ready to take on the world."

Jarvis's reminder also verified Qin Feng's idea.

"I know this"

"But I just want to ask..."

Qin Feng's expression was dull.

He hasn't recovered from the doomsday scene just now

"How could this thing be so powerful! ?"

"The simulation result is not like this! ?"

"The power of this TM is more than ten thousand times higher! ?"

Qin Feng asked a series of questions.

When designing space-based satellites, Qin Feng conducted more than one simulation test. The most powerful one is about the same as a small-yield mushroom bomb.

The advantage of space-based weapons is that they cannot be intercepted. Single point damage!

You can almost imagine a meteorite falling down!

What we are pursuing is single point damage!

How can there be such a large range of damage!?

"Sir, the main reason is that the target you chose has some special geographical conditions...."

Jarvis reminded quietly.

NiX Country is located right at the intersection of the two plates!

The tungsten rod happens to be a single point of damage!

The depth of the blow is very deep!

The combination of the two creates the doomsday scene that is destroying the world and destroying the earth!

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