"Find the core chip and destroy it"

"Why not just blow up the computer?"

"No, only by finding the core chip can the brain be destroyed"

"An explosion may or may not destroy a chip."

Qin Feng calmed down and said to Sun Bing

"Find the core chip and destroy it"


Sun Bing began to dismantle the faint light emitted by the computing stage.

At this moment, the distant star.

The brain in Meng Tian's office began to flash red.

"System was compromised"

"The system has been compromised."

Meng Tian, ​​who had a leisurely look on his face, sat up straight in an instant.

He began to detect where the invasion was.

He could see the main location of the invasion.

Meng Tian immediately panicked.

It was Mercury.

Meng Tian instantly switched the screen to the picture of Mercury.

Mercury at this moment On the planet, the robots are engaged in a fierce battle with the unmanned aerial vehicles. The already bumpy surface of Mercury has become even more bumpy at this moment.

Most of the mutants have been damaged.

If it was just invaded, the brain would not be able to As for sending such a signal,

Meng Tian quickly adjusted the picture to the interior of the Mercury base.

Sure enough, a figure appeared next to the Intelligent Brain core computer.

And this person squatted next to the computer and didn't know what he was doing.

"Intelligent Brain, immediately transfer all robots to the base"

"The method implementation failed."

Zhi Nao has always distributed troops based on the distribution of combat power.

At this time, the data analyzed by Zhi Nao showed that Sun Bing's combat power was not a threat.

However, the drone armor and heavy weapons outside were affected by Zhi Nao Serious concern.

Moreover, in the robot's small program, they are not allowed to access the core computer area of ​​Zhi Nao.

Zhi Nao only executes methods that he thinks are reliable.

Meng Tian tried to modify Zhi Nao's program.

But now Zhi Nao has He has evolved to a very high level.

Therefore, Meng Tian cannot delete the program.

Seeing that there is no hope of modifying the Zhi Nao program,

Meng Tian plans to personally contact the people on Mercury and ask them to immediately change the direction of attack.

If this continues, Zhi Nao will probably be very Will be damaged soon

"Zhi Nao, I need to get in touch with the mutants on Mercury."

"OK, the signal is getting connected."

It didn't take long before a mutant finally connected to the signal.

"Immediately shift firepower and pursue the intruders inside Mercury Base."

When the mutant saw that it was Meng Tian, ​​he didn't hesitate at all.

"Got it, chief."

The mutants began to send Meng Tian's instructions to all existing mutants on Mercury.

The mutants immediately began to evacuate after receiving the information, preparing to attack the inside of the base

"Sir, there is an abnormal signal intrusion from Mercury."

At this time, Jarvis also intercepted the signal from the brain

"What signal?"


Jarvis is analyzing the data

"It is an internal communication signal among Mingxing people, exclusive to Meng Tian."

"Finally, I was alarmed."

Qin Feng looked at Sun Bing who was dismantling the computer on the screen.

Sun Bing was not very familiar with computers.

Qin Feng could only teach Sun Bing step by step based on Jarvis's instructions.

Time passed second by second.

Qin Feng Feng watched Sun Bing's progress closely.

"In one minute, the mutants are coming."

Qin Feng reminded Sun Bing.

Sun Bing's speed also began to increase.

However, he still couldn't keep up with the speed of the mutants.

When Sun Bing was dismantling the computer motherboard, the mutants arrived.

The mutant running at the front tried to attack.

But Sun Bing dodged one step ahead.

Qin Feng was on the side helping Sun Bing block his vision.

So Sun Bing could know every move of the mutants.

After the battle just outside, most of these mutants had been damaged.

Although the mutants were all Already injured, but still very powerful.

"Sir, I suggest you evacuate immediately"

"The winning rate is one percent."

Qin Feng's eyes darkened.

"The success rate of evacuation is now fifty percent."

Jarvis made recommendations based on the combination of all the data.

"Sun Bing immediately began to evacuate."

Qin Feng said categorically.

Without any hesitation.

"The mission has not been completed and cannot be evacuated."

This is the rule of the Employment Hall, and it is also the rule set by Qin Feng.

It prevents some people from randomly accepting tasks, causing the tasks to accumulate and cannot be completed.

Therefore, the tasks must be completed, otherwise you will never be able to accept new tasks.

This pair of people in the employment

It is undoubtedly a huge trauma for those who took over the task.

But Qin Feng did not expect that Sun Bing is still thinking about this.

"This is my order, you must evacuate."

Sun Bing's eyes were shaken.

"Sorry, it's hard to obey."

He finally made it to the moon, and now he was only one step away from completing the mission. He didn't want to back down.

At this time, a mutant used all his strength to attack Sun Bing.

Although Sun Bing noticed it, he turned around and wanted to catch him. Attack.

But the mutants are very powerful.

Although Sun Bing also hit the mutants, their power was far less powerful than the mutants.

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