Sun Bing was pushed far away and hit a corner.

Although the mutants were attacked, their defense system was very powerful.

Although Sun Bing is also equipped with an armor system.

But compared to the mutants of Mingxing, they are still far behind.

Sun Bing slowly stood up again.

Qin Feng looked very anxious.

"Jarvis immediately mobilized other drones to help Sun Bing.

Although it is impossible for Sun Bing to defeat the mutants, the drone armor can indeed

"Sir, I've been transferred here."

Jarvis had already started to let the drones rush here when the mutants were about to come.

The drones were in a war with the robots. Although they were controlled by heavy weapons, they were only fighting against the robots. They were evenly matched.

At this time, Drone A was about to leave to help Sun Bing.

The robot stopped them and refused to let them go.

Unmanned A was blocked and began to increase its force to attack.

So far, there have been Some unmanned aerial vehicles were injured.

Bugs have begun to appear.

But some robots were also damaged.

During the melee, some unmanned aerial vehicles escaped.

They went to the interior of Mercury to support Sun Bing.

On Sun Bing's side, Sun Bing had already The corner of his mouth that was beaten began to bleed.

But the mutant's attack continued.

Sun Bing was knocked down and stood up again.

"Sun Bing, evacuate immediately."

At this moment, Qin Feng was still urging Sun Bing to leave.

Sun Bing just touched the blood on the corner of his mouth.

"If you don't complete the mission, you will never go."

When Sun Bing came, he had no hope of returning alive.

But even if it was the second before he died, he would still try to complete the mission.

A mutant rushed directly in front of Sun Bing and was about to knock him down.

Sun Bing measured his body, took out the quantum gun and started shooting. This was a life-saving weapon given to him by Qin Feng.

The quantum gun was very powerful.

The mutant fell down in response.

Green blood flowed from his body..

The surrounding mutants were very surprised to see that their companions were dead.

They couldn't believe that the Blue Star man they had beaten to the ground just now burst out with huge energy.

Sun Bing raised his gun.

Started Shooting violently.

Some mutants wanted to rush forward and snatch the gun in his hand.

But they were knocked to the ground.

More and more mutants were knocked to the ground. Some mutants became more frightened when they saw this situation.

Although they are mutants and powerful, they are still human beings. They are still afraid of death.

Although the power of the quantum gun is great, the resources that can be fired are still limited.

Bang! This is the last step of the quantum gun. A little resource.

Before Sun Bing left, Qin Feng told Sun Bing the number of shots that this quantum gun could shoot.

Sun Bing had to count them before he shot one.

"the last one."

After Sun Bing fired the last bullet, he threw the gun aside.

Some mutants who were still preparing to avoid Sun Bing's weapons saw the gunfire stop.

The mutants looked at each other.

Sun Bing cursed, but the mutants did not I know.

Seeing Sun Bing throw his weapon aside, these mutants stopped hiding and attacked directly towards Sun Bing.

Sun Bing looked at the mutants rushing in front of him with no expression on his face.

Qin Feng didn't know when he looked at his indifferent expression. What was Sun Bing thinking?

"Sir, Sun Bing wants to blow himself up."

It turns out that Sun Bing had already packed explosives on his body before setting off.

He was just in case of an unexpected incident. If he couldn't complete the task by then, he would blow up the entire Mercury base.

If he connected with himself, he wouldn't be able to return anyway. Went.

Qin Feng punched the table angrily.

Although he wanted to scold Sun Bing now, he didn't have any position now. He was more helpless now.

Qin Feng felt so powerless for the first time.

Just when Sun Bing was When the self-destruction system was about to be activated, there was a bang.

A loud noise shook the entire internal base.

Everyone looked at the door.

It turned out that Drone A had arrived.

Qin Feng suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Drone A would be the outermost All the mutants on the first floor rushed to one side.

Sun Bing saw the appearance of the drone armor.

His hand that was still clenched instantly relaxed.

The arrival of the drone armor instantly reversed the situation.

"Oh shit. Meng

Tian looked at the images in the video and threw everything on the table aside angrily.

"Intelligent Brain, immediately transfer all robots back to the internal base"

"Calculating data"

"The robot's system is set by the brain based on data.

Only the Intelligent Brain can change the robot's system

"The success rate of bringing the robot back inside is 70%."

This is higher than the data just calculated.

"The plan was adopted and is being implemented."

Zhi Nao began to automatically change the robot's program.

Although the arrival of the drones gave Sun Bing some relief.

But most of the drones were still fighting the robots.

Soon, Zhi Nao changed the robot's program. came over.

The robot's program was changed.

It immediately stopped entangled with the external drone armor and returned directly to the interior of Mercury.

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