Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 1103: Qinshan Martial Arts School is controlled by me (four thousand universities

No one can refuse the deliciousness of oily rice. There are many kinds of raw materials. Some are responsible for the smooth taste, some are responsible for the tender texture, and some are specifically responsible for meeting Lin's demand for protein and oil. Finally, they are in the fragrance of lotus leaves. Zhongrong is one furnace.

Lin Sorrow sighed with satisfaction,


This person is also very good at picking faults for himself,

"Now, green rice is inferior to glutinous rice, it doesn't have the full taste of glutinous rice porcelain."

Huang Dashan scratched his ears and cheeks anxiously-this is so special that the cold tyrannosaurus ordered the royal meal, and with this guts, he did not dare to grab food in the cold tyrannosaurus trough.

Huang Dashan rolled his eyes and said in dissatisfaction,

"I'm afraid you are not picky, you don't like to eat, don't like to eat, you give it to me, don't waste it!"

Lin Chou kept an elegant smile,

"Haha, get out."

Leng Han took a sip of the fresh soup of steamed chicken with astragalus.

The sweetness of the chicken soup is soaked in the special aroma of Chinese herbs. It is single and rich. The warm taste of the tea is like tea, which makes people unable to stop.

So Leng Han didn't speak, his expression was so cold that he concentrated on drinking soup, so that he seemed to have a particularly obvious tendency to protect food.

When Huang Dashan sneaked close to Lin Chou and her table like a big horse monkey with lice, a golden streamer suddenly appeared, rustling extension and deformation, like a blooming lotus. The whole table was wrapped in two-thirds, and it seemed to be half-opening and suddenly shutting down.

In other words, the shape of this anti-stealing fence is not exquisite and very artistic.

Huang Dashan was so angry that his paws trembled, and he didn't dare to jump out a word when he wanted to say something.



This is too much.

The most basic trust between people!

Lin Chou said strangely,

"Hey, there is ham in the oily rice, have you changed your sex? Don't fall in love with empathy?"

Leng Han glanced at Lin Chou: his eyes warned.

Lin Chou shrugged.

"Like this soup?"

Leng Han nodded and just said,

"Soup...very good!"

The evaluation is not very good, it may have caused Leng Han to give up the oily rice ball with ham and specialize in chicken soup...

Lin Chou squeezed his chin emmmmm and thought: A Leng is afraid it’s not because he has a preference for simple foods. It seems that he has to think about it in the future.

Shan Ye: "I wonder if you two should eat the rice dumplings, I...I just tasted the taste and it won't work..."

"Taste the taste? You belong to Zhu Bajie, I'm afraid it takes a ton to taste it."

Huang Dashan opened his mouth and scolded.

"Fuck, who is **** impatient? Believe it or not, Shan Ye's return is a 3600° human-chicken separation giant loop... Yo... Young Master Sikong, what the wind blows your little deflated calf? That's it~"

Sikong wore black sunglasses that occupies half of his face, and a black leather trench coat with diamonds inlaid with countless first, second, and third-order source crystals. The shape of a dragon head is vaguely presented. It is worth mentioning that the dragon eye is Use two extremely luxurious fifth-order source crystals that circulate like a ring of energy.

Sikong's car parked at the foot of the mountain, followed by bodyguards No. 1 to No. 27, all dressed like the Matrix, except that there was no source crystal inlaid on the leather trench coat.

The Secretary pointed to Huang Dashan coldly,

"I disdain to talk to the poor."

Shan Ye: "???"

Sikong smiled at Leng Han, then said to Lin Chou,

"Here, Lin XX, how is your life in another world? No, as soon as I heard that you have been there for ten years, my son immediately decided to come and see you."

The bodyguards No.1 to No.27 were very relieved of the security situation on this hill, and they found a place to hide.

Then Erhu, Calabash Baby, Xia Yu, Dasha and others, who were strictly guarded by a burly man in leather, were able to breathe a breath of fresh air.

"Brother Sorrow!"

"Brother Sorrow~"

Sikong Dao,

"Let you take a look, these guys are all alive and kicking, specially pulled over, now you can rest assured."

Lin Chou shook his eyes.

"Okay, I didn't suffer any injuries in such a big battle. Good luck."

Erhu shrugged,

"With the big silly brother Shan Ye Zhao Erye, what can we do! It's your worry brother, these ten years have passed, why are you not old at all?"

Lin Chou rolled his eyes.

Suddenly an unspeakable soft and soft voice came in with faint resentment,

"Boss Lin, is the slave transparent?"

Huh, one sentence cleared a house.

Lin Chou held his breath and said solemnly,

"speak politely!"

Bai Suren immediately gave Lin Chou a gaze of 220V.


Bai Suren leaned forward to Leng Han's side and squeezed Leng Han's face naturally.

"Hey, did you secretly use some cosmetics to make your skin clear? Look at me. After the two performances, the whole person is gray and yellow, like a trash!"

Lin Chou's eyes were round--

What the fuck!

Why can't this white person think about it?

There are still people in this world who dare to touch the tiger's ass...Bah... dare to touch the tiger's face?

If you can't think about it, you can't think about it. Why do you pit our innocent and fragile lives? The ants are still alive!

Leng Han is afraid that he is not going to riot on the spot and tear Bai Su Ren into 180 pieces to drink!

Should I hide away immediately, or put all the pans on my chest to increase the defensive ability and then quietly exit the effective kill range?

However, things did not develop as Lin Chou imagined.

Leng Han twitched the corner of her mouth shallowly—the range of this cold smile was a bit big, and it had exceeded the range she used to Lin Chou.

Leng Han whispered,

"Where is it?"

Bai Suren exaggerated laughter,

"My sister is humble, but she has to teach her slaves — by the way, Sister Qing Yu said last time that Miss Zuo’s'Dabao Q'massage technique has been improved and the effect of deep sea seaweed mud is surprisingly good, but she hasn't taught me yet. ."

Leng Han nodded, with a happy look on his face.

"Okay, Sister Suren, when do you have time, I will take you to Sister Qingyu."

"That's a deal?"

"Yeah! Sister Su Ren, how about the alienated black butterfly shell you raised at home..."

"Yeah, I have been feeding better this month. I used up millions of small things to circulate. I produced three large 3-inch beads, all of which are pink. When the time comes, the powder will be ground and let me give it to you. Send it over, hehe~"

"I really envy my sister. I spend more than half a year on missions in the Black Sea every year. I have never seen the alienated black butterfly shells like my sister."

"What are you polite with sister, mine is yours, I can't use up so many pearls!"


The people outside the venue who were cleared out by everyone in White found that the car that was driving around Sikong was pointing and pointing like a new world.

"Young Master Sagong, this car is a bit interesting."

"I know, this seems to be a luxury car before the cataclysm. It's called a Rolls Royce. I heard it's expensive."

"Oh, you guys have this leather inside. It looks really stylish."

"Antique, you just drove over from the base city through the swamp through the grass barley? I'm afraid that we have to add a road roller to open the way..."

"Banknote capacity, this is the banknote capacity."

Lin Chou and Sikong surreptitiously bit their ears.

"Why is she here?"

"What can I do if you have to follow me."

"Then why are you here?"

"The air in the base city is not good, can my son come out to breathe?"

"The anger is gone, you go!"

"That's okay, everyone, Bai, I brought you here, my son withdrew~"



Sikong shouldn't see Lin Chou's "you are really mean" in the eyes, and said cheerfully.

"My son is in a good mood today, hehe, Linzi, do you know what this means?"

Lin Chou's eyes rolled.

Sikong said loudly,

"Today, one is counted as one, and one dish is counted as one. Snake wine tube is enough!"

The scene exploded all at once,


"Hao, are you friends?"

"Master Sagong, Wanfu Jinan!"

"Young Master Sagong hugs left and right!"

"Young Master Sikong will live forever!"

The hilltop is full of joyful breath.

After Lin Chou counted the number of people, he immediately decided not to sleep tonight-anyway, he would be awakened by a smile and do that useless work anyway.

Lin Chou moved forward (money) and pooled together,

"What a good thing?"

Young Master Sikong said in high spirits,

"Didn't the Qinshan Martial Arts School become a big blister of Qinshan? It has to be rebuilt. For such a big school with so many equipment, you have to ask for money?"

Lin Chou calculated silently,

"I'm going, you won't take down the reconstruction project of Qinshan Wushu School?"

"I look down on who, is this Sagong who does that kind of rough work!" Sikong slanted his eyes, "Do you know if you become a shareholder? From now on, this Sagon will be the majority shareholder of Qinshan Martial Arts School. Hey, the privileged class knows it? One of them counts as one. If any of your children have trouble going to Qinshan Martial Arts School, tell us, I will do it for you soon!"

Damn it, this is awesome!

Qinshan Martial Arts School was so awesome at that time. If you have no talent, unless you have made any special contributions to the base city, you don’t even think about it. It’s powerful, powerful, and capable, but people just don’t even think about it. Don't eat your set.

After the cheering stopped, Lin Chou asked again.

"How many shares do you account for?"

Sikong Dao,

"I paid for the rebuilding of equipment and management, accounting for 51%."

Huang Dashan spewed out old blood more than three feet high,

"Fuck, what do you think of someone who doesn't know how to count? Isn't this called a shareholding special? This is a holding!"

Lin Chou was shocked.

"From now on, Qinshan Martial Arts School, do you have the final say?"

Sikong nodded,

"Yes, I have the final say."

Lin Chou hummed,

"I will lose you."

Sikong groaned.

"When it comes to cooking, you crush me, and when it comes to doing business, a hundred pieces of you will not be worth my leg hair."

"Let me put it this way, do you think I have seven and a half libraries full of ancient books, video materials, antiques, and all kinds of messy things before the cataclysm. What is the annual maintenance cost?"

Lin Chou thought carefully,

"At least tens of millions of circulation points?"

"Shit!" Sikong looked at Lin Shou's eyes and revealed his full care. "Tens of millions is not enough for my library's air system to run for three months-I tell you, it is a library specially trained for my seven and a half libraries. Every year, the number of new employees is maintained at about 200. Coupled with the high-precision maintenance of various books, video materials, and various miscellaneous items, the circulation points I put in it every year start at least 1.5 billion."

Lin Chou was completely speechless,

"It's not a library, it's a selling gold cave!"

Sikong asked,

"Do you think you can't make money?"

Ai Ai in the sorrow period,

"At this cost, you still want to make money? I'm afraid it's not crazy..."

Sikong chuckled.

"Really I Sagong is a wealth-spreading boy, that is, a wealthy-spreading boy, and the scattered wealth is brought by the wind? Or should I point to Sagong Yu's 175,800 iron rice bowls every month to support myself with dead wages? height?"

"Seven and a half libraries, three and a half-guaranteed libraries, and the remaining four are net surplus."

The sound of a room sucking cold air almost vacuumed the hill.

Sikong said again,

"Do you know what is most profitable these years-except for war."

Lin Chou shook his head and said he didn't know.

Sikong stretched out a finger and shook it.

"Education, education!"

"Mingguang Base City's martial arts school, casually buy one, it is guaranteed to make a lot of money!"

"The little martial arts school held by those big families is envious of me, hehehe, the value of these two tens of billions of flowers is really cool!"

Vacuum again.

Lin Chou was trembling, his hands trembling a little.

"I, I have a lot of grass... Only 20 billion accounted for 51%?"

Sikong rolled his eyelids,

"The shares of the dead nails cannot be diluted. If it exceeds 50%, the subsequent figures will no longer be meaningful."

"But, how does the martial arts school make money? The martial arts school does not even charge tuition fees and also grants scholarship living allowance..."

Sikong sneered, not too lazy to make trouble.

Leng Han raised his head and said aloud during the conversation with Bai Suren.

"The martial arts school is profitable, and it is very profitable."

"Not to mention how many contacts the Qinshan faction will have to accumulate after these students leave the school. The technology they created in the course of their studies, the rare beasts they hunted, and the magical plant materials they found are a pretty terrifying resource-by and by. These things are also urgently needed by the Development Committee, the Research Institute, the garrison, and all evolvers."

Lin Chou was stunned for a while, with a sour tone.

"I hate these wicked capitalists the most."

Sikong smiled happily.

"I have set the location of the new campus of Qinshan Wushu School on the side of the four walls. The construction will start tomorrow. The estimated construction period is one month!"

Lin Chou opened his mouth in astonishment.

"One month? Did I miss a zero?"

Qinshan Wushu School is not only a building that is more than ten kilometers above the ground, but also underground, and there are all kinds of equipment and facilities?

Sikong stretched out another finger and shook his head.

"As long as the money is in place!"

Lin Chou was speechless, everyone was speechless.

Huang Dashan licked it aside,

"Young Master Sikong, boss, are there any pendants on the legs?"

"On the self-cultivation of licking dogs, then we are professional!"

"As long as the money is in place, I can do whatever posture is special~"

People are different from people.

Other people’s children go to Qinshan Martial Arts School and have to ask their grandpa to tell their grandmother to go to heaven and earth. They are more laborious than those who crossed the single-plank bridge before the cataclysm. For a certain Sikong, He could completely build a Dankun bridge directly next to the single-plank bridge to the chairman's office of the Qinshan Wushu School, and then ride a Rolls-Royce with his No. 27 bodyguard and run over it with tons and tons and tons and tons.

Everyone laughed.

Sikong kicked over and said angrily.

"It's so hard for me to pretend to be forced, this little atmosphere has all disturbed you!"

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