Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 1104: About Sikong's Childhood

Leng Han finally finished the fresh soup of steamed chicken with astragalus, Sikong retracted his leg and asked.

"Is it so delicious?"

As a result, he was immediately stunned by Bai Su Ren's big eyes,

"You are very annoying, only the most rude and least gentleman will disturb the private conversation of my daughter's house!"

Sikong: "I... said..."

Bai Suren's eyes are piercing,


This "yo" is really indescribable in a variety of manners.

A certain Sikong was so scared that she immediately interrupted her, for fear that she would continue to say some dregs outside the scope of the light of socialist core values.

"Stop, stop, you continue, you continue!"

Sikong and Bai Suren are small, what does it mean to be small?

It’s from the time when I was wearing crotch pants, I started to fight and fight in a trough to grab food. The other party’s embarrassment is clear, and there is no burden to peel off the skin. The ridicule direction has always been directed at the other party’s urinary point. It is estimated that Sikong's physique and other issues were often ruined by this white master during his childhood, and the psychological shadow area is already quite huge.

At this time, under the gaze of everyone's eyes, Sikong certainly has to cherish his feathers so as not to be tainted by some nasty guys again.

Bai Suren hummed again, cast a few huge white eyes, and let Sikong go.

Lin Chou pulled Sikong aside,

"By the way, when did Comrade A Leng have such a good relationship with everyone?"

Sikong thought for a while,

"Hey, it's very early, maybe it's Lao Bai...then you know, after this tendency is very strong, suddenly you have a good relationship with the girls around you?"

"Why didn't I notice it before?" Lin Chou blinked his eyes, "Well, what happened to everyone suddenly... when is it?"

Sikong blinked and blinked.

"Probably from what I can remember?"

"That's really early enough!"

Sikong said deeply,

"Accept the early habit early. If you want to have a childhood friend who has grown up from childhood and suddenly turned into a childhood sweetheart in the eyes of outsiders, what kind of experience do you think it will be?"

"That's really tough!"

"My feelings are getting complicated, and I can tell you that I can write a book."


Sikong was stunned, "I envied her when I was a kid, you know..."

"Envy everyone of Bai becoming a girl?"

"Get out!" Sikong cursed, "When we were in Qinshan Martial Arts School together..."

"I can go to Qinshan with your physique, what to learn, to learn Taijiquan? Learn to beat the tree to invigorate blood and remove blood stasis for immortality? Tsk, wicked capitalist, privileged class!"

"Are you special... Is this the point? Are you still listening?"

"Listen, you go on, go on..."

Sikong said,

"Can you imagine, the girls in the whole class, ah no, the girls in the whole grade have a very good relationship with Bai Suren. Oh, it is really enviable. She was not very good at that time, although she was not like me. She often gets sick, but it feels thin and thin like a little cabbage. You don’t know. Wow, the boys and children of the whole class! Bring her breakfast, cakes and sweets every day in a variety of ways. .."

"Wait... there are boys... uh uh you say you say it!"

Sikong said with emotion,

"A few, are these people blind?"

"Qinshan tradition knows, Chunyou, oh yes, at that time I was called Chunshou. Bai Suren never moved. Even though she has this strength, every time she has the most prey piled around her! Those girl suitors gave it to them, and then they gave it to her again!"

"The most overwhelming thing is that she, she, she, actually in front of us, and...and that group of girls...what a rewarding kiss..."

"It's too much, it's tragic!"

Lin Chou said,

"Oh~ So it turns out that Young Master Sikong had a girl he liked back then, and she also fell into the harem group of everyone? It’s nothing strange at all. Who makes the parents look really beautiful? Regardless of the exact sex, Everyone walks with the wind, okay, it's full of fairy spirit!"

Sikong denied that,

"Fuck... I didn't! Don't talk nonsense! Fuck you!"

It is true that Lin Chou has never been to Qinshan Martial Arts School. Haven't seen any pigs run before eating pork? He completely and especially understands the feelings of Young Comrade Sikong.

Girls are actually very good at self-braining and self-help strategies...Uh...


Cross out!

Girls are actually a kind of creatures who are very good at conjecture. There is a saying that at that age, a little girl either thinks she is a little fairy, or always believes that she can pull out one or two odd sticks under her skirt. Strange things come, and by warming the body and mind of the beautiful girls in the entire class, all the beautiful girls in the entire class and the entire school are developed into their own harem.

No matter from which point of view, it’s weird that someone who looks like everyone is particularly favored by girls, some boys who don’t know the truth, or boys who know the truth?

Oh, maybe it's strange.

That is, they may not be sure whether they can take out any magical treasure under everyone's skirt-maybe they and they don't mind?


There is no harm without comparison!

In the eyes of Sikong, whose hormones were still flourishing at that time, there was nothing better than a girl he liked to like a girl who liked him, and he had already lost it in a battle without gunsmoke but hormones before he had time to do it. Like your own girl, such a plot reversal is even more terrifying? ?

Thinking of this, Lin Chou's eyes couldn't help but bring a trace of sympathy.

"Fuck, what are you doing, what are you looking at, billowing!" Sikong roared angrily.

Lin Chou patted Sikong on the shoulder,

"I finally believe that it's impossible for you and Bai everyone to be together. It seems that Uncle's love lesson is completely unnecessary-please be sorry."

"Don't give me any love lessons!" Sikong looked weak, and it seemed that he was tossed by Sikongyu's coquettish operation.

"Then did you pass the exam?"


Bai Suren covered her lips and smiled, and said to Leng.

"Sister, have you seen it, the topic of men is even richer than our girls."

Leng Han was busy opening the lotus leaf "package" of the oily rice ball in his hand. Some were hot and some were in a hurry. He suddenly asked.

"Sister Bai, when you were in Qinshan Martial Arts School, did you really steal Sikong's girlfriend?"

"Why, it won't," Bai Suren said lightly, "They are very specific."

Leng Han raised the corners of his mouth,


Bai Suren took a peek,

"No, no..."

So Leng Han nodded and continued to fight against the hot lotus leaf.

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