Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 1109: Empirical talk

Can I bring a bowl to your house for dinner, just one bowl!

Undoubtedly, if conditions permit, Huang Dashan will move his bathtub to Lin Chou to pretend to be a job without any psychological burden.

Shan Ye said, unfortunately,

"Lin Zi is really getting stingy. At any rate, he was full before, but now that one person has just such a small bowl, your conscience won't hurt?"

Xiao Yourong, who had just arrived at the scene of the crime, looked at the so-called "small bowl" in the mouth of Lord Shan in surprise, and stretched out his hand to it.

Well, look at this bowl, it's big and round...

Su Yourong took a lot of effort, and the bowl didn't move as if it were on the table.

emmmm, why does the master's conscience hurt?

A pot with the surname Huang, owes it.

Su Yourong murmured,

"I feel like I can soak myself in and take a bath..."

The big-chested sister hugged Su Yourong into a high chair and put two cushions under her buttocks.

"You have to eat more, you see, you don't have that green-headed potted plant as high as it is, shameful."

Su Yourong puffed up his chest,

"She and I are two species."

After seeing this scene, many people felt that something in their heads was shattered to the ground with the "duang" action of the little girl who was not as tall as the table top. It hurts!


You are indeed not a species...

I've never seen such a wild and unreasonable species when I grew up!

Shan Ye has long been immune to this magical attack of the big one and the small one, and he is not like the group of novices who can't pull them off as if they have their eyes on them.

What's more, it is obviously more important to fill your stomach now. Food and clothing have always been the foundation of everything.

Sikong Ho Ho Ho's weird smile,

"Sheng Mien fights Mi Chou, you don't have enough free lunch, right?"

Huang Dashan was silly and cheerful,

"Let me tell you, Xiao Sikong, who doesn't want to eat more meals without money? Do you know what the most delicious meal I have ever eaten in my life? When I was not an evolutionary, I was alone in the den ..."

"Stop! Stop! No one knows what your glorious deeds are. You don't feel too tired to talk about it when you meet people? Can you say something we don't know!"

"Well, didn't I let you interrupt before I could say it? I went on to say that after I was picked up by the original Panshan team boss, I should have been in a coma for several days. , Sometimes I can smell something that hooks Lao Tzu's soul to prevent Lao Tzu from dying, hehe, I open my eyes, guess what?"

Everyone's eyes were shining, but unfortunately no one responded.

Shan Ye was boring and didn't feel embarrassed.

"I lie down with two corpses. Opposite is a member of the Panshan team. A deer is tied to a thick tree, and half of a human leg is poked on the antler."

"The people from the Panshan team are roasting venison, cutting and roasting a piece from that deer leg. Ouch, that smell."

"Later, I learned more about it. The deer that killed the two members of the Panshan team is just an ordinary mutant sika deer. Even the second-tier sika deer of the entire race are rare."

Sikong shrugged.

"To say that Lord Shan is also a real liver, it was the first time I saw someone daring to rush into the wilderness with a broken kitchen knife."

Shan Ye proudly said,

"If I hadn't been decisive and resolute at that time, I could have the present--"

Shan Ye wanted to say something like "brilliant and splendid" and "famous bright light", but after such a hesitation, Lin Chou was the first to get this straightforward product.

Lin Sorrow said,

"Married into a wealthy family? Ever since then embarked on the pinnacle of life?"

Everyone laughed wildly,

"Hahaha there is nothing wrong with marrying a rich family!"

"Snake skin, crazy, hey, I laughed off Lao Tzu's dentures."

"So Shan Ye was actually married twice?"

"Don't make trouble, obviously I married again and again."

"It's not the same!"


Huang Dashan furiously said,

"Your father only married twice!"

However, it is difficult to adjust, ah, no, Huang Dashan's resistance is weak and helpless.

And Wu Ke, a single dog of science and technology to the house, obviously smelled bits and pieces of rancid odor from Shan Ye’s anger.

"Oh, Lord Shan, you have a story, what's the matter, you really gave it to our eldest lady?"

Huang Dashan denied it all at once, and squatted for a long time before saying.

"We are free love, free love, understand!"

Boos constantly,

"Master Shan, if you talk like this, then we don't want to listen. You teach us the secret of freely falling in love with an old man who is worth hundreds of millions of dollars?"

"That's right, I remember that your old husband came up to give you the latest off-road vehicle base of the research institute that year, worth 27 million circulation points."

"It's amazing, how about this kind of operation?"

"Isn't it? That Shan Ye's family history has yet to be studied."


The Hedong lion raised in Shan Ye's house was famous in Mingguang long before the Queen appeared. As for how the Queen later communicated with this "big lady", no one understood the inside story.

Shan Ye was really impatient to be tossed by these gossips.

"Moji, your mother, a big watermelon. I wanted someone to have strength and strength at that time. There were a few little girls who were crying and shouting to marry Laozi. It was strange, billowing, so stubborn?"

Wu Ke sneered unceremoniously.

"Hehehe, a little girl with a net worth of hundreds of millions of dollars can see you? What do you know about that family property? It's only for you to cultivate dozens of innocent and obedient little milk dogs from the test tube stage before the cataclysm. After a few cents, you can also experience the fun of nurturing by the way, just your big pancake face, Ah!"

Huang Dashan: "..."

It's not that I didn't find this kid's mouth so poisonous before.

Huang Dashan also gave up his face.

"Wipe, you bastards, if I don't say that you can arrange my life forever, I will pour a glass of wine for Laozi, and I will tell you about your grandfather Dashan and my love book today."

Someone molested,

"Can you tell me how to marry into a wealthy family, marry Bai Fumei and reach the pinnacle of life!"

Huang Dashan glared at him.

"The first two Laozi don't understand. As for the latter, is heaven enough for the peak?"

The man suddenly shrank his neck and hid with a gusto.

Shan Ye took a stance and said,

"Simple, I saved her life. It's that simple. She always wants to repay us, but who are we? Grandpa Huang Dashan just became an evolutionary and joined the Panshan team at that time. I feel like I can fly with both wings, without looking at her directly."

"A woman like a creature, the more you are not a bird, the more curious she will be for you. Now think about it, the main reason is that Lao Tzu is handsome. It's Lao Tzu's sharp face, just Lao Tzu's stubborn stubble. With melancholy eyes, tusk tusk, she always tried her best to seriously consider buying a lot of small things that Lao Tzu could not think of but very practical and suitable for Lao Tzu, hehehehe..."

"Is it easy for Lao Tzu to buy? It's all daily necessities that can't be returned to the little girl. Lao Tzu bought a bunch of messy things and gave it to her. It's a gift to her. She gave me and I gave her. , She will send me again and I will send her again..."

He lost interest when he heard the big guy here.

MMP, what is this imaginary collection of chasing women, obviously it is the show off of the sense of superiority and the red fruit!

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