Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 1110: Of course I have a wife

Everyone felt sour and unhappy.

Everyone has two arms and three legs. Why does his surname Huang operate so many times, and he doesn't count one of the pits, so why not buy one get one free!

What the **** is it? Is it because of his long legs?

If that's the case—just kidding, our buddy usually sits on our waist!

You look at the words that describe yourself!

Ah yeah, I also have a face like a knife and axe, I'm afraid it wasn't really the knife that was stabbed by the axe.

Self-satisfied looking good-looking man squeezed his face and muttered sadly,

"What about the most basic trust between people..."

Of course, there are still discerning people here.

Bai Suren cut the water with his pupils and asked with a grin.

"Now, dare to ask Lord Shan, what did you buy when you first'returned' Mrs. Zun?"

Huang Dashan counted with his fingers,

"Kishutang's Perilla Essence and Silk Protein Mask, Zhang's Hand-made Charcoal Roast Beef Jerky and Salt-Roasted Anglerfish Liver Family Bucket, Salt and Shelled Green Broad Beans from Chengnan Farm, a set of "Sakura O High School Male Public Relations Department" "The DVD disc on the top, um...what else is coming..."

All Steel...Ah no... All [Star Destroyer Alloy Shell comes with Force Field Shield] The straight men said they were incomprehensible: "!!!"

What kind of mess is this special gift? What's the use? And why can you remember so clearly? How many years have passed since?

Sikong turned his lips at Huang Dashan extremely contemptuously.

"Scheming female watch."

Bai Suren shook his white fist and nodded again and again.


Wu Ke set aside his posture, facing the crowd with a bewildered expression:

"Assuming that your wife is 1.73 meters tall and weighs 57 kilograms. The measurement ratio is 34/24/34. She looks sweet and decent. She has a soft personality and uncontested personality. If you go to the hall and go to the kitchen, you have to tear up the groomsman and hang your bridesmaid-then the problem is! When was your wife's lowest IQ?"

Everyone: "???"

What kind of **** is this problem, is it a little bit related to the previous tip!

"What's the mess, is this a calculation problem or a metaphysical problem?"

"Who knows this! Has anyone figured it out..."


Wu Ke pointed to Su Yourong,

"You are here to answer!"

Su Yourong couldn't lift his head from the super old bowl at all.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh emmmm..."

Wu Ke nodded solemnly.

"The correct answer is when you are eating."

Wu Ke turned to Sikong Nunu again,


Sikong stared at Bai Suren for a long time, and said firmly.

"When chasing drama!"

In Sikong's view, when a woman is chasing a drama, she is hopeless.

His childhood sweethearts and white amateur children's shoes are completely free from the love and hatred of several generations, and they are mixed with a little car accident, cancer, fire, mudslide, tornado buff, which is the actor's scarf in the drama she chased. This girl is hooked. She could pull herself crying in distress, but Sikong couldn't stand to ask her, she was still plausible: Ouba is the most perfect, Ouba must be perfect!

Are you talking about chicken feather IQ after all this?

Wu Ke nodded.

"One more thing, according to incomplete statistics from non-governmental organizations before the catastrophe, half of the boyfriends who were counted agreed that their girlfriends had the lowest IQ when applying facial masks. Of course, the effect of lying is also the best at this time, so please be sure not to Spread it out-by the way, did Shan Ye have seen this statistical result?"

Wu Ke speculated maliciously,

"Think about it, when a pure little girl like a piece of white paper receives a gift from a savior, do you want to open it immediately, and then, hehe... put on a mask, eat snacks, watch corrosion The anime of the soul..."

Everyone thinks so...


"Step by step!"

"Fuck, it turns out that Lord Shan is so insidious, it really hurts my sister-in-law!"

"Lao Tzu has said it a long time ago, just look at Huang Dashan's face, and blind dogs will not take him to look at him!"

Wu Ke's lenses flashed with a sharp light, and said gloomily,

"Moreover, the lower part of this anime is still firmly held in the hands of a pair of sins! The poor, innocent, and pure girl is thus gradually lured into the dark abyss..."

Everyone was filled with righteous indignation,

"Huang Dashan, you are simply not a human being!"

"Lack of great virtue, you..."

"Then what, that anime CD, is it still there?"

Huang Dashan's face was black and black-Shan Ye, who had made such a mess of analysis, had followed him by three points.

"Ma Maipi, I turned out to be such a person?"

"Then I'm pretty clever in that way?"


When many straight men [Star Destroyer alloy shell comes with force field shield] were busy asking Lord Shan for a CD, Wu Ke couldn't help turning his sympathetic eyes on them.

"Tsk tsk, it's really hopeless."

"After saying so much, what the undergraduate really wants to express is clearly: When facing the various intimate gifts of your wife, the most important thing is to never forget the various intimate*10 gifts, otherwise it will easily cause family conflicts."

"Look at what they are doing, grabbing a set of CDs that don't know if they still exist."

This consciousness is really low and suffocating, and I have not grasped the true meaning of this undergraduate course.

"Rotten wood cannot be carved."

Wu Ke muttered coldly,

"Hehe, it's really funny, how could there be a wife with such a low level of consciousness? Look at them, but a bunch of single dogs!"

Sikong didn't know when he would come in, and asked slyly.

"So you have a wife?"

"Of course I do," Wu Ke took out a palm-sized latest model of LCD screen recorder and started playing. After opening an exquisite LAN game, he blushed and roared. "Look at my luck and krypton gold ten combo, come out, my wives!"

After a burst of brilliance on the screen, a beautiful two-dimensional beauty made a nice hum.

Wu Ke turned the screen of the recorder towards Sikong’s face,

"Look, SSR-class wife, oh wait, I'll give my wife a name first, uh... the fourth wife... is called Yuedu... Meidi is very..."

Sagong rubbed his head.

The recorder is evolving a bit faster? Did the guys from Mingguang Research Institute spend all their research funds on this? Shit doesn't make sense!

He snatched the recorder over easily,

"show me!"

Wu Ke suddenly screamed that his wife was really robbed.

"Ahhhh, friends' wives must not deceive the gentleman or take away others. How can you rob my wife... and give me back...

No matter how poor Sikong's physique is, he is also a genuine evolutionary. He flipped through Wu Ke every minute.

"Well, let me see what your wives are called. Well, the eldest wife Shizaki Kuang O, the second wife Anjie Traou, this is the Chinese name?? Well, this third wife is interesting, is it a mermaid? Is there some baby fat? His name is Han Hong?"

Sikong looked at Wu Ke suspiciously.

"Who is Han Hong?"

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