Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 1124: My magic will tear you into owes! (under)

Perhaps it was because this huge eagle-shaped alien beast was too surging in the way of appearance-you must know that the flight speed has always been a flaw in the billowing lord.

In short, Master Gungun did not perform a full-scale three-dimensional gravity field suppression this time, but directly came to a cruel, then a twisted gravity field with a diameter of about ten meters was shot head-on at an unreasonable speed. The waist of an eagle-shaped monster.


It seems that there should be no opening animation such as blood lasing at all. The intensity coefficient of the gravitational field with a diameter of ten meters is not known. Anyway, it directly compresses some seconds in the range and turns it into a crystal the size of a normal person's little finger. .

As for the part more than ten meters away, it was probably two wings that were only half left. They even slapped twice with a nervous reaction, and then fell to the ground like fallen leaves.

The summoner with his hands upside down and full of arrogance and arrogance was the most straightforward, and immediately spewed a mouthful of blood and planted directly from the half-crocodile dragon.

The herd is in chaos!

The contrast is too big, even unexpectedly cute.

"Fucking master is mighty!"

"Hey, hey, look at the small eyes of the summoner when he fell, how confused~"

"What nonsense, has your bloodline awakened to the big eyeballs? I can't even see what the group of alien beasts look like. Can you see the summoner's eyes clearly?"

Uncle Billowing successfully retreated, stretched out his bear's paw to beckon the eagle-shaped beast to compress the crystal and licked his tongue a few times.

"Oooh, oh~"

Uncle Billowing yelled a few words, seemingly aggrieved, but the taste should be unpalatable.

Lin sorrows and doesn't fight,

"How many times have you told you, don't eat indiscriminately, don't eat indiscriminately, what if you have diarrhea after eating badly? What if the raw materials that make up the fat layer in your stomach are the circulation points of this handsome?"

Everyone:! ! !

As soon as Lin Chou's words came out, the spiritual storm of the summoner roared the audience again.

"Wait, you guys... are so deceiving..."

Anger, anger that has nowhere to rest.

Uncle Warlock can't help it no matter how good his temper is. Why have you repeatedly provoke the top players in this field, is there any sense of discipline and shame?


The seemingly invisible fluctuations turned into tangible shocks gushing out in front of the Uncle Warlock, and the range of Yanhui Mountain became wider and wider at the same time powerfully forming, wherever it passed, the vegetation turned into juicy soil, forming a fan-shaped isolation belt.

The herd of animals that had just rioted into a group suddenly changed from extreme movement to extreme silence, lying on the ground in all directions, and the arrangement was honest and clear.

Even if it is not within the range of fluctuations, everyone is uncomfortable.

It feels like 1GB of brain capacity has been squeezed into 1TB of gibberish, and his mother's brain is full of Nako!

Uncle Warlock smashed his imaginary fingers, his nose stretched as if he was smelling something, and soon he was disappointed again.

"It's useless, ah, it's useless, Linzi, do you think those strange animals can still be used to stir-fry two dishes?"

Lin Chou rolled his eyes angrily.

"The brain is mashed, the blood vessels burst, and the flesh is ruined."

"Ahhhh~" The warlock scratched his head, "Obviously it is a very cool ability, who knew he used such a scumbag!"

Lin Chou curled his lips, thinking that Uncle Warlock was planting a flag.

Anyway, I am also an expert who can manipulate a Tier 5 monster. I can't see it if I get killed so easily. I'm afraid it's not because of the vomiting blood that contains more gold...

In short, no one thinks that there is something wrong with the grandmaster of the blazing conjurer being turned over by the master billowing master or the master warlock one-handed-if it doesn't turn, it's unreasonable.

A group of unscrupulously watching lively groups was shaking with excitement!

Don’t say, there is someone behind this kind of wind, southeast, southeast, northwest wind. You love to rush your feet. It’s really cool and hard~

Huang Dashan has bright eyes,

"Hey hey, look at that guy, he got up, he jumped up again!"

Uncle Warlock’s emoticons on the top of his head have been changed two or three successively, and they are all about to become GIF animations. It is a surprised sigh for the face.


Amidst the group of alien beasts, the black-armored summoner suddenly floated, black gray mixed with blue stardust light mist drifted from him, the summoner's voice was stern, and he chanted loudly: "#@! ~+)%……*”

Yes, that's right, he was mumbling something, no one can understand it anyway, so it's a good time to express it in garbled code.

Around the summoner, it was as if a large-scale array of neon lights had been turned on, and the brilliance of thousands of colors changed from time to time, but the mysterious and vague fluctuations around him made Lin Chou feel inexplicably familiar.

Boom boom boom!

Every time there is a loud drum-like noise, an alien beast condenses into an entity from its brilliance, and sends out a fierce roar. In just a dozen seconds, the alien beasts, large and small, have formed a herd of tens of thousands!

And what makes the scalp numb of the guys watching the excitement is that none of these seemingly mass-produced monsters is lower than Tier 3.

Huang Dashan couldn't help but vomit,

"Fuck him! What the **** is this playing? It's hard to play! This is the catastrophic apocalypse, not a magical world! Anyway, let's talk about the basic law for a face!"

I can’t blame the mountain master for spitting and scolding his mother. I don’t know where a guy came out and waved his hand and showed them "I am the herd." Mom, you guys in the magic series don’t have spell casting materials and no skill cooling. Of it!

The black armored summoner pointed at Yan Huishan, gritted his teeth and repeated his lines.

"Tear them all to pieces!"

The herd of beasts was like a tide, and the darkness was crushing. The beasts launched a charge at the same time. However, within one kilometer of Yanhui Mountain, there was a little disturbance in the herd. The alien beasts above Tier 4 obviously have a tendency to defect. .

The black armored summoner gave a cold snort, instantly making all the alien beasts red eyes, forgetting all desperate sprints.

Lin Chou yawned boredly.

Not to mention the animal herd with only 10,000 in number, the true super-scale animal tide Yan Huishan has experienced more than once.

It looks vigorous, and there are nine out of ten alien animals that can't even break through the pitcher plant fence, which is really meaningless.

Impatient pictures also appeared in the emoticon of Uncle Warlock,

"Magic and sorcery are still very similar, this guy is still a bit special, he should be a magic net should be said that it is a magic net summoner..."

Huang Dashan and everyone curiously said,

"Huh, Demon King Mage, the big devil among the Mage..."

"The magic net mage is not a real mage at all. There is no part of his body that has the value of being a material." The warlock curled his lips. "The net, the net of the fishing net, the net of the network, I think you need electricity. Make your brain circuits clearer."

Needless to say, the so-called "Magic Net Mage" is the source of the uncle Warlock's disappointment and inexplicable disgust.

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