Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 1125: Can you eat it?

Under the continuous high-energy science popularization of "a certain plane", "a certain world" and "a certain dimension" by the uncle Warlock, everyone who understands and does not understand finally understands the awesomeness of this guy in front of them.

The first thing worth mentioning is--

In some planes, the magical summoning stream has been called the rogue faction for a long time. Oh, yes, it is the same in some well-known games before the cataclysm.

What balance?

What technicality?

What position and operation...

Sorry I have never heard of those things, I just blasted it anyway!

It’s not a dream to flood the Seven Armies with human sea tactics. As long as I burn out the blue bars, I will lose if there are root hairs in the audience that can stand up except me...

Mang is over!

This point was first recognized by everyone:

Isn't TM nonsense? If it weren't for Yanhuishan, or Master Warlock, who was on the scene, the entire base city couldn't find a few fierce men who dared to face tens of thousands of Tier 3 + alien beasts.

"But even if the summons of other worlds are very bullish, it's just a bit too much to fiddle with tens of thousands of them all at once?"

So Master Warlock mentioned the second point:

A different kind of mages-magic net mages.

This is a group of wonderful mages whose mana does not belong to them. In theory, magic net mages are ordinary people without any cultivation skills. The magic they use is "borrowed", almost through faith and sacrifice. Pray and wait for the ritual to contact and catch up with magic entities from other dimensions and other planes to reach a contract in exchange for the spells that the magic entity bestows on them...

Does emmmm feel familiar? Yes. Generally speaking, magic entities are called "gods" in certain magic planes.

To be reasonable, the Magic Net Master and Sikong are relatively similar, and both belong to the "money capable person."

——After all, don’t you need money for a sacrifice ceremony or something? The ticket burned by that thing can make you poor people pee through your pants in fright!

The magic net mage is not restricted by the blue bar. Various spells have a fixed number of times within a fixed period of time. There are cooling and no consumption. Infinitely stronger is equivalent to krypton gold. It is obtained through various fancy krypton gold to strengthen the connection with the magic entity. More spells and usage times.

As for whether it is strong or not?

Strong must be strong. After all, people use krypton gold combo and ordinary people are only equivalent to migrant workers' combo. There is really no harm if there is no comparison.

The black armored summoner in front of me, oh, I should call him the magic web summoner...

This uncle warlock analyzed that it is very likely that all the skill points on his body were point to the summon-related and the guy who abandoned the other branch of the magic has a distorted skill tree. It is difficult to judge whether it has lost or earned.

Regardless of whether it is strong or weak in front of other people, in this situation, the black armored summoner's car is estimated to be overturned.

Everyone listened to the uncle Warlock’s eloquent explanation and watched the herd being turned into nutrients by the Nepenthes fence. From time to time, they poured two sips of cold and refreshing beer, chopsticks, and the most delicious side dishes. Fighting cattle with fat intestines is infinitely comfortable.

The high-ranking strange beast with red eyes finally rushed into the fence before it roared a few times in shock, the scene was poked into a flat-mouthed sieve by the "Snow Sword Dance" of the home tree——Due to the effect of the Sword Dance, Yan Hui The temperature of the mountain as a whole dropped to about zero degrees, and it also kept the evolutionaries cool.

It's heavenly!

"Oh huh~ Another Tier 4 hangs up again, what a thing it is, it looks a bit like an old tortoise."

"Tsk tsk, look at that Tier 5 giant wolf, it was stunned that it was tied into a zongzi by a dozen fences and could not move."

"By the way, these pitcher plant fences weren't as strong before, right?"


The black armored summoner did not say a word, silently watched his summoned beast die, his face was so easy to leave, his behavior was very strange.

Outside the fence, thousands of dead animals piled up like a mountain.

Lin Sorrows pity on his face,

"It's a pity, these summoned things seem to be distorted by some kind of power, and they can't be counted as normal creatures at all, and they lose the qualification to enter the kitchen."

Go away, hello! Which one should be qualified to enter your kitchen! Please don't be affectionate...

Shen Feng was surprised,

"The origin of the twisted animal? Linzi, are you kidding..."

Isn't this a bullshit, if the origin of the alien beast or the evolutionary body can be easily distorted and changed by external forces, then there is a uniqueness of fart!

You twist and I twist, don't you have what kind of ability you want?

In other words, as long as a certain level of origin can be "distorted" through micro-manipulation, isn't Mingguang's Awakened mass produced dozens of dozens?

Uncle Warlock said,

"Indeed, that is the distortion caused by the forced power infusion of the gods served by the black armored summoner..."

Uncle Warlock once again mentioned the gods and explained the concept of gods very intimately. Generally speaking, they are magic entities with powerful power, or high-dimensional life that conventional species cannot perceive with their physical organs.

The so-called sacrifices and other rituals of the mage genre are actually a way of connecting with this "god". Once the connection is successful, the "god" will usually come by projection.

Zi once said: High-dimensional pants should be covered!

The projection of the gods of the high-dimensional world onto the real world usually takes the form of an incomprehensible and indescribable form, ensuring that each pair of pants is sufficiently non-mainstream.

Uncle Warlock concluded,

"The materials exploded by this kind of gods are valuable. You can basically change to a great lord in places like the Abyss Plane. The black market is even more expensive and there is no market. I have never seen it before..."

After having endured it for so long, Master Warlock finally showed his ugly face.

The reason why he was willing to give up researching the renewable material "Liu Renjun" with Xue Tuanzi and came here to blend in, feeling that he was really interested in the one behind the black armored summoner.


Can it be understood that when the black armored summoner throws his hole cards, he can strongly watch him being sliced. avi?

No one doubts the strength of the Uncle Warlock. Isn't it okay for people to have void + abyss bloodline? The life level is not necessarily worse than some magic entities, who is rarer than anyone else!


Everyone is a traveler who travels through time and space. Loneliness and emptiness are our common motto and even the epitaph. When the fellow sees the fellow in tears, the warlock breaks so many kilograms of souvenirs from the fellow and basically doesn’t even say sorry. There is no psychological burden.

After waiting for a long time, only Lin Chou asked.

"Can you eat it?"

Uncle Warlock, smack your mouth, entangled and a little anticipating,

"In theory, all entities should be... 80%... probably... edible... but there is no guarantee that they are non-toxic and harmless..."

Lin Chou screamed, eyes gleaming.

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