Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 1157: Hericium Hash Ma Clear Soup

When Lin Chou started to tinker with those Hericium erinaceus, Huang Dashan knew what the product was going to do, and couldn't help but screamed, even more pitiful than the four dogs who would pretend to be poor.

The finished product of Hericium erinaceus after drying is brown with golden color, and a strip of thorns droops densely to cover the entire bacterial crown. Some of them really look like hericium with golden hair.

The dried Hericium erinaceus does not feel tangled when held in the hand. Instead, it will look like the fur of some large animal, giving people a charming and smooth feeling.

Holding a large handful of Hericium erinaceus in his hand, Lin Chou bowed his head and took a deep breath.

The dried Hericium erinaceus has lost the original "frivolity" feeling, the fragrance is elegant and light, and it seems to have a little more weight, just like the mist and smoke on the lake in an early spring morning.

Lin Chou smiled, he smelled a faint oak wood smell in the scent of the Hericium edodes.

Hmm... you can think of this as a label for the quality and growth environment of Hericium erinaceus.

Huang Dashan voluntarily fetched water from the well, just begging this product to quickly prepare the dishes-his prince Huang Da's pride and handsomeness did not allow him to personally verify that "a Tier 4 evolutionary drools to the time needed for dehydration." "This kind of nonsense proposition.

"Still in the pot?"

"The steamer pot and this basin are full."


"Hericium should be steamed."


Lin Chou put hericium erinaceus in a large basin full of water, and then pushed the hot air box to boil time.

The Hericium erinaceus was soaked in an instant, and Lin Chou didn't even have time to ignite the fire in the steamer.

Lin Chou dismantled and removed the hazel chicken that had been used to cook the soup. The chicken was already unusable, but the bones could still be reused.

The young hazel chicken bones were disassembled, knocked open, and then lowered into the pot. After being filled with water, Lin Chou covered the two-layer large steamer on top, and the bottom of the steamer was covered with three layers of gauze.

Lin Sorrow said,

"If there is oil in the bones, the thorns will become oily and unsightly after steaming out the Hericium erinaceus, which will also affect the taste."

Huang Dashan: "..."

Nima, it's not easy to be a cook, do you have to be so careful?

Lin Chou used a large flat-bottomed plate to place a large and plump Hericium erinaceus into a small mountain bag, stuffed the green onion and **** in the gap, and topped it with some cooking wine.

Lin Chou gave his own explanation,

"Even if the quality of hericium is good, it will inevitably have a bitter taste, so after the soaking is good, it is best to steam it with cooking wine, scallion and ginger, to neutralize the bitterness. You don't need to taste it for time, just steam it and cook it thoroughly. "

The steamed Hericium edodes was cut into large and thick slices, and the soup was boiled in the pot, and then the individual “thinness” that had been processed before was used to make Huang Dashan complain about the hassles for a long time.

Afterwards, the big-chested sister walked into the kitchen with sweat and handed a small bowl of dry things to Lin Chou.

"Boss, it's done."

Lin Chou gave a hum, grabbed it in the small bowl, threw it into the bowl with well water next to it, and carefully collected the rest.

Huang Dashan curled his lips-didn't he just get a little bit of Hashma's "great oil", that thing is a dried product of adult Hashma's fallopian tubes, who doesn't know.

Then Dayou walked around in the hot air box, and when it came out, it was not at all the greasy light brown with gray and white dry skin Zou Zou Baba's ugly appearance. Instead, it was as white and loose as cotton wool, originally only a bowl. The bottom was so lost, but now it has burst and filled the whole bowl.

Master Shan couldn't help poking with his hand.

"'s quite flexible..."

Lin Chou patted the paws of this guy,

"Stay and go."

After looking through the boxes and cabinets, Lin Chou had a few more bags in his hand, with the words "bone", "fat", "tail" and "tendon" written on them in black pens.

This is the "legacy" of the poor Bianshan musk deer that has become XO sauce, that is, leftovers, and now all have become dry goods.

Lin Chou only took two pieces of the tail bones, and only two two centimeters long and short of the tendons—they were all scraps removed. Lin Chou was quite satisfied that he could have this size after drying.

The tailbone can be washed directly and placed in the soup pot. The tendons need to be boiled and fried in warm oil for several rounds to reach the appropriate size, and finally the fragments are washed and placed in the pot.

Lin Chou held a large spoon with a long handle and beat the fat and scum again, and gently stirred the pot of fresh soup.

The whole hash ant sank to the bottom of the pot, staining the whole pot of clear soup with a heavy blue-black color, like a miniature version of the thick ground and undulating mountains; thick slices of Hericium edodes in the clear mushroom soup As the middle and the waves follow the flow, the drooping thorns of dense bacteria float and float without effort, and lightly touch the big oil of the Hash ant, which is like a white cloud, as if the two may merge at any time.

Huang Dashan murmured,

"What's so special? Is it because I have been alone for a long time? No matter how you look at a pot of soup, you feel that the mountains and rivers are beautiful?!"

Lin Chou said,

"Isn't this not so beautiful yet, there is still a rescue~"


I don't know what Shan Ye said when he radioed this group of people. This group of evolutionists rushed in anxiously one by one, and the fleet was full of long queues, which was particularly spectacular.

Wei Tianxing parked the car aside, like a fat butterfly fluttering around to the other side, and opened the door.

"Baby girl, here it is~"


Wei Qingyu's arm was holding Wei Tianxing very face-to-face, so the fat man took the eight-stroke step with arrogance and contempt of all directions, and entered the small hall under the gaze of all the people.

"Hey, I'm going to have a violent temper! Isn't there a girl? Look at the one who gave him..."

"It's great to have a girl?!"

"That's it!"

"I really want to take that fat face off and paste it on the wall..."

Several middle-aged uncles with considerable strength were indignant, and looked at each other with all the same hatred.

After keeping a smile and saying hello, they each found a no-one corner, and hurriedly took out the communication tool.

"Now immediately put on your most nasty set of clothes and roll me to Yanhui Mountain... I don't care about your shit... I'll give you one... half an hour... to No? I’ll give you a discount if I can’t get to the legs! What's the matter? A life-long event!! What a long-winded... Uh... Uh... It's Wei Qingyu... nonsense... Of course the surname Wen is not here... Eight hundred you are not enough for someone to squeeze... fart... what... you have the face to say that you look better than others? Little jerk, what the **** did you tell me the truth last night? , Did you take drugs and ridicule? Don’t take a **** and take a picture of yourself..."

Foam flew across the mouth, and three minutes had passed, and the earpiece was silent, as if he had been scolded.

Putting down the communication tools and tidying up the collar that was just torn apart, the middle-aged uncles sighed in unison, feeling that they were many years old for no reason.

"It's better to give birth to this stuff than to give birth to a pig knuckle. Back then...oh... Niang Xipi's!"

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