Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 1158: Your daughter is awesome~

I don't know what the pig knuckles feel in their hearts, but this is really called a person from the sky in a pot at home.

Considering the strength of these few living dads-after all, they are dads who can talk to Wei Tianxing, so if you call them out alone, you will definitely not be wronged.

Therefore, the skills launched by these living fathers: The duration of the [Unexpected Disaster] is likely to exceed 24 hours, so the pork knuckles gave in without hesitation.

Put on the most wavy...crossed out...the solemn clothes that best highlight the true nature of the man, the best and most dazzling off-road vehicle, and even the dark and fragrant men's perfume...In short, it is a top one. Make yourself beautiful and look like a dog, and resolutely choose to be a licking dog.

Of course, Wei Qingyu, the scenic mountain, definitely doesn't expect to be able to lick it. Just thinking about the fat man Wei Tianxing who stood in front of her, they felt that their mouths were full of oil.

If you can't lick, you can't lick it.

What's more, there is another mountain...cough cough...

The main task of the pig's knuckles must be and completely to make a gesture, licking their fathers happy, and at the same time working hard not to be "active", "willing", "hoes" and "hoes". "Sex" and other ambiguous words are linked together.

Life has been so difficult, at this time, we have to test each other's acting skills, ε=(′ο`*))) Alas!


The five-flower three-tiered fat man eagerly opened the chair for the baby girl, especially the gentleman's patience waiting for her to sit down.

So I received a cloud smile from the intimate little cotton-padded jacket, and then I sat back to my position happily.

With such a simple process, Wei Tianxing's forehead and neck are already sweating.

Wei Tianxing said contentedly,

"It's better to say it's here in the woods, it's cool, it's still natural wind, look at people's temperature, now the room temperature is more or less the one who..."

A glimmer of lens light was refracted in the corner, Wu Ke said in a gentle and virtuous voice like an announcement.

"17.5 degrees Celsius, um, the temperature that Mingguang people are most used to and favorite."

Fat Master was very satisfied with this answer.

"Hey, I eat bear paws today. Tier 6 saber-toothed bears under the forest. Tsk tsk, the cataclysm era is so good. It will be put before the cataclysm. If you want to eat this thing, I might have to change my nationality or something... ."

"Before Mingguang, some people have done things like bear paws, but they are not of this high level. Hey, bear paws can nourish blood, remove dampness, strengthen physical fitness, and renew muscles and bones. I heard that it is especially good for old bones and muscles. The elderly with rheumatism and bone pain are so friendly. Wow, there are a few old guys in the Hei Shenhai who ask for a few bear paws from Mingguang to stew every year."

Wei Qingyu Nuzui——

Although this action is very pretending to be suspicious.


It's reasonable for parents to be beautiful~

Wei Qingyu said,

"Dad, you don't need to tell me that, women, eh, especially a woman like your daughter and me who is naturally beautiful and doesn't eat too much, how could she refuse the full and fragrant collagen?"

Wei Tianxing was suddenly silent,

"Nin and nun, what kind of collagen, nine-tenths of the effect is blown out..."

"I know..."


"Sincere is spirit."


"Hey! Dad~ Don't you think this is a perfect excuse for eating big pig's feet, peach gum, sea cucumber, chicken wings, duck feet and goose gum... these things are made in heaven?"


Wei Tianxing was really silent this time, even Wei Qingyu sneaked into the kitchen without paying attention. When he recovered, only the shadow of a small cotton jacket at the kitchen door flashed away.

"My daughter is awesome~" It took a long time for the fat man to smile inexplicably, very reluctantly.

"Yes, your daughter is awesome!"


The sword light, three times faster than Wen Zhongjiu's dynamic visual imaging speed and countless times faster than sitting on Wei Qingyu's chair, instantly strangled the back of the drunken guy's neck.

Wen Zhongjiu let out a er, his **** moved away from the chair with remaining warmth as fast as he could, and he hurried his feet reluctantly. He raised his hands innocently.

"If you have something to say..."

"Say your uncle!" Wei Tianxing's face was green.

But it's really a fleeting disadvantage!

The recent whereabouts of the baby girl is quite strange. She has been bumped into by him more than once before returning home with a blushing face after the curfew. She looked like she had drunk.

Oh, a joke!

Take him as Wei Tianxing, he is the food weather vane of Mingguang Base City!

Not to mention drinking or drinking, within ten meters:

What kind of wine was he drunk, when he drank it, how much he drank, what degree, and what kind of food he drank... all he needs to do is to smell it with his nose!

Can't tell how many times!

Wei Tianxing, who was struggling in a two-meter-wide quilt that could not cover his whole body, wet the pillow towel with tears!

(It’s a sad story to tell, the fat man gets fat again...every time I put on a quilt it feels like he’s holding an umbrella...)

Oh oh...

That wine is a 15-year-old Qingquan Mountain, and he hasn't even drank it a few times...

This guy named Wen is not a person!

Our brothers and feelings that have been dead for so many years are no match for a little girl...


and many more...

Damn good, you warm wine, you really did on my baby girl! ! !

Wei Tianxing's eyes were as harsh as the sword light, so that people couldn't look directly at him.

The crowd ate melons around the scene and fled, and walked away clean in the blink of an eye. Although the melons are big and sweet, the knives for cutting melons are equally sharp. Chopping melons and vegetables by the way, chop and eat melons does not seem very difficult. Looks like...


A wine hiccup penetrated the soft hearts of several young and middle-aged women like a sharp arrow.


(The very handsome Master Wen, even hiccups are so handsome and intriguing.)

(I really want to really want to feel the light wine in the moist breath of Master Wen from close range...oh...the subtle curvature of the corners of the lips...)

(Go! Don't **** look at my husband! Haven't seen a man before?!)

Wen Zhongjiu gave a gentle Wen's smile to the young and middle-aged women who were stealing a glance, and the women almost screamed.

"Ah... old guard?" Wen Zhongjiu said.

Fat Master sneered and reminded,

"Who are you with? You **** three years older than me!"

A female fan: (^U^)ノ~YO Guo Degang and Lin Zhiying?

Wen Zhongjiu groaned,

"Two years and three days, where is the three-year-old from?"

The fat man was furious,

"What do you mean? What do you mean? Why do you care about this thing suddenly? You didn't know how to say this before, don't you know? It's not normal! There is a problem! Say it! Isn't there any thoughts that shouldn't be there?"

Wen Zhongjiu: "..."

Obviously, the chat between the two people did not go well.

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