Doomsday Pavilion

Chapter 714: Bringing children, I have experience

After talking for a long time, Qin Sheng asked,

"So Brother Sorrow, you... took this thing back? It's too low, right!"

Lin Chou really wanted to slap this bear boy to death. MMP has never seen such a naive guy-although to a certain extent, he is telling the truth.

What's so special, this is very detrimental to the image of the boss's splendor and stalwart, okay:

Hunting back and picking up the corpse are two different things!

This is serious.

This is very serious.

It's as serious as Lin Chou hangs a plaque saying "Home away from home" in the small hall but has to be pronounced as "Women's Treasure" by Lord Shan.

Seriously, Lin Chou couldn't treat this bear kid, not only couldn't, he had to cook dinner for others honestly.

The specific scientific name of the silly roe deer is not known, but as an existence that even the slumber system doesn't bother to take care of, kneeling in the hands of the best chef in the entire Zushan no man's land is considered dead.

Lin Chou was spitting skins, guts, and washing meat. The bonfire there had already risen. As a result, Lao Zhou's voice rang again, and a certain video device began to flash green light at the same time.

"Qin Sheng Qin Sheng, report your position, why the school still hasn't found your position? Where are you?"

Qin Sheng waved his little hand, and the friends were collecting firewood and burning fire, honestly and lively, and specially gave Lin Chou, who was busy, a profile.

"Teacher, we are ready to start dinner. Brother Chou caught a very big beast, and we will have delicious food right away!"

"Oh...actually the time for the assembly game has come, but given your embarrassing position...hehe, the teacher is sorry, there are too many teams to take care of...but Mr. Xia is the best in your team. , There must be no problem, right? Don’t cause trouble to the teacher, don’t catch the herdsmen’s pigs, cattle and sheep, and don’t harm the crops. You know? Your activity class this time represents the reputation of Qinshan Wushu School, do you know? "

"Oh, okay, sir, just put a hundred hearts!"

The old Monday was really relieved, and then it was nothing more than repeated instructions to pay attention to safety and complain about how **** the school's broken positioning system is.

After the call, Qin Sheng made a "yeah" gesture,

"Finished... Everyone is doing well. It's definitely not clear from the video that we are in Zushan——Hey! I said that the classmate who was busy taking out all the homework is a bit too much. You are still an acting school. If you don’t take a **** and take a picture of yourself, you pass the culture class...No, have you ever scored more than double digits in the culture class?"


In fact, among the many teams in the agricultural and pastoral areas in the south of the city, Lao Zhou expressed despair.

While wiping the black ashes on his face, he pulled out the charred potatoes from the fire,

"Oh...unlucky... I wanted to mix some meals with the man named Lin... Lao Li, did you know that Mr. Lin's cooking is so fragrant, it's absolutely amazing? ——Ham rice ball, knife and board fragrant, marinated beef, sizzling's a pity, their team doesn't know where it went, the south of the city is so big, there is only one day of activity, alas..."

Lao Li held the coke potatoes with a pious face:

"Keep talking, keep talking, don't digress, or you won't be able to eat this dinner!"


In Zushan, let alone others, the small team that doesn't even know where they are is helping to wash the vegetables.

Xia Yu said,

"Brother Chou is really good, just went out for a circle... Brother Chou, can you really eat all these dishes?"

Qin Shengdao,

"It must be eaten. Brother Chou is the best and most famous chef in the entire base city. It's amazing!"

Lin Chou smiled,

"You guys don’t even know wild vegetables. Here, this is mountain leek, this is wild garlic, mountain onion, wild lily bulb, sage, artemisia quinquefolia... Ah, this is amazing, this is cattail, it's very sweet Yes, you can eat it raw... and this, this little thing is a horseshoe, and it can also be eaten raw, it's crispy and fragrant."

"When I was a child, my family had to rely on this for a lot of time. My father and grandfather’s generation was even more so. They lived on wild vegetables for most of the year. At that time, dried rat meat was still the main source of protein. It’s not like it’s now a nostalgic food."

Qin Sheng said,

"Brother Chou, do you really eat mice? I haven't even seen it before..."

"Why don't you eat it, rat meat jerky is still a hit product in the tavern in the alleys of Xiacheng."

Qin Sheng shuddered suddenly.

At this time, the gourd baby whose nose was running into a river said,

"My mother sun-dried rat meat every year, and burned it into ashes with the dried chili sticks that I asked for, and rubbed it for a year or two! When you want to eat it, you can roast it, eat it, stew it, it's delicious, and it can be stewed. soup..."

Qin Sheng’s eyes are full of gold stars.

"Stop talking... let me go... I want to eat later..."

Xia Yu made a cut,

"Hmph, your dad is Secretary Qin, how do you know what days we have lived in Xiacheng? We haven't eaten before. What do you mean by this nauseous expression? When I was a child, I ate dried rat meat. It’s like New Year, isn’t it disgusting for you to look at me now?!"

Qin Sheng said bitterly,

"Sister Yu, Sister Yu, I didn't mean that...oh don't get me wrong, I...I..."

Qin Sheng grabbed a wooden stick casually, and looked at him from the east to the west, trying to get mad.

"Actually, I have long wanted to taste the taste of the long-famous dried meat jerky. I will catch a mouse and let Brother Chou stew it!"

Lin Chou rolled his eyes, this child, isn't it a little too early in puberty?

"You can't catch a mouse, but... Dasha, you take him to see in that direction. I found bamboo bushes and bamboo mouse holes over there. You may be able to catch alive by digging and digging. If you find bamboo shoots, bring them back by the way."


After Dasha Qin Sheng and Huluwa left, Erhu said with a smile,

"Sister Yu, Dad Sheng is a high-ranking official, don't you think about it?"

Xia Yu held up her delicate chin,

"Huh, a kid, what do you know!"

Erhu shrugged and said in his heart, Qin Sheng, Qin Sheng, I can only help you here with Erhu, and I will be stunned to educate the truth in life.

Erhu turned to Lin Chou and said,

"Brother Chou, how do we eat such a big roe deer?"

Lin Chou said,

"Use the mushrooms you washed to stew. I will find a big stone and dig a stone pot later. Sister Hu didn't say that I was going out for a spring outing. I didn't bring any seasonings. I didn't have any preparations. I will just eat. ...Or, I asked Si Gouzi to bring some seasoning or something?"

"Scare, can you still eat mushrooms? Don't forget the seasoning... After all, I was able to come out to the Zushan Mountain to experience the rise and rise, and let us feel the taste of Zushan Mountain."

Lin Chou smiled.

"The people are big and the ghosts are big, and there are a lot of ideas-I have used this mushroom before. It is called Maitake. It always lives with a kind of leech. Some are poisonous and some are not poisonous. I won't tell you how to distinguish it. Seeing that the tree with this mushroom grows far away, if you are not strong enough, you will probably be sucked into a corpse, or you will be poisoned."

"Oh... I haven't eaten mushrooms when I grow up, what does this thing taste like? Is it delicious?"

"Of course it is delicious, very fresh, especially when it is stewed with meat. Maitake mushroom itself contains a very beneficial enzyme that makes the meat soft. Before the cataclysm, there was a famous mushroom used for steak. Maitake mushroom sauce."

Erhu said admiringly,

"Brother Chou, you know so much, and so amazing. My dad said you are going to marry that very famous Leng Han. Is it true?"

Before Lin Chou spoke, Xia Yu jumped up.

"Wow, Brother Sorrow is really fake. Are you intimidated by her, the tigress who frightened Lao Zhou?! Alas...she looks very good at first sight, and my brother seems to be unable to save you. ...Or I have a relationship with Toto. I heard that there is a girl in the next class who has a professional mother for thirty-five years. There is no dog and woman who can't be separated without her... Cough, a lover who can't be separated, people are beautiful and not sticky. People leave when they are done, and regular customers can get discounts at affordable prices!"

Lin Sorrow,


Erhu said strangely,

"Sister Yu, have you ever seen the woman named Leng Han? I heard she is amazing. The Occurrence Committee specially awarded her a certificate of being a young woman for seeing righteousness and bravery. In her hands, there is no gangster who can see the sun the next day. ."

"Erhuzi, are you stupid? She is the cold iceberg-like woman on Lushan!"

"Wow, I've seen it before... It turns out that Leng Han is so beautiful."

"You men are all the same, you are crazy!"


What can Lin Chou say? He can't digest the knowledge points discussed by these children.

Si Gouzi stretched his neck in confusion and sniffed-strange, why did Ben Wang smell the same smell again?

Lin Chou chiseled the pot, cleaned the stir-fry and put the soup and meat.

"Hold the fire well, I will treat the saponins."

Erhu and Xia Yu were taken aback.

"Soap japonicus? Brother Chou, what do you use that thing for? Every day, the teacher talks about the guy who washed clothes with the japonica tree and his hands were melted..."

Lin Chou explained,

"Saponins are indeed very dangerous to low-level awakened people, but the seeds in the saccharine pods are still very good. They are good for the cardiovascular system. It is a natural soup for nourishing qi and blood. It is recorded in the Compendium of Materia Medica. "Fengbi dead muscle evil, tears in the limelight, good for nine eyes", also called saponified rice, white seed kernels... I picked some natural air-dried white seed kernels, and then soaked it can make porridge or soup. , By the way, I will also bring some back to see if they can be planted. The state banquet before the cataclysm had a dessert that was rock sugar, wolfberry and white seed kernels."

Then I soaked the white seed kernels in hot water. Just after I was busy here, Dasha Qin Sheng and others also came back.

"Brother Chou, only two bamboo rats were caught, but the bamboo shoots were all eaten away by them."

Each of the two fat bamboo rats weighs seven or eight catties, which is unfathomable. From this, one can imagine how the few clumps of bamboo have been harmed by them.

Lin Chou rubbed his hands,

"This is my favorite to make. The roasted bamboo rat tastes amazing. Hey, I will fade their fur first."

Qin Sheng yelled very dissatisfied.

"Isn't it said that there are living corpses of strange beasts everywhere in the wilderness? We have been here for a long time. Except for a flat-headed brother who can't be offended, we haven't seen any of them. The teacher lied to us..."

Lin Sorrow said,

"There may be a beast wave in a while, and the strange beasts don’t know where they are gathered. Besides, although this dog is insignificant, it is a genuine Tier VI. Who would dare not be long-eyed? Is it dangling in front of it, impatient to live?"


Fortunately, this group of children don't have much idea about the ranks. They only know that the sixth rank should be very powerful.

The bamboo rat in Lin Chou's hand was cut off and burned with charcoal fire. After washing it in the stream, it was shaved again, and the hair was cleaned.

The fat bamboo rat was tied to a branch in the shape of "Feng" after it opened its belly. The fleshy texture of the rat skin is white and delicate, and it looks normal without its head. It is unbelievable.

Qin Sheng said excitedly,

"This should be about the same as a mouse. There is also a mouse character in the name! Hehe!"

Then he looked straight at Xia Yu, making a look that he was ready to sacrifice himself for justice at any time.

Xia Yu pouted her lips repeatedly and whispered,


Lin Chou **** the bamboo rats and separated a bunch of charcoal fires.

"Come and come, all get busy, this is your spring outing, do it yourself, these two bamboo rats... You take the branch here, you take the other side, um, yes, keep this distance from the charcoal fire, hear When the meat is crackling, you must turn it over, understand? These two bamboo rats are very fat, so you don't need to put the oil, don't burn it!"

Qin Sheng patted his chest to pack the ticket,

"Come on, don't worry, Brother Chou!"

Soon the scent of meat in the cauldron gradually wafted out, and the breath of Zushan Forest became more and more attractive, and the sound of the children swallowing saliva could not stop at all.

Lin Chou said,

"Okay, let's see if you are greedy, let's put the bamboo rat aside, the meat in the pot is almost there."

The stew in the pot is deliberately divided into every piece of meat with bones, which is convenient for gnawing the meat. The stewed roe deer meat and maitake mushrooms are particularly fragrant, and the roe deer meat can quickly become soft and rotten.

Everyone was divided into a large piece of meat first, and the scene suddenly became hot.

"Emmmm, it smells so good!"

"It's delicious, it's 10,000 times better than the school cafeteria!"

"Compared with the craftsmanship of Brother Chou, the school cafeteria is like pig food.

"It's over, I can't eat other people's meals anymore..."

Lin Chou couldn't laugh or cry,

"You guys, I just haven't eaten in the wild. In this pot of stew, except for Maitake mushrooms, I basically don't put any seasoning."

Qin Sheng was dumbfounded.

"Brother Chou, how can you lie, you didn't let go of the wild vegetables you got?"

"Here, the wild vegetables are all there."

Erhu gnawed away the shredded meat from a bone,

"Then why is it so delicious..."

Lin Chou shrugged,

"It's very simple, you are hungry."

When these children were growing up, their appetite was not smaller than that of adults, but slightly exceeded—especially with the addition of a Xia Dasha, this pot of meat reached the bottom at an astonishing speed.

Even one of the bones fell into the belly of the four dogs.

"It seems a bit underfed..."

Qin Sheng patted his thigh.

"Where's the bamboo rat, roast it and walk on it!"

Lin Chou sighed, really embarrassed to say that he still didn't eat a bite.

Sui Sui said, but fortunately this handsome still kept a hand.

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