Lin Hao looked thoughtfully at the defense lines of the left and right flanks.

At this moment, a group of black shadows appeared on the distant hillside, and the ground began to tremble.

"Appeared, appeared! It's a zombie!"

"My God!!, so many zombies!"

"These zombies move so fast!"

"These are all second-level zombies, creepers! The soldiers were shocked. It was the first time to see so many zombies, and his hand with the weapon was shaking.

"Why didn't you say ten minutes, it's less than five minutes now!"

Guo Haibing reprimanded angrily.

A few who were on the spying mission felt the motorcycle ran back.

Sun Qiang hurried up and asked what was going on.

After Sun Qiang came back, he explained: "The large-scale zombie swarm is still there: at the back, these are creepers in the zombie swarm, and they are fast.

When I was behind the hillside, I suddenly accelerated and sprinted, and I broke away from the large-scale zombie group.

This is the first wave of the zombie horde's offensive!"

"There are at least fifty thousand creepers here."

Guo Haibing looked at the humanoid monsters that were densely crawling on the ground and swallowed.

Ye Hao glanced at the group of zombies that poured down from the hillside like half of the sea.

[Second-level zombie crawler: fast, crawling on all fours, but relatively fragile, the attack method is close bite]

These are the evolution of zombies, called creepers, as the name implies, they have the ability to crawl quickly on the ground.

At this time, Lin Hao noticed the movement on the left and the right, and a figure moved quickly.

Then the cars sped away in the direction they came from.

"What's going on and what are they doing!"

Guo Haibing noticed it too, and he shouted loudly.

"I don't know that either."

Sun Qiang was also stunned.

"Quickly send someone to find Wang Zhi and Xu Dazhuang, and their men escaped!"

Guo Haibing did not expect that the war had not yet begun, and that unpleasant things would happen one by one.

"You guys are riding motorcycles, hurry up and check the situation of the two positions."

Sun Qiang arranged for a few people to check the situation of the two positions.

Two minutes later, several people returned, bringing information about the two positions.

Guo Haibing roared angrily, "Wang Zhi, Xu Dazhuang, these two bastards, idiots.

They dare to do such a thing at this time, it is simply ignorant!"

That's right, the people from the Axe Gang and the Brotherhood conspired to kill those who were arranged by Guo Haibing on their positions.

Then, taking advantage of the zombie group, he drove directly to abandon the position and escaped.

"They have planned this long ago, and they have no intention of defending against the zombie horde with us at all."

Lin Hao said lightly.

"Why do they still have the confidence to survive under the zombies!"

Guo Haibing asked.

"I guess their plan is like this, now there are nine out of ten fighters in Tianhai City are here.

At this time, they returned to Tianhai City with their own people.

Scavenge the remaining resources in Tianhai City and take them all away.

Then go elsewhere and build a new survivor base."

Lin Hao said.

Guo Haibing's eyes widened: "Traitor, traitor!"

"But there are people stationed in Tianhai City. They want to return to Tianhai City. The city wall of several dozen meters is not so easy to break."

Sun Qiang raised a little doubt.

"They don't need to break through at all, I guess that the people stationed in Tianhai City have their undercover agents.

Then you just need to open the door to welcome them in."

Lin Hao explained.

Guo Haibing paced back and forth: "Then what should we do now with the withdrawal of the Axe Gang and our brothers, we have lost most of our combat effectiveness! How can we resist the zombie swarm of fifty or sixty thousand!"

"It's a small thing.

I didn't put weights on them originally."

Zhao Linhao stretched his waist and looked at the zombie crawlers who were getting closer and closer: "City Lord Guo, you are returning to Tianhai City with someone now, it is probably too late.

Leave it to me here, that's enough."


Guo Haibing felt that Lin Hao was really crazy, all their forces here might not be able to stop so many zombies, not to mention that there are only a few people like Lin Hao now.

Lin Hao smiled slightly, a few pokeballs appeared in his hand, and then a few rays of light appeared.

A Pokémon appeared in front of everyone.

Suicune like a lion and wolf, golden thunder elves, green leaf elves, water arrow turtles more than three meters high, Hakolong and Minas like a snake.

Although not in human form, Shanaido is still full of charm.

In addition, there are two figures flying in the sky.

Latios, Lattias! And the fire-breathing dragon, Absol.

Lin Hao's Pokémon team is ready to go!

Chapter 116 The Strongest Defense Line 【Customize】

Chapter 117 Come Out!Dark Magician Girl! 【Please customize】

[Super Ball is turned on, congratulations on getting a billion experience card] [Super Ball is turned on, congratulations on getting 'Dark Magician Girl'] [Super Ball is turned on, congratulations on getting 'Kentaro Legion' special Poké Ball] I don't know if it's lucky or not The relationship between blessing and blessing, the three 3 super balls that Lin Hao has fired are quite good.

Lin Hao immediately summoned the black magician girl.

A girl wearing a pointed blue magic hat and a blue and pink magic robe appeared in front of Lin Hao with a blue staff.

The girl's face is only seventeen or eighteen years old, but her career line is bottomless.


Mana will be happy to serve you."

[Black Magician Girl Level: 1 Attribute: Magician Skills: Levitation, Magic Bullet] Lin Hao feels that this black magician girl is somewhat different from the elves that appeared before, and does not seem to belong to the same category system.

leave it alone

The murder girl.

Lin Hao looked at that...special Poke Ball 'Kentaro Legion'.

[Special Poké Ball Kentaro Legion: There are [-] Kentaros living in the Poké Ball, and the duration of each summon battle is one hour. Cooldown: one month.

Kentaro Level:, Kentaro Skill: Clash] Ten thousand Kentaros are a bit scary, but unfortunately this level is only one level.

Lin Hao already made arrangements for this group of new partners.

The last remaining one is the one billion experience cards.

This experience card is different from ordinary experience and cannot be freely allocated, and can only be given to one Pokémon.

"One billion experience, all for Hackron!"

Lin Hao gave instructions that he wanted to let Hakolong evolve in this battle! Hakolong's body in the battle showed light.

[Hackron upgrade 3, get skill 'Water Tail'] [Hackron upgrade 14, get skill 'Dragon Dive'] [Hackron upgrade 14, get skill 'Dragon Dance'] [Hackron upgrade 15 】Haklong's size has become a little bigger, but its aura has completely changed, and there is war in its pupils.

[Hakron Level: Attribute: Dragon Favorability: 10 Skills: Electromagnetic Wave, Tornado, Dragon's Wrath, Dragon Tail, High-speed Movement, Water Tail, Dragon Dance, Dragon's Swooping] Now Hakron has become Lin Hao's magic The highest level existence in the baby.

"Hakron, use Dragon Dance!"

Lin Hao immediately wanted to try out Ha Kelong's fighting strength.

Harkron's body twisted and began to dance.

Dragon Dance is an enhanced skill that can be used for a short time

[Super Ball is turned on, congratulations on getting a billion experience card] [Super Ball is turned on, congratulations on getting 'Dark Magician Girl'] [Super Ball is turned on, congratulations on getting 'Kentaro Legion' special Poké Ball] I don't know if it's lucky or not The relationship between blessing and blessing, the three 3 super balls that Lin Hao has fired are quite good.

Lin Hao immediately summoned the black magician girl.

A girl wearing a pointed blue magic hat and a blue and pink magic robe appeared in front of Lin Hao with a blue staff.

The girl's face is only seventeen or eighteen years old, but her career line is bottomless.


Mana will be happy to serve you."

[Black Magician Girl Level: 1 Attribute: Magician Skills: Levitation, Magic Bullet] Lin Hao feels that this black magician girl is somewhat different from the elves that appeared before, and does not seem to belong to the same category system.

leave it alone

The murder girl.

Lin Hao looked at that...special Poke Ball 'Kentaro Legion'.

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