[Special Poké Ball Kentaro Legion: There are [-] Kentaros living in the Poké Ball, and the duration of each summon battle is one hour. Cooldown: one month.

Kentaro Level:, Kentaro Skill: Clash] Ten thousand Kentaros are a bit scary, but unfortunately this level is only one level.

Lin Hao already made arrangements for this group of new partners.

The last remaining one is the one billion experience cards.

This experience card is different from ordinary experience and cannot be freely allocated, and can only be given to one Pokémon.

"One billion experience, all for Hackron!"

Lin Hao gave instructions that he wanted to let Hakolong evolve in this battle! Hakolong's body in the battle showed light.

[Hackron upgrade 3, get skill 'Water Tail'] [Hackron upgrade 14, get skill 'Dragon Dive'] [Hackron upgrade 14, get skill 'Dragon Dance'] [Hackron upgrade 15 】Haklong's size has become a little bigger, but its aura has completely changed, and there is war in its pupils.

[Hakron Level: Attribute: Dragon Favorability: 10 Skills: Electromagnetic Wave, Tornado, Dragon's Wrath, Dragon Tail, High-speed Movement, Water Tail, Dragon Dance, Dragon's Swooping] Now Hakron has become Lin Hao's magic The highest level existence in the baby.

"Hakron, use Dragon Dance!"

Lin Hao immediately wanted to try out Ha Kelong's fighting strength.

Harkron's body twisted and began to dance.

Dragon Dance is an enhanced skill that can enhance your combat effectiveness in a short period of time.

"Hackron, use the tornado!"

Huck Dragon made a dragon roar, followed by a huge tornado.

The power of this tornado is stronger than that of Latio.

All of a sudden, hundreds of zombie crawlers were swept up into the air, some were directly smashed by the whirlwind in the air, and some were smashed to the ground and died. "This is too strong. "

Guo Haibingshui, this move killed thousands of second-level zombie crawler.

This blue snake-shaped creature's combat power has far surpassed that of the fifth-level awakened, and it is estimated that it is in the ranks of the sixth-level awakened! Ten minutes of fierce battle, [-] zombie crawler, the remaining number is less than [-], and it is no longer able to fight. Threatened, and some even tried to bypass it.

"Guo City Lord."

Lin Hao looked at Guo Haibing behind him.

Guo Haibing came back to his senses and hurriedly ordered his soldiers: "Snipe and kill those zombie crawlers who are running around!"

"Guo Chengzhu, just need to kill as much as possible, don't risk chasing.

That would only increase casualties."

Lin Hao reminded again.

He is capable of chasing and killing those fleeing zombie crawlers, but he can't because the real enemy he has to face is still: what's behind.

He couldn't get himself into trouble with these little bastards.

Guo Haibing knew what Lin Hao thought. Although he was worried about the safety of Tianhai City, he could only block as many enemies as possible here.

"Give me the machine gun and aim it at those zombie crawlers."

"Awakened people rush up to me, and snipe within [-] meters! Don't chase too much!"


There was a lot of shouting, these awakened people and warriors had already been boiling with enthusiasm, and they had been waiting for a long time to see the battle of Lin Hao and the others.

And these thousands of zombie crawlers are just right for them to hunt and kill

The crisis of the first wave of zombie crawlers on the front has been temporarily lifted.

But the zombie group did not give Lin Hao and others a chance to rest. On the distant mountain, a large group of zombies appeared again, like a surge.

In front of Lin Hao, as far as the eyes can see, there are zombies, and the darkness is overwhelming, giving people a sense of heaviness.

【Level [-] Zombie】【Level [-] Zombie】【Level [-] Claw Zombie】【Level [-] Zombie】【Level [-] Zombie Hunter】【Level [-] Venom Jet Zombie】【Level [-] Giant Zombie】【Level [-] Zombie】【Level [-] Rank Zombie Butcher] These kinds of zombies revealed information under Lin Hao's eyes, and even some mutated zombies, which were rare in number, were quite numerous in this group of hundreds of thousands of zombies.

The strongest among them belongs to the [Level [-] Corpse King], a disgusting zombie with a height of three meters and a corroded body.

Lin Hao has not found zombies of level [-] or higher.

When Guo Haibing and others saw the tidal wave of corpses in the distance, they all felt their bodies go cold, and the confidence they had just woken up was instantly splashed with a basin of cold water.

They even had an idea in their minds.

'Can they win?' Guo Haibing looked at the calm Lin Hao, he knew that the life and death of Tianhai City rested on this man.

"The next wave of shocks will arrive within fifteen minutes."

Sister Disaster got rid of the disgusting liquid on the handle of her knife.

"The next wave will be hundreds of thousands of zombies, and this is the real thing."

Lin Hao didn't have time to worry, he checked his Pokémon status.

Most of the physical strength consumes about [-]% to [-]%:.


The water arrow turtle also acquired the skill of begging for rain.

"Water Arrow Turtle, use begging for rain! Don't stop!"

Lin Hao asked the water arrow turtle to join Suijun's rain-seeking queue, and the rainstorm became heavier and heavier.

In addition to the upgrades of the elves, Lin Hao also obtained more than [-] doomsday coins.

Without hesitation, Lin Hao started to exchange Super Balls while he was still here: Lucky blessing.

[Super Ball 9, the exchange has been successful for a long time]

Chapter 118 Roaring Hackron! 【Please customize】

In the current European atmosphere, Lin Hao opened nine 9 super balls in a row.

[Super Ball is turned on, congratulations on getting 11 million experience cards] [Super Ball is turned on, congratulations on getting 1 cards of ten times ten times the experience] [Super Ball is turned on, congratulations on getting a thousand boxes of mineral water] [Super Ball is turned on, congratulations on getting 11 heads Cow] [Super Ball is turned on, congratulations on getting the teleportation scroll 9] [Super Ball is turned on, congratulations on getting [-] million experience cards] [Super Ball is turned on, congratulations on getting [-] cards of ten times ten times the experience] [Super ball is turned on, congratulations on getting 'Ibrahimovic' '] [Super Balls open, congratulations on getting [-] million experience points] Nine [-] super balls are open, from daily necessities, to experience cards, to Poké Balls, to various props.

I have to say that there are really various things in this super ball.

And Lin Hao didn't expect that the elf he opened again turned out to be Ibrahimovic again.

Lin Hao's old friend.

"Since Ibrahimovic has been opened, let's choose a stronger evolution this time."

Lin Hao bought the fairy evolution stone of 200 doomsday coins and directly evolved Ibrahimovic.

[Ibrahimovic Evolution Fairy Elf] After a ray of sunshine, the fairy elf appeared in front of Lin Hao.

The body of the fairy elf is mainly white.

The top of its head, ears, tail, and the lower half of its legs are pink, and the inside of the ears are blue.

The eyes are light blue.

It has a bow on its left ear and neck, and two ribbons on the bow. The colors of the ends of the ribbons are pink, dark blue, and light blue.

The fairy elf can be said to be the most beautiful among the several Ibrahimovic evolutions that Lin Hao has seen.

[Fairy Elf Level: 1 Attribute: Fairy, Skill: Impact, Round Eye, Fairy, Wind] I don't care about the food that was drawn out

First look at the three experience cards, they are [-] million, [-] million, and [-] million.

Lin Hao directly used it all for Hackron.

[Hackron upgrade 5, get the skill 'Reverse Scale'] It is 55 levels away from the upgrade condition of Hackron, which is two levels away! The remaining reward items are only a teleportation scroll and two ten-minute ten-fold experience 11 cards .

Experience cards cannot be stacked.

Lin Hao saw the zombie tide that was getting closer and closer, only one kilometer away from the line of defense where they were.

Although the movement speed is not as fast as the zombie crawler, but the momentum is mighty, and the black mass spreads to the hillside in the distance, and there is no edge yet.

Hundreds of thousands of zombies walked on the ground, as if the earth was shaking and humming.

There was a soldier with a gun,

In the current European atmosphere, Lin Hao opened nine 9 super balls in a row.

[Super Ball is turned on, congratulations on getting 11 million experience cards] [Super Ball is turned on, congratulations on getting 1 cards of ten times ten times the experience] [Super Ball is turned on, congratulations on getting a thousand boxes of mineral water] [Super Ball is turned on, congratulations on getting 11 heads Cow] [Super Ball is turned on, congratulations on getting the teleportation scroll 9] [Super Ball is turned on, congratulations on getting [-] million experience cards] [Super Ball is turned on, congratulations on getting [-] cards of ten times ten times the experience] [Super ball is turned on, congratulations on getting 'Ibrahimovic' '] [Super Balls open, congratulations on getting [-] million experience points] Nine [-] super balls are open, from daily necessities, to experience cards, to Poké Balls, to various props.

I have to say that there are really various things in this super ball.

And Lin Hao didn't expect that the elf he opened again turned out to be Ibrahimovic again.

Lin Hao's old friend.

"Since Ibrahimovic has been opened, let's choose a stronger evolution this time."

Lin Hao bought the fairy evolution stone of 200 doomsday coins and directly evolved Ibrahimovic.

[Ibrahimovic Evolution Fairy Elf] After a ray of sunshine, the fairy elf appeared in front of Lin Hao.

The body of the fairy elf is mainly white.

The top of its head, ears, tail, and the lower half of its legs are pink, and the inside of the ears are blue.

The eyes are light blue.

It has a bow on its left ear and neck, and two ribbons on the bow. The colors of the ends of the ribbons are pink, dark blue, and light blue.

The fairy elf can be said to be the most beautiful among the several Ibrahimovic evolutions that Lin Hao has seen.

[Fairy Elf Level: 1 Attribute: Fairy, Skill: Impact, Round Eye, Fairy, Wind] I don't care about the food that was drawn out

First look at the three experience cards, they are [-] million, [-] million, and [-] million.

Lin Hao directly used it all for Hackron.

[Hackron upgrade 5, get the skill 'Reverse Scale'] It is 55 levels away from the upgrade condition of Hackron, which is two levels away! The remaining reward items are only a teleportation scroll and two ten-minute ten-fold experience 11 cards .

Experience cards cannot be stacked.

Lin Hao saw the zombie tide that was getting closer and closer, only one kilometer away from the line of defense where they were.

Although the movement speed is not as fast as the zombie crawler, but the momentum is mighty, and the black mass spreads to the hillside in the distance, and there is no edge yet.

Hundreds of thousands of zombies walked on the ground, as if the earth was shaking and humming.

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