So the eagle cast a vicious glance at the elves in the three giant pits below: "Hmph, you are lucky."

Then he spread his wings and flew, and with many flying creatures, he wanted to fly in the direction where they came.

Chapter 430 Fighting (2)

But at this moment, a cold light came from the far side of the sky, and when it crossed the sky, it slashed towards the eagle and their many natural disaster flying monsters like a flying fairy.

And although the eagle watched this cold light, he also felt the terrifying energy on this cold light.

And he knew that with his own ability, he could not escape the lock of this cold light.

So in a hurry, he waved his wings and said "two two one three,"

The hundreds of flying creatures behind him were dragged in front of him, blocking the blow for him.

I only saw that when the cold light like a flying immortal from the sky slashed at them, the hundreds of flying monsters that were alive and alive were forcibly chopped into blood foam, and turned into a blood mist all over the sky.

Their blood, along with the disappearance of that cold light, turned into a rain of blood and scattered down the sky.

The eagle who saw this scene didn't know that it was a master who he couldn't match.

So he didn't care about his own cultivation, and the eagle hurriedly secretly spurted out a mouthful of blood essence.

But no matter how fast his speed was, how could he be faster than the cold light that was enough to cut through the space? Only to see more than one cold light like the one just now flashed on the horizon in the distance, and he directly slashed towards the figure of the fleeing eagle. .

And after the eagle felt the attack behind him that was enough to threaten his name, he wanted to resist him, but he knew that those few terrifying cold lights locked him, and there were no soldiers behind him.

So the eagle buried his head and gushed blood again, as if his blood didn't need money.


The effect in exchange was also extremely obvious, only to see his speed rise again, and then he suddenly ran away in a panic.

But at this moment, he felt that the momentum of the sword qi that had been chasing him was slowly declining, as if it was about to disappear.

When he noticed this situation, his heart couldn't help but be overjoyed: this catastrophe is over! It was just that his thoughts came to his mind when he saw a pretty figure standing in front of him holding a sword. She was dressed in a white jade robe, and her left hand Holding the sword and holding the scabbard in his right hand, he was waiting for the eagle to see his beautiful face as cold as ice, like a fairy who descended from the heavens.

And the terrifying aura emanating from her body also made the eagle tremble with fear. At the same time, he realized that this aura was actually the aura on those terrifying sword beams.

So he didn't have time to think about it. As for fighting, it was even more impossible. The person in front of him was

But at this moment, a cold light came from the far side of the sky, and when it crossed the sky, it slashed towards the eagle and their many natural disaster flying monsters like a flying fairy.

And although the eagle watched this cold light, he also felt the terrifying energy on this cold light.

And he knew that with his own ability, he could not escape the lock of this cold light.

So in a hurry, he waved his wings and said "two two one three,"

The hundreds of flying creatures behind him were dragged in front of him, blocking the blow for him.

I only saw that when the cold light like a flying immortal from the sky slashed at them, the hundreds of flying monsters that were alive and alive were forcibly chopped into blood foam, and turned into a blood mist all over the sky.

Their blood, along with the disappearance of that cold light, turned into a rain of blood and scattered down the sky.

The eagle who saw this scene didn't know that it was a master who he couldn't match.

So he didn't care about his own cultivation, and the eagle hurriedly secretly spurted out a mouthful of blood essence.

But no matter how fast his speed was, how could he be faster than the cold light that was enough to cut through the space? Only to see more than one cold light like the one just now flashed on the horizon in the distance, and he directly slashed towards the figure of the fleeing eagle. .

And after the eagle felt the attack behind him that was enough to threaten his name, he wanted to resist him, but he knew that those few terrifying cold lights locked him, and there were no soldiers behind him.

So the eagle buried his head and gushed blood again, as if his blood didn't need money.


The effect in exchange was also extremely obvious, only to see his speed rise again, and then he suddenly ran away in a panic.

But at this moment, he felt that the momentum of the sword qi that had been chasing him was slowly declining, as if it was about to disappear.

When he noticed this situation, his heart couldn't help but be overjoyed: this catastrophe is over! It was just that his thoughts came to his mind when he saw a pretty figure standing in front of him holding a sword. She was dressed in a white jade robe, and her left hand Holding the sword and holding the scabbard in his right hand, he was waiting for the eagle to see his beautiful face as cold as ice, like a fairy who descended from the heavens.

And the terrifying aura emanating from her body also made the eagle tremble with fear. At the same time, he realized that this aura was actually the aura on those terrifying sword beams.

So he didn't have time to think about it. As for the battle, it was even more impossible. The human being in front of him was so terrifying that even a sword qi emanating from him was so terrifying, let alone her.

So the eagle turned around again and fled hastily in the distance.

It's just that before the eagle's figure flew over a few hundred meters, he saw the long sword in the hand of that fairy-like woman.

her 4.

The figure of 0 also arrived at the sky above the eagle with Mu Ran, and did not see any unnecessary movements from her.

It was just that the long sword in his hand was easily slashed downwards, and then a half-moon-shaped sword energy that was more severe than before flew down.

And just when the eagle below felt the terrifying aura behind him, his head was already cut off by the half-moon-shaped sword aura.

Chapter 431 Fighting (3)

The blood at its neck also spurted out suddenly, and the giant eagle's body still slid forward a few meters due to inertia before falling down with a bang.

After hearing the loud bang on the ground, the woman in white put the long sword in the scabbard, and then her figure slowly faded. It was obvious that there was an afterimage left on the spot. Her speed is so fast! And the name of this fairy-like woman is naturally Ling Yao who rescued Lin Hao from the crisis just now.

On the other hand, when Lin Hao and Ling Yao were getting closer and closer to where the flame spirits were.

Lin Hao couldn't help but worry in his heart, for fear that something would happen to Yanling and the three of them.

And just when Lin Hao and Chaomeng brought Ling 10yao and her mounts close to the place where Yanling and the others were.

Suddenly, he saw a huge eagle in the sky in the distance. His body alone took up half of the sky. On the opposite side of him were three black dots. Lin Hao immediately guessed that it was a flame spirit. They are.

It was just at this moment that there was a sound of fighting in the sky, and then Lin Hao saw the figure of the flame spirit fly upside down and fell to the ground. Pieces of dust.

Then he couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart, and wanted to rush over to see the flame spirit, but at this time, Ling Yao suddenly pressed his shoulder and said, "Wait."

Then he was about to roar, but at this time Chaomeng also whispered to him: "Wait a minute, I saw the body of Sister Yanling just now, and she was not seriously injured."

When he heard that Chao Meng also persuaded him, Hao finally woke up, and when he realized that the flame spirit was not seriously injured

, and then no longer anxious.

He was also standing there with Chaomeng and the others observing the sky in the distance, and Hao was still a little worried about the flame spirit in his heart.

And when they saw that Latias and Latios were fighting against the eagle for a while, the eagle suddenly raised his wings and slashed towards the two elves! Although Latias and Latios Bu Yu, but was easily broken by a pair of eagle's wings, and then they were sent flying out by its wings.

But after Lin Hao saw that the little natural disaster was going to kill them again, he couldn't bear it anymore, and wanted to rush over to save the flame spirits and the others.

But although his speed is fast, there is someone faster than him.

He only saw Ling Yao, who was originally by his side, after pulling out his sword and slashing out a great sword energy.

Its body shape suddenly moved into the sky in the distance like a teleportation, and then once again pulled a sword flower with the sword 620 in his hand.

The blood at its neck also spurted out suddenly, and the giant eagle's body still slid forward a few meters due to inertia before falling down with a bang.

After hearing the loud bang on the ground, the woman in white put the long sword in the scabbard, and then her figure slowly faded. It was obvious that there was an afterimage left on the spot. Her speed is so fast! And the name of this fairy-like woman is naturally Ling Yao who rescued Lin Hao from the crisis just now.

On the other hand, when Lin Hao and Ling Yao were getting closer and closer to where the flame spirits were.

Lin Hao couldn't help but worry in his heart, for fear that something would happen to Yanling and the three of them.

And just when Lin Hao and Chaomeng brought Ling 10yao and her mounts close to the place where Yanling and the others were.

Suddenly, he saw a huge eagle in the sky in the distance. His body alone took up half of the sky. On the opposite side of him were three black dots. Lin Hao immediately guessed that it was a flame spirit. They are.

It was just at this moment that there was a sound of fighting in the sky, and then Lin Hao saw the figure of the flame spirit fly upside down and fell to the ground. Pieces of dust.

Then he couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart, and wanted to rush over to see the flame spirit, but at this time, Ling Yao suddenly pressed his shoulder and said, "Wait."

Then he was about to roar, but at this time Chaomeng also whispered to him: "Wait a minute, I saw the body of Sister Yanling just now, and she was not seriously injured."

When he heard that Chao Meng also persuaded him, Hao finally woke up, and when he realized that the flame spirit was not seriously injured

, and then no longer anxious.

He was also standing there with Chaomeng and the others observing the sky in the distance, and Hao was still a little worried about the flame spirit in his heart.

And when they saw that Latias and Latios were fighting against the eagle for a while, the eagle suddenly raised his wings and slashed towards the two elves! Although Latias and Latios Bu Yu, but was easily broken by a pair of eagle's wings, and then they were sent flying out by its wings.

But after Lin Hao saw that the little natural disaster was going to kill them again, he couldn't bear it anymore, and wanted to rush over to save the flame spirits and the others.

But although his speed is fast, there is someone faster than him.

He only saw Ling Yao, who was originally by his side, after pulling out his sword and slashing out a great sword energy.

Her figure suddenly moved into the distant sky like a teleportation, and then once again pulled a sword flower with the sword 620 in her hand, and at the same time she drew out a few sword qi, her figure changed again. Disappeared once.

Lin Hao realized that after Ling Yao cut out the first sword light, the small natural disaster in the sky seemed to be in danger, so he turned around and ran into the distance.

Lin Hao didn't care about it when he saw this place, now the most important thing is not that little natural disaster, but the flame spirits and the others.

Thinking of this, he ran directly into the giant pit.

When Lin Hao saw the three bruised and unconscious elves in the giant pit, his eyes couldn't help showing distress.

Chapter 432 Fighting (4)

You must know that these are all Pokemon spirits who have followed him from the beginning, especially Yanling. It seems that she followed him before he arrived at Yunshui Villa.

Lin Hao recovered from his previous memory, and then said to the system in his head: "Put the three of them into the Poké Ball."

As soon as his voice fell, the three bruised elves in the giant pit turned into three streams of light and merged into his body, apparently returning to the elves in the system space to recover their bodies.

Lin Hao jumped back to the ground again, then looked up at the sky, and found that the little natural disaster had been killed by Ling Yao's sword.

At this time, the sky was also drenched with light rain, gradually diluting the rich bloody aura that had been produced by the fighting.

Lin Hao felt the freshness of Xiaoyu, and while releasing his heart, he murmured, "It seems that it hasn't rained for a long time."

Chao Meng was also beside him at this time, and after hearing his words, he said: "Yeah, since I was summoned to this world, I have never seen a rain."

Lin Hao ignored her, and when Chao Meng turned to look at Lin Hao, he saw Lin Hao closed his eyes slightly, as if he was caught in a memory.

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