Chao Meng was very sensible and did not bother Lin Hao again, and she used the energy in her hand to use the surrounding vegetation to weave an umbrella that was enough to shelter from the rain.

Then she ran to a nearby area to cover the rain.

As for the umbrella, it was blocked on top of Lin Hao's head by her when her energy was low. Naturally, it also helped Lin Hao to block the raindrops and also avoided his fate of getting wet.


Meng squatted quietly under the big tree like this, looking at Lin Hao's angular face, the more she looked, the more fascinated she became, and bursts of light could not help bursting into her beautiful eyes.

But at this moment, a cold female voice suddenly came from Chaomeng's side: "Why do you like him?"

Chao Meng was taken aback and jumped up all of a sudden, but after Ling Yao, he patted his chest with his little hand and said, "Oh! Sister Ling Yao, you scared me to death, can you next time? Don't appear next to people so quietly, it will scare people to death!"

When Lin Hao and the others rushed over here, they also talked a lot with each other, among them Chaomeng and Ling Yao had the most fun.

At that time, Lin Hao was a little puzzled, why women and women can communicate so smoothly?

However, when Chaomeng and Ling Yao got closer and closer, he realized that Ling Yao is also a very

You must know that these are all Pokemon spirits who have followed him from the beginning, especially Yanling. It seems that she followed him before he arrived at Yunshui Villa.

Lin Hao recovered from his previous memory, and then said to the system in his head: "Put the three of them into the Poké Ball."

As soon as his voice fell, the three bruised elves in the giant pit turned into three streams of light and merged into his body, apparently returning to the elves in the system space to recover their bodies.

Lin Hao jumped back to the ground again, then looked up at the sky, and found that the little natural disaster had been killed by Ling Yao's sword.

At this time, the sky was also drenched with light rain, gradually diluting the rich bloody aura that had been produced by the fighting.

Lin Hao felt the freshness of Xiaoyu, and while releasing his heart, he murmured, "It seems that it hasn't rained for a long time."

Chao Meng was also beside him at this time, and after hearing his words, he said: "Yeah, since I was summoned to this world, I have never seen a rain."

Lin Hao ignored her, and when Chao Meng turned to look at Lin Hao, he saw Lin Hao closed his eyes slightly, as if he was caught in a memory.

Chao Meng was very sensible and did not bother Lin Hao again, and she used the energy in her hand to use the surrounding vegetation to weave an umbrella that was enough to shelter from the rain.

Then she ran to a nearby area to cover the rain.

As for the umbrella, it was blocked on top of Lin Hao's head by her when her energy was low. Naturally, it also helped Lin Hao to block the raindrops and also avoided his fate of getting wet.


Meng squatted quietly under the big tree like this, looking at Lin Hao's angular face, the more she looked, the more fascinated she became, and bursts of light could not help bursting into her beautiful eyes.

But at this moment, a cold female voice suddenly came from Chaomeng's side: "Why do you like him?"

Chao Meng was taken aback and jumped up all of a sudden, but after Ling Yao, he patted his chest with his little hand and said, "Oh! Sister Ling Yao, you scared me to death, can you next time? Don't appear next to people so quietly, it will scare people to death!"

When Lin Hao and the others rushed over here, they also talked a lot with each other, among them Chaomeng and Ling Yao had the most fun.

At that time, Lin Hao was a little puzzled, why women and women can communicate so smoothly?

But when Chaomeng and Ling Yao got closer and closer, he realized that Ling Yao is also a very funny type.

Back to the topic.

Ling Yao lovingly touched Chaomeng's little head and said about money: "Little girl, what do you think about every day?"

"But if you really like him, go after him! After all, if it's too late, don't be pushed by others to get there first!"

Chao Meng made a face at Ling Yao after hearing her sincere words, and secretly said in his heart, "You don't know that the master has many wives!"

Of course, Chao Meng dared not say these words to the young lady in front of her.

Chapter 433 Exploring the Mysteries of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 434 I'm Covering Super Dream

And if it was before, his punch would be enough to pierce a mountain! However, Lin Hao was not only feeling his own strength, but also his own mental strength.

At this moment, Lin Hao found that with all his spiritual power, he was able to cover an area with a radius of thousands of meters and still had a little energy left.

But at this moment, Lin Hao was a little puzzled.

Because he found that his feelings about this world were a little different. Could this be "exploring the mysteries of heaven and earth"?

What is the benefit after that? He found that there are many small element molecules in the heaven and earth, except for the five most common five elements of metal, wood, water, fire and earth.

There are also dark black elements and purple lightning elements.

But at this time, he also found two pretty young girls standing under the big tree not far from him.

On the left is Ling Yao in white, who is stroking the mount beside her.

The other one was his own elf Chaomeng, only to see Chaomeng beside Ling Yao as if he was talking to her, and from time to time there would be laughter from there.

At this time, Lin Hao realized that the umbrella leaf on his head was surrounded by a group of white energies, and he knew that it was Chaomeng.

Because Mewtwo is a super energy system, and the super energy system does not seem to belong to a kind of element, so it is composed of pure white molecules.

Thinking of this, Lin Hao secretly said: Chao Meng has a heart.

Although his clothes were still a little wet at this time, Lin Hao felt relieved in his heart.

While Chaomeng and Ling Yao were talking not far away, Ling Yao suddenly saw Lin Hao open his eyes.

Mewtwo who was beside her also felt it, because she communicated with her master.

only see super dream one

Dodging like a rabbit, he threw himself into Lin Hao's arms.

Then she buried her head in the middle and hugged Lin Hao with both arms.

Lin Hao was a little caught off guard by her pounce, but he was no longer the Lin Hao he used to be. He only saw him hug Chao Meng in his arms and then use this force to hug her and turn around a few times.

Chaomeng's feet were rippling in the air, and she raised her head to look at Lin Hao's angular face, feeling a little touched in her heart.

When Lin Hao stopped holding her, he found Chao Meng in his arms blushing and still holding him with his eyes closed, so he couldn't help rubbing her small head.

Then looked up at the slowly leading white horse

And if it was before, his punch would be enough to pierce a mountain! However, Lin Hao was not only feeling his own strength, but also his own mental strength.

At this moment, Lin Hao found that with all his spiritual power, he was able to cover an area with a radius of thousands of meters and still had a little energy left.

But at this moment, Lin Hao was a little puzzled.

Because he found that his feelings about this world were a little different. Could this be "exploring the mysteries of heaven and earth"?

What is the benefit after that? He found that there are many small element molecules in the heaven and earth, except for the five most common five elements of metal, wood, water, fire and earth.

There are also dark black elements and purple lightning elements.

But at this time, he also found two pretty young girls standing under the big tree not far from him.

On the left is Ling Yao in white, who is stroking the mount beside her.

The other one was his own elf Chaomeng, only to see Chaomeng beside Ling Yao as if he was talking to her, and from time to time there would be laughter from there.

At this time, Lin Hao realized that the umbrella leaf on his head was surrounded by a group of white energies, and he knew that it was Chaomeng.

Because Mewtwo is a super energy system, and the super energy system does not seem to belong to a kind of element, so it is composed of pure white molecules.

Thinking of this, Lin Hao secretly said: Chao Meng has a heart.

Although his clothes were still a little wet at this time, Lin Hao felt relieved in his heart.

While Chaomeng and Ling Yao were talking not far away, Ling Yao suddenly saw Lin Hao open his eyes.

Mewtwo who was beside her also felt it, because she communicated with her master.

only see super dream one

Dodging like a rabbit, he threw himself into Lin Hao's arms.

Then she buried her head in the middle and hugged Lin Hao with both arms.

Lin Hao was a little caught off guard by her pounce, but he was no longer the Lin Hao he used to be. He only saw him hug Chao Meng in his arms and then use this force to hug her and turn around a few times.

Chaomeng's feet were rippling in the air, and she raised her head to look at Lin Hao's angular face, feeling a little touched in her heart.

When Lin Hao stopped holding her, he found Chao Meng in his arms blushing and still holding him with his eyes closed, so he couldn't help rubbing her small head.

Then he raised his head to look at Ling Yao, who was slowly walking towards him with a white horse, a smile appeared on his face.

When Ling Yao saw him smiling to herself, she nodded and said, "Let's go to your gathering place now."

Hearing Ling Yao's words, Chao Meng, who felt the warmth of Lin Hao's chest, jumped out of his arms first, and then ran behind Ling Yao.

Seeing this, Lin Hao couldn't help teasing and said: "When did your relationship become: such a close dream, you have friends and forgot your brother!"

Before Chaomeng could speak, Ling Yao said to Lin Hao: "Why, no! She is covered by me! Be nice to Ameng in the future, and don't bully her!"

In fact, in the chat between Chaomeng and Ling Yao just now, because Chaomeng was too simple, Ling Yao also found all kinds of doubts in Chaomeng's words.

Finally, in Ling Yao's "Coercion and Temptation"

Under the circumstances, Chao Mengcai was frightened and told a little about his life experience.

Chapter 435

When Ling Yao knew that Chao Meng was not from this world, she was very shocked! And when she heard Chao Meng say that she was an elf summoned by Lin Hao from another world, she signed a special contract with Lin Hao, etc. After waiting for the big news.

Ling Yao has been shocked and lost her world view! Later, after Ling Yao recovered, she looked at Chao Meng with dignified eyes and said, "I know, I won't say goodbye to "[-]"

what people said.

But fortunately you met me, if you met other disciples of our sect, I would have given it to you by now."

She didn't say the next words, but no matter how simple Mewtwo was, she knew what the words she omitted were.

Then I saw Chaomeng wide open pitifully. Her eyes, which were already covered with a layer of water mist, looked at Ling Yao and said at the same time, "Wuwuwu, thank you sister Lingyao"

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