Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 130: : Sixiang

Returning to the black and white world again, Xiang Jing walked to the north abutment with black light without much consideration.

After experiencing the first two spaces, he probably figured out the rules here.

The four abutments lead to four different spaces, and each space has different tests. If you support it, you can receive unexpected goods.

Therefore, even if he knew that he had to endure the pain and torture of death, Xiang Jing still chose to go.

Every life and death is a sharpening stone for him to strengthen his own strength. Only by crossing life and death without fear of death can he become stronger.

After teleporting into the space of the black base station, Xiang Jing just entered here, feeling a suffocation, and quickly held his breath, struggling to move upstream.

After he entered this space, he actually appeared directly in the water. The water here was as black as ink, and the surroundings were also black, and there was nothing to see.

Not surprisingly, Xiang Jing became an ordinary person again, struggling to swim upward instinctively.

However, he kept swimming forward, but did not swim to the end. On the contrary, Xiang Jing’s breath was almost exhausted. The lack of oxygen in his brain made his thinking become more and more sluggish. Finally, he had a dark water inlet nose. The whole person struggled, and finally fell weakly toward the bottom of the water.

The pitch-black water is like the deep night sky in the summer night. You can't see your fingers, you can't see things, you don't know where the surface of the water is or where the bottom is.

Invisible, inaudible, unspeakable, unable to think, his five senses are blocked, and he falls into the abyss, Xiang Jing is sinking lonely, as if this moment has become eternal and will never stop.

A voice whispered in his ears like a sea monster, bewitching his mind, trying to peep into the deepest secret of his heart.

Helplessness, despair, and darkness gradually enveloped Xiang Jing, and the endless abyss was about to swallow him, and there was no light ever since.

"Little Qi, the mission in Country M has been done well, this time you have to ask us to have a good meal, don't even think about running."

"Aqi, the sky list has changed a lot recently. I heard that there are several younger generations who want to replace us. You have to be careful not to capsize in the gutter."

"Qiye, how do you think I am doing this swordsmanship? Would you like to give some pointers?"

"Tianqi! Unexpectedly, your brother betrayed you, today you will die!"

"Master Qi, go!"

"Little Qi, you have to trust us and don't be used by them!"


"Hate it!"


"This world is full of intrigues, what is there to miss?"

"Come with me, there is no deception, no betrayal, here you can have everything you want..."

"Hey Hey"

"Brother, I only have you."


Xiang Jing, whose consciousness is getting deeper and deeper, suddenly opened his eyes.

At this moment, the pitch-black water like a bottomless abyss suddenly surged into a huge whirlpool.

The vortex grew larger and larger, and finally formed a vacuum space, and Xiang Jing was in this space.

Following the rotation of the black water, it condensed to form a turtle-snake beast, which roared like a thunder, wrapped in the boundless black water, and rushed directly into Xiang Jing's back.

Xiang Jing seemed to have become a huge water absorber, and the turtle-snake-like shape condensed by the monstrous black water poured into his back, and then a black turtle appeared in the center of his back. The snake totem fits perfectly with the unfolded root of the steel wings.

Xiang Jing bowed himself to accept the impact of this huge black water force before he was swept away. He felt the new power in his body and his whole person felt a lot more energetic.

After all the black water poured into his body, his original appearance was also revealed here, and there was pitch black everywhere, not much different from black water.

This space also increased his strength tenfold, besides that, the black water also gave him a new offensive and defensive ability.

Xiang Jing can control the turtle and snake totem behind him, forming a black water-like shield around the entire body, and the black water can also be condensed into various forms for attack.

Xiang Jing feels that he is now more of a tank father than a tank father. With so many defenses, he is not afraid of being targeted by an atomic bomb.

However, Xiang Jing remembered the memory that had just been sinking into the black water.

The last word from the girl awakened him.

Thinking of this, Xiang Jing squeezed his fist, he must find the girl, no matter what the price is.

After leaving here, Xiang Jing entered the last one, the cyan abutment on the east.

After entering this world, the imaginary torture and test did not appear, and it was in contrast with the previous three.

The world is full of blue, Xiang Jing is in it, looking around, waiting.

After entering here, everything about him is passive, and the initiative is in the hands of this formation.

Afterwards, the cyan energy condensed into the shape of a dragon, floating high in the sky, looking down at Xiang Jing.

Xiang Jing held his breath, waiting for the next test.

However, after waiting for a while, the dragon floating high in the sky did not move, and nothing unusual happened around it.

When Xiang Jing was puzzled, a burst of purple and gold suddenly burst out of the heavenly spirit above his head.

The Shenlong who had not reacted all the time suddenly uttered a trembling dragon chant when the purple-gold qi appeared, and then hovered into a burst of cyan energy and rushed into Xiang Jing's body.

The moment the cyan energy rushed into Xiang Jing's body, the other three colors of energy, red, white, and black, all lit up, as if they were welcoming something.

The four colors of light gradually merged and merged, and finally formed a light curtain attached to the surface of Xiang Jing's body, and then absorbed into the body through all the pore cells on the body.

The blue light flashed, and Xiang Jing had a blue dragon totem on his left arm.

The guesses that existed before this item can be confirmed.

The four totems on him should be the four great beasts in Chinese myths and legends.

"Bingo! The host's IQ is finally online once, yes, the four abutments that the host just entered, the four totems on his body are the four great beasts."

"Hehe, where did you just die?!"

Xiang Jing couldn't help but asked angrily!

"Ding! Yuan! This is for the host's sake. The host has the source. With the system store, space ring and other things, fluke psychology and dependence will arise. The host should always remember that this is the end of the world. Careless will really kill you. of."

Xiang Jing took a deep breath and fell into silence. Indeed, Yuan said that he should not relax himself.

The cyan space here should be the Azure Dragon, which has also increased his power tenfold, and every time his attack, no matter what attack it is, the power will increase by about 5% as long as it is performed.

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