Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 131: : Golden abutment

For example, Xiang Jing's current strength was originally 520 times as powerful as one punch, but now it can reach more than 540 with one punch. This is still on the premise of not using various martial arts.

Leaving the cyan space and returning to the black and white world, Xiang Jing was sincerely happy that this B-level alien space was not in vain.

Not only did it increase his strength by forty times, but also the wings of steel, bones, skin, internal organs, etc., have all been greatly enhanced. These are truly directly enhancing his own strength.

If Xiang Jing knew that his current essence and blood converter had reached 40%, he would not know if he would jump up excitedly.

Xiang Jing moved his body, took out a set of clothes and put on them, otherwise he would always feel chilly under his crotch, and he would not be regarded as abnormal when he went out.

Just when Xiang Jing thought he would be ejected after leaving the cyan space, he still stayed in the black and white world.

Xiang Jing asked puzzledly, "Yuan, what's going on?"

"Ding! Does the host think that this is the only thing in a B-level alien space? That's too small a B-level title."

Xiang Jing asked curiously, "Is there any good things here?"

"Ding! The host waited patiently and came out immediately."

As soon as the source's voice fell, the light of the four abutments distributed in four directions suddenly shrank and restrained, and then the complicated and mysterious patterns on the abutments suddenly bloomed, turning into streams of light slowly rotating.

The streamers of four different colors suddenly shot out, converging in the sky, and a golden light fell to the ground.

In the golden light, a brand new abutment can be seen.

"Ding! Overlord quickly go over! Stand on the abutment!"

There is no need to urge Yuan, Xiang Jing also knows that such a big show will definitely come out.

The steel wings spread out and flew, quickly approaching the golden abutment.

Xiang Jing stepped in without hesitation.

However, this golden abutment did not transmit Xiang Jing to another place, instead it kept rising to a height of 100 meters.

From this perspective, Xiang Jing can clearly see the remaining four abutments.

Four different energies come together, blending and fusion.

Above the abutment, those mysterious patterns that turned into streamers did not fly randomly, but formed the appearance of the four beasts, lifelike.


A roar resounded above Xiang Jing's head.

Xiang Jing looked up and saw a golden unicorn with lion head, antlers, tiger eyes, moose body, dragon scales, and oxtail all in golden yellow, standing on top of his head.

The other four divine beasts raised their heads and issued different roars, which complemented each other.

The abutment under their feet and many streamers and mysterious patterns are constantly running and flowing, vaguely forming a rule, but it is impossible to see through.

Standing at an absolute height, Xiang Jing had a clear view of all this.

Immediately afterwards, the sky and the earth began to rotate, half of the pure white sky came to the ground, and the dark earth half went to the sky.

The black and white world was originally black and white, but now it has become half black and half white.

Then the black and white world began to show various gleaming mysterious patterns, different from the five colors of the five abutments.

The white part of the black and white world flashes black, and the black world flashes white, which is exactly the opposite.

The black and white patterns are different from those on the five abutments, but they feel completely integrated and have a perfect fit.

The golden unicorn on Xiang Jing's head raised his head again and let out a roar of joy, then turned into a golden light and rushed into Xiang Jing's heavenly spirit.

However, Xiang Jing's heavenly spirit suddenly burst into a purple-golden aura, pushing the golden aura back.

The golden light turned into a golden unicorn again, and there was a thoughtful look of wisdom in his eyes.

Then it turned into golden light again, this time no longer towards Xiang Jing's Heavenly Spirit, but towards his dantian.

The golden light flashed, and a golden unicorn totem appeared on his belly.

After the Qilin Totem was completely integrated into Xiang Jing's body, the entire space suddenly began to tremble, as if it was about to collapse.

Then Xiang Jing could see with his naked eyes that the entire black and white world was beginning to shrink, and even the patterned abutment under his feet was shrinking, but he still maintained its original size.

Just when Xiang Jing was at a loss and didn't know what happened, the system came to the rescue on time.

"Ding! The host costs 1 million hunting points, and the source can send the host out."

"Hurry up!"

Xiang Jing watched the world become smaller and smaller, and he was determined to be squeezed into dross if he did not go out.

Moreover, although one million hunting points are many, he still has them out.

"Ding! After deducting one million hunting points, the teleportation begins, and the countdown counts down ten, nine, eight..."

"Your rocket lifts off, there is still a ten-second countdown, I will be squashed quickly!"

After such a short time, Xiang Jing felt that the whole day was pressed on his head.

"Three, two, one! Teleport!"

Just when there were only one or two people left in this space, the countdown finally ended.

Immediately after a thunderbolt drew across the void, a crack appeared in the space. Xiang Jing was sucked into the crack uncontrollably. When he recovered again, he had returned to the mortuary underground in the hospital.

Xiang Jing blinked, feeling a little dazzling.

At this time, Xiang Jing was not the only one in the morgue.

Not long after Xiang Jing came down, a newly-rising force in Germany sent people down to find someone.

There was only such a mortuary under the entire hospital, but they searched through it and they didn't find Xiang Jing. The power was too weak and they couldn't perceive the existence of a different space.

Then I didn't know where there were rumors of treasures under this ground, which attracted large and small forces in the German city to fight for it.

It happened that they didn't notice anything, but they still didn't stop, and they beat their heads with blood.

Until today, the two forces here had just finished fighting, and Xiang Jing appeared.

A man who was turning over a corpse was startled when he saw Xiang Jing who suddenly appeared.

Then he shouted excitedly, "Brothers, the kid has appeared, do it, he must have something good."

Xiang Jing was yelled at by him, and suddenly light flashed in his godless eyes.

Seeing that so many people next to him suddenly came to kill him, I didn't even think about the release of Steel Wing and Silver Wing, killing them all with one move.

These people hadn't reacted yet, some of them still maintained a sprinting posture and ferocious expressions, but none of them all turned into corpses.

Xiang Jing looked around, and found that in addition to the cold breath, the morgue now has a richer smell of blood. In addition to the one he killed just now, there are still many corpses. The corridors outside are covered, and they look fresh. Died soon.

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