Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 137: : Remedy

Huskie lay on the ground sobbing, tears streaming down uncontrollably, crying how he was so fate, when he encountered such a violent maniac, Liu murdered indiscriminately, and tied himself here to beat him up.

"Close your mouth!"

Xiang Jing yelled coldly, with a sword inserted in front of its eyes, scared the Husky into a spirit, and quickly closed his mouth.

But because he moved too fast and bit his tongue that was too late to retract, the whole dog twitched in pain, dare not make a sound.

Xiang Jing squatted down, patted its dog's head and said, "Can you understand me?"

Husky nodded subconsciously, and quickly shook his head.

Xiang Jing stuck the sword on his dog's neck, holding the hilt in his hand, looking like a dog's head.

"I ask, you answer, understand?"

The Husky's neck was stuck under the sword, and he dared not move, sobbing and spitting out a changed "good" word.

Xiang Jingli thought about it and asked, "Who is your master behind the scenes?"

From their series of actions and the distance they travelled, Xiang Jing can be sure that this was premeditated.

And he didn't think that this silly dog ​​was the master behind the scenes, if the master behind the scenes would fight him hard when he did it.

After hearing Xiang Jing's question, the Husky showed a humane look of fear in his eyes, and the whole dog shivered, as if thinking of something terrible.

Xiang Jing squinted his eyes, holding the hilt of the sword with a slight force, the sharp blade of the thunderstorm neutron lightsaber followed down and it was already submerged in the thick dog hair of the Husky.

Feeling the cold blade of the sword stuck to his skin, the Husky bit his tongue, and the severe pain stopped him from trembling temporarily.

Husky spit out his tongue that had been bitten by two big teeth, and said with a breath, "Woo, woo is also forced, woo knows nothing."

"Your life is now in my hands."

Xiang Jinghan said, in other words, the person behind you is not here now and cannot protect you, nor can you be here.

There was a look of struggle in the eyes of the Husky, and finally the man in the building breathed and said, "Oh, the host behind the scenes is a very powerful creature. They all call it the "Three Lords". It has the head of a tiger and a fish. The gills, the body of the lion, the feathers of the bird, and the tail of the monkey are very, very powerful."

"How strong is it?"

"Yes" Husky suddenly had a meal, and I didn't know how to describe it.

Xiang Jing pointed to himself and said, "Compare with me."

The Husky thought for a while and said, "Better than you."

Xiang Jing frowned after hearing this. If he is better than that, it would be a bit tricky.

The power he is now going all out can explode to nearly 600 times. Is it stronger than him, is that creature has broken through 600 times?

But doesn't the system say that if you break the 600-fold mark within three years, you will be punished by the rules? Is this only effective for him?

Xiang Jing wrote down this question for the time being, and continued to ask, "How do you know the details of our city?"

Xiang Jing clearly remembered that he had never had any intersection with the Three Lords, and there was no such monster in his memory.

However, what he knew about Tiankui City was so detailed and clear, it was difficult to explain it. The only possibility was that there was an inner ghost in Tiankui City, telling the news.

However, the probability of this situation is very low. Tiankui City was built by him. The existence of the shadow plus the handling of the identity certificate, and these things are all in the hands of Linyuan Corpse King Li Qiang and others. It is difficult to show intelligence. The leaked situation.

And after careful calculation, it took more than half a month from when he left Tiankui City to when he came back.

These powerful monsters had never appeared nearby before, indicating that he left and came here.

He deliberately attacked when the strongest uncertain factor was not in the city.

It shows that Xiang Jing's every move, and even how long he stays in Germany, may be clearly controlled by the enemy.

This seems to be a monster's attack on Tiankui City, but many things are extremely scary.

The Husky replied, "It was the Three Lords Holy King who ordered the Woos to come. It only told the Woos when to do and what to do after doing it. The rest of the Woos didn't know?"

After Xiang Jing asked a few more questions, he determined that this husky was just a subordinate role, and that the management was not considered to be a role, and he knew very little.

Xiang Jing forced a soul-devouring pill to the Huqishi to eat, and then let it go by holding its life in his own hands.

The effect of the Soul Eater Pill is exactly the same as the Soul Eater Puppet, and the price is one hundred thousand hunting points, but the Soul Eater pill is more convenient for these mutant beasts.

Husky instinctively felt that his life was held in Xiang Jing's hands. This method did not even have the Three Lords, and he understood that this was also an existence that he couldn't afford.

Husky felt that his life was so bitter, and he finally mutated and grew to such a strong level. The result was either being taken under by the Three-Master Saint King, or enslaved by this human being, and he was beaten severely. Now it is even more miserable. Hold it in someone else's hand.

After handling the huskies, Xiang Jing set about treating these people who were still alive.

Excluding Li Qiang and Baishan Beast King, 800 elites were brought out from Tiankui City. At this moment, there were only more than two hundred people left. Even the initial number of people who could not reserve the team was not enough. Some of them still lacked arms and legs.

Xiang Jing took a few deep breaths. It is not too late to remedy the situation. At least now that the enemy has been exposed, corresponding measures can be taken.

What happened this time was a wake-up call for Xiang Jing, letting him understand that there are still many things and things he doesn't know about in this world.

Even with the help of the system, even if you already have a certain amount of capital at this time, you can't neglect it. This time it is a **** lesson.

There are more than one hundred thousand hunting points left, and there are too many people to buy five hundred pieces of one-turn small huandan.

At least it can make them sober, and their injuries can be relieved.

It takes a certain amount of time for digestion and absorption to feed the pills one by one.

The hunting points were exhausted in a blink of an eye, and Li Qiang and Baishan Beast King's injuries were not light, so they could only temporarily stabilize them. When they returned to Tiankui City to get the mutant crystal core, they were exchanged for hunting points, and then replaced with high-level pills. The medicine cures them directly.

After giving them all the pills, Xiang Jing pulled them up like balloons again with black water, grabbed the Huskies and quickly ran towards Tiankui City.

After half a day, the Wings of Steel was recharged, and the Wings of Steel flew at full speed.

After experiencing the transformation of the red space, Steel Wings originally took a day to complete the charge, but now it only takes half a day.

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