Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 138: :I am back

The performance of Steel Wings is also the reason why Xiang Jing can come back so quickly and catch up with these monsters so quickly.

Returning along the same way as they came, one day or two nights later, in the morning of the next day, Xiang Jing returned to the forest where Li Qiang and the others had been abducted.

Fly a little further forward and you can return to Tiankui City, contact Linyuan Corpse King through the communication chip, and learn that nothing has happened to him in the past few days, so I feel relieved.

When returning to Tiankui City, the atmosphere in the entire city seemed extremely tense. Except for the people who patrolled daily, most of the others stayed in the house without leaving home.

Xiang Jing came to the central square and put down all the people on his back.

They were still sleeping and concentrating, and Xiang Jing did not wake them up.

Linyuan Corpse King and Linyuan had been waiting here a long time ago. Seeing Xiang Jing's return, they immediately greeted him.

Throwing the Husky on the ground, Xiang Jing asked Linyuan to take care of the wounded, and the rest were not allowed to approach him, and then asked Linyuan Corpse King to take him to the place where the mutant crystal nucleus was stored.

A warehouse full of mutant crystal nuclei, Xiang Jing all converted into hunting points in one breath, a full of more than six million points.

The hunting points are available, and the confidence is enough. With 5,000 hunting points, the Three Profound Pills, Xiang Jing exchanged more than two hundred in one breath, and directly used 1 million hunting points. .

Back to the central square, let Linyuan Corpse King and Linyuan take all these medicines to these people.

The Three Profound Yang Pill, which kills one point at 5,000 points, can basically make them completely healed and live and live, but it is not up to the point of life and death. Those who lack arms and legs can only do this temporarily. It’s a blessing to be able to save my life.

Not long after taking the pill, the strongest Li Qiang and Baishan Beast King woke up first, and Xiang Jing asked Linyuan and Forestry to explain to them, standing in place and thinking about the arrangements behind them.

Then the Three Lords and the Holy Kings are obviously not good at coming. They have premeditated, and there will be a second and third time after the first time.

It is estimated that the Three Lords also knew that they had been exposed, and it was impossible to let it go. The next attack might be even more fierce.

Now that the enemy is in the dark and I am in the dark, Xiang Jing has to be careful in his layout, and if he is not careful, he may be forever.

The most troublesome thing for him is that he knows very little about the Three Lords, but the other party knows them well.

This is what makes him most uncomfortable and annoying, and it is also the reason why an intelligence department was established in the first place.

In the final analysis, intelligence is one aspect, and the other is strength. If Li Qiang Baishan Beast King and the others are the strongest, the previous things will never happen.

Just like Xiang Jing went to rescue people back, the strength is so powerful that it will be crushed, even if the enemy has thousands of troops and horses, it will not help.

Just as Xiang Jing was thinking about it, Li Qiang and Baishan Beast King walked over with guilt.

Li Qiang lowered his head and said, "City Lord, I..."

"I know it all." Xiang Jing interrupted Li Qiang's self-examination and said, "You should arrange these people to rest first, and then come to my office. Instead of the fact that guilt cannot be changed, it is better to think about how to stop. Repeat the same mistakes."

Xiang Jing walked towards his office after speaking. This sentence is not only for them, but also for himself. The loss this time is not serious. Only timely reflection and corrections can be stabilized. situation.

After being silent for a moment, Li Qiang arranged the two hundred people to rest in the unified medical care area, and then went to Xiang Jing's office.

After they all came in, Xiang Jing asked them to find their seats and sit down. Without talking nonsense, he told them the relevant information about the Three Lords and Kings he knew now.

Forestry frowned and said, "If so, how can they know our internal situation so clearly?"

Xiang Jing didn't tell them the conclusion of his conjecture. After hearing the forestry's question, he glanced over each of them casually.

Li Qiang clenched his fists and said coldly, "There is a ghost."

The three words made the atmosphere in the office suddenly become tense, and several of them began to look at the people next to them unconsciously.

Most of them are looking at forestry, because Li Qiang Linyuan Corpse King and Baishan Beast King have followed Xiang Jing for a long time, and they all know each other's roots, so the greater suspicion defaults to forestry.

The forestry naturally understands this truth, put his fingers across his abdomen, and said frankly, "I can be investigated."

Xiang Jing leaned his head on the back of the chair, tapped his finger on the tabletop and said, "Have you ever thought that they deliberately created this phenomenon for us, so that we can mistrust each other, and then disintegrate from the inside."

After listening to Xiang Jing's words, they couldn't help but feel tense. If this were the case, it would be really terrifying. What a deep thought.

"However, the possibility of internal ghosts is not ruled out." Xiang Jing continued, "but I have believed in you guys."

The forestry head looked at Xiang Jing gratefully, his words can help him get rid of the great suspicion.

After thinking for a moment, Xiang Jing said, "I think so. The city construction and so on are all going on as usual. You can't delay because of this matter."

Linyuan Corpse King objected, "If we do this, we will probably be attacked by the enemy again, which is very detrimental to us."

Li Qiang, Forestry, and even the reticent Baishan Beast King agreed with Linyuan Corpse King.

Xiang Jing smiled and said, "The tortoises are always here. They are huddled in this city. They can't hide for a while, and they really want to come in. Can this paper-like wall stop them?"

Linyuan Corpse King and others were silent, Xiang Jing was right, not to mention the mysterious and unpredictable Three Lord Saint King, even they could easily destroy the city wall.

Xiang Jing went on to say, "The establishment of a city is to continuously expand, just for this world, and even across the world, and the world is under the border of the nine states. If because of such a three-lord saint king, it will be fearful. "

"Also" Xiang Jing suddenly slowed down, a breath of supreme majesty emanated out, and said calmly "I'm back."

Before he was absent, something went wrong in the city, and now he is back, if this kind of thing happens again, they will all come back and forth.

Moreover, the Three Lord Saint King specifically picked him to do it when he was not in the city, which also showed that he was also afraid of himself.

The simple words shocked Li Qiang and the others. They only felt that their bodies were numb like an electric shock, and they unconsciously sat up straight.


From knowing Xiang Jing to now, he has brought them too many surprises, as if he has a magic power that can turn corruption into magic, and any problem can be solved in front of him.

It seems that he was born to be the darling of heaven, and one day he is bound to become the king of the extreme.

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