Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 294: :withered

Xiang Jing's words were so eloquent that Dina couldn't find anything wrong.

Xiang Jing then said, "We can plant these seeds first, and try to see if it works, and if possible, take the first batch of seeds back."

Dana nodded and agreed with Xiang Jing's ideas.

They then found a plot of land, renovated the soil, and planted the seeds.

When I saw it again the next day, the seeds had sprouted, and on the third day it was already green.

In a few days, there will be a bumper harvest.

Seeing the food seeds growing at a rate visible to the naked eye day by day, Dana smiled happily from the heart.

However, a week later, Dana stood in front of the field dullly, looking at all the withered grain, she was dumbfounded.

She came over yesterday and saw that the grain was almost ready for harvest, and after it was confirmed today, she would be able to harvest it and take it away, but she didn't expect to see only a scene of wilting and ruin.

"Light technique, the darkness fades away!"

Dana stubbornly wanted to use Illuminati to save these foods, but the laws of nature couldn't be violated. No matter how hard Dana worked, these foods were dead if they died, and they were powerless.

Xiang Jing on the side also looked sad, angry, and annoyed, but he was the one who caused the grain to become like this.

As early as when he took out the seeds, Xiang Jing moved his hands and feet on it. These food seeds will automatically wither when they are about to mature. It looks like a natural disaster, but it is a man-made disaster.

Xiang Jing walked into the field and said, "I used to work on a farm to see what caused it."

As Xiang Jing said, he walked straight into the field, picked up the withered grain seeds on the ground, and started to study it professionally.

Soon after, Xiang Jing walked up with a bunch of withered food and said, "I found the problem."

"What's the problem?" Dina asked hurriedly, finding a problem and finding a way to solve the problem, maybe these foods can be saved.

Xiang Jing said, "These seeds are too special, have a short growth cycle, and have high yields. Therefore, they need several times the nutrients. These ordinary soil and water can only provide part of them, and they are not enough to support maturity. Without the supply of nutrients, these foods Will become like this."

Of course this is pure nonsense by Xiang Jing himself.

"Is there any help?" This is Dana's biggest concern, after all, it is related to the lives of thousands of people in country Y.

Xiang Jing shook his head, "They are all dead, and there is no way to save them."

When Dana heard it, her face couldn't hide the disappointment.

"But" Xiang Jing suddenly took out a seed. I was worried that there would be an accident, so I specially kept a seed.

Seeing the seed in Xiang Jing's hand, Dana's heart moved ups and downs like riding a roller coaster, and her mood turned from sad to joy. Holding Xiang Jing's palm, she carefully examined the seed, which was the seed of hope.

But the problem came again. Without suitable soil and water, this kind of seed would not survive.

Xiang Jing looked at Dana, opened his mouth and stopped, as if he wanted to talk but stopped.

"What's wrong, Peter, do you have any idea?"

Xiang Jing nodded and said, "There is one way, but you may not agree."

"What way, you say." Dana looked at Xiang Jing anxiously.

Xiang Jing paused and said, "When I found the seeds, I actually found people from Huaxia Kingdom passed by. Because I was worried about being exposed, I didn't keep up."

"But I saw this kind of seeds in the backpacks of those Chinese people, and I picked them up along the way."

"You mean, these seeds were planted by the Chinese people?" Dai Na looked at Xiang Jing, full of doubts.

This is indeed a bit of a joke, but Xiang Jing found the seed, so he can say what he wants.

Xiang Jing nodded solemnly and said, "So I think, in China, someone must know how to grow this kind of food seeds."


Sure enough, Dana fell into hesitation. After all, the Holy See had a treaty first, and she didn't want to break it.

Upon seeing this, Xiang Jing understood that there was a play and said, "In fact, your appearance is no different from a normal Chinese. Just be careful, it doesn’t matter, and we are to save so many ordinary people in Country Y. I believe that even if the Pope learns about it, We will not be blamed."

Under Xiang Jing’s repeated indoctrination, and after a long period of internal struggle, Dana finally reluctantly agreed to enter the territory of Huaxia.

Seeing Dana nodding, Xiang Jing almost jumped up happily, but on the surface he was still well controlled and couldn't reveal anything at this time.

Early the next morning, Xiang Jing and Dana disguised themselves, Xiang Jing put a lot of mud on his face, and Dina did.

The two men dressed themselves as refugees who had fled, crossed the border and entered the territory of China.

As early as last night, Xiang Jing contacted Li Qiang and others in Tiankui City through the communication system and asked them to cooperate with him.

At the same time, he also asked about the DNA matching results. Li Qiang told him that the scientific research institute was speeding up, and the results would be available in a few days.

Prior to this, Xiang Jingjing had to find a way to keep Dana in China.

They didn't find it blindly when they entered the territory of Huaxia. Xiang Jing proposed to find a place to stay first, and then talk about the situation inside Huaxia.

Dana agreed. After all, he was unfamiliar with the place. Fortunately, Peter said that he had been to Huaxia and could speak some Huaxia languages.

After finding a place to settle down, Xiang Jing pretended to be inquiring about the news and left the residence.

At a distance of dozens of kilometers away from the place where he settled, Xiang Jing recovered his true appearance and met Li Qiang.

Li Qiang said, "City Lord, it has been done. The surrounding area has been cleaned up according to your requirements. I have also arranged for our people."

"Thank you." Xiang Jing nodded. "According to the plan tomorrow, don't leak any flaws."

"Okay, then I'll go first." After a brief conversation, the two left each.

Xiang Jing went back dirty after we stayed late at night.

When he returned to his footing, Xiang Jing first took out some food seeds and said, "Dana, look."

"The seed, where did you find it?" Daina said in surprise when she saw the seed in Xiang Jing's hand.

"I found a group of fully armed humans today, escorting a car, and following them, these seeds fell from the car."

"I followed them to a place later. Depending on the scale, it should be the most powerful force in this area. The cart full of seeds should be full of this kind of seeds. They must know how to plant it."

Dana hurriedly said, "Then we should hurry to find that local power, no matter what the price, we must obtain their planting methods and skills."

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