Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 295: :acting

After hearing this, Xiang Jing shook his head and said, "No, we are in a foreign country now. Do you think that if two foreigners come to ask for this core technology, others will easily give us?"

Dana fell into silence when she heard it. Indeed, in the current world, in addition to having a hard fist, she also has to eat a lot. How could others easily spread this kind of fast-growing grain seed production method.

Dana pursed her lips, and finally said stubbornly, "I heard that China is an ancient civilization and a country of etiquette. I want to try it."

Although this is very useful to hear, but the actual situation is not like this. Xiang Jing shook his head and said, "Dana, now is not before, the social order has collapsed, no one cares about it."

"Let's do this," Xiang Jing said, "we try to steal from them."


When Dana heard that she wanted to refuse, she was interrupted by Xiang Jing, "We just need to find a way to get into their plantation, observe their planting methods, and experiment by ourselves. Strictly speaking, it is not a real steal. "


Dana hesitated.

Xiang Jing patted his chest and said, "Leave this to me. Anyway, I don't believe in your gods. You don't have to worry about this. It is already very difficult for you to violate the treaty and enter the territory of China."

Dana lowered her head, bit her lip, her heart seemed to be struggling and thinking.

Xiang Jing didn't force her, and prepared to rest after entering the room.

If Dana did not go, it would save him from acting with Li Qiang, and if he did, it would take more time.

Early the next morning, as soon as Xiang Jing opened the door, he saw Dana standing at the door.

At this time, Dana's hair is messy, with two bloodshot dark circles under her eyes, her expression is a little wilted, and she seems to have not slept all night last night.

Xiang Jing looked at her "Dana, you..."

Dana said directly, "I will go with you."

After speaking, he turned and walked outside the house. Xiang Jing cleaned up, followed quickly, and led the way.

Xiang Jing took Dana to turn left and right in the city, walked around a dozen streets, and finally stopped in an alley, pointed to the building outside and said, "This is their headquarters. I saw that yesterday. The car drove in from behind."

Looking around, Xiang Jing pointed at it and said, "Let's go upstairs, be careful, there should be their guard post."

Dana nodded, cautiously followed Xiang Jing into the building beside her, and headed towards the top of the building.

However, she was also very surprised. The soldiers who patrolled and guarded here were not weak, and the standard equipment was like a regular army.

Nonsense, the troops directly under Li Qiang were transferred over, can the strength and equipment be poor.

Xiang Jing made a routine in front, and finally found a few sentries and snipers on the roof.

Picking up the stone on the ground, Xiang Jing secretly said, "I'm sorry, brother."

The backhand threw the stones in their hands at them.

The stone hit everyone with precision, and then these people hit to the end and fainted.

Xiang Jing lay quietly next to the roof wall and looked at the opposite building. From this angle, the overall appearance of the opposite building can be seen clearly.

However, due to obstructed vision, the situation behind cannot be seen.

Dana also realized this, and asked "what should I do?"

Xiang Jing lowered his head and thought for a while, "In this way, since they have stunned their guard post, the people who will change the guard will find out later, I will go out to lead them away, you take the opportunity to jump from here to the opposite building and sneak in , See if you can find something useful, pay attention to safety, and try not to conflict with them."

The implication is to run as long as you can, not to kill.

Dana opened her mouth, but couldn't think of a better way, and nodded in agreement.

Xiang Jing asked Dana to hide first, then stood up, took a few steps back, and then ran to speed up, stepping on the edge of the roof, and leaping forcefully. The whole person, like a big Peng bird, jumped towards the opposite building.

A person suddenly appeared in the sky for most of the day, and anyone who was not blind could see it.

The man standing on the opposite side hurriedly sounded the alarm, then raised his gun and prepared to shoot.

However, Xiang Jing was prepared early, and the stones in his hand shot out quickly, knocking down many people in the blink of an eye.

Successfully landed on the opposite balcony, Xiang Jing seemed to be an incarnation of a great demon, and rushed into the building all the way.

These soldiers had long been receiving orders from their immediate boss Li Qiang and Li Shuai, but they fought against them in a symbolic way, and lie down gloriously.

However, the acting skills are fixed. What is the rotation of 360 degrees in the air, and the one hundred and eighty degrees of rotation fly out, and from time to time I will spray you a mouthful or two of blood. It is not like a fake match at all. Look like.

In this way, Xiang Jing disappeared from Dina's field of vision, and the entire building opposite was messed up, all chasing Xiang Jing.


There was a loud noise. I don't know which guy used the rocket launcher to directly blow up a floor. Xiang Jing was blown out of the whole body, and then ran away, rushing for the road.

A large group of chasing people followed in the dark.

Dai Na looked at the timing and learned Xiang Jing's flight, and landed firmly on the opposite building, swiftly avoiding the "corpse" on the ground, and walked towards the back of the building.

She did not enter the building, but jumped directly into the back of the building from the top.

There are several huge greenhouses behind the building, and you can vaguely see the green areas inside, as well as a huge warehouse and several large trucks for transportation.

Dana cat quietly approached the greenhouse with her waist down.

Several waves of people met on the road went after Xiang Jing.

Opened the curtain of the big shed, Dana successfully got in.

Maybe it was because Xiang Jing made too much noise, and there was no one to guard such an important greenhouse at the moment.

But Dana didn't care about so much at this time. She looked at the grain carefully, but she didn't understand these things, and didn't see why.

In a hurry, he pulled it down a bit, and prepared to take it back to Xiang Jing to see.

This is true for several greenhouses, but the food that is about to mature in them is envious of Dana. If she can bring this technology back, then no one in country Y will starve to death because of lack of food.

After turning around the greenhouse, Dina quietly came to the warehouse.

But the door was locked, and the way was blocked by a big lock.

Dana approached the gate, and suddenly found that there was a small door in the corner of the gate. The lock on the small door seemed to be too anxious to lock, and it was not locked, but hung on it.

Seeing this, Dana quickly took off the lock and stepped into the warehouse.

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