Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 311: : War Two

Xiang Jing, who was reading the book leisurely, raised his head and looked outside when the **** breath appeared.

This **** breath felt more powerful than those princes, and it was estimated to be not much different from that blood ancestor.

Unexpectedly, there is such a strong man in this battlefield.

Xiang Jing almost knew the strength of the blood ancestors. Although it was nothing to him, it was an overwhelming power for the people of the Holy See, and even the cardinal.

Seeing that Dina was surrounded by the three blood dukes, suddenly, a sword light that pierced the sky suddenly appeared, slashing directly behind the blood clan camp.

This sword light slashed all the way, directly cutting the ground into a deep gully, and all along the way, whether it was a building, a pavement, or a blood clan, was cut with a single sword.

When Jian Guang appeared, behind the blood clan camp, the **** aura appeared again, colliding with Jian Guang fiercely.

There was a thunderous roar.

The resulting shock waves and energy set off dust in the sky, and people turned their backs on their backs.

Many of the weaker ones were directly killed by the earthquake, and the whole earth shook like an earthquake.

After a collision, a ray of blood rose from behind the blood clan camp, transforming into a figure.

This person looks abnormally evil, has a Adam's apple and has no chest. It can be determined that he is a man, but his face looks particularly like a woman.

As soon as he appeared, his **** aura became stronger, his eyes locked directly in the building where Xiang Jing was.

At this time, Xiang Jing was already standing at the top of the building, with his eyes separated several kilometers away, looking at the blood clan far away.

Two powerful auras were released, competing in the air, making the clouds above the entire city distorted, making people breathless.

The three blood dukes were the strongest besides Xiang Jing and the blood ancestor. They immediately noticed something was wrong and looked towards Xiang Jing one after another.

However, the opponent's powerful strength made them daunting, and it was not of the same level at all.

"Leave this human to me." The ancestor of the blood race said lightly, not thinking that Xiang Jing had the power to change the outcome of today.

Xiang Jing didn't plan to intervene in the battlefield below, and kill the boy and girl, and the blood family below will naturally retreat.

Both sides rushed towards each other without saying a word.

Both of them carried a monstrous aura that shocked everyone.

With a loud bang, Xiang Jing and the blood ancestor collided.

Just when everyone thought that a terrifying battle was about to begin, they saw the blood ancestor falling from the sky like a kite with a broken line.

If you notice carefully, you will find that he has no vitality and breath.

After Yijian solved the unlucky one, Xiang Jing turned his head to look at the battlefield below, only glanced at it, and then left.

On the battlefield below, the three blood dukes watched Xiang Jing leave tremblingly.

Others may not feel it, but as a duke, they can clearly feel that the breath of the blood ancestors has completely disappeared.

In other words, Xiang Jing killed their powerful blood ancestors in a flash.

This result is difficult for them to accept, but they have to accept it.

Especially in the end, Xiang Jing's gaze swept this way seemingly casually.

In fact, the three dukes knew that those eyes were looking at them.

It's as deep as an abyss, without a trace of emotion in it, indifferent and cruel, just one look makes them like falling into an ice cave.

"Retreat, retreat!"

"Quickly, withdraw quickly!"

They are not fools either, Xiang Jing can kill the ancestors so easily, killing them is like killing a chicken.

The reason why they didn't do it was to give them a chance, a chance to retreat.

Don't look at people leaving, a powerhouse of this level, a few kilometers back and forth is the same as playing.

If the three blood dukes choose to do it at this time, they have no doubt that Xiang Jing will return to slaughter them.

Therefore, the blood army, which had surrounded the Holy See, completed the retreat in a very short period of time, without leaving any root hairs.

After all the blood races retreated, Dana asked the ten injured cardinals to be brought back.

He looked in the direction where Xiang Jing had left.

Although it was far away, Dana still saw it, and that person was Peter.

Isn't he healing his wounds? How could he appear here? Did he just use a forbidden technique?

Although my head is full of doubts, there are more important things for Dana to do.

Now the ten cardinals are seriously injured, and the blood family does not know when they will come back. As the only cardinal who can still act, Dina must lead the Holy See staff well.

After Xiang Jing killed the blood ancestor, he did not leave, and returned to the building where he had just stayed.

He killed a blood ancestor in such a fair manner, the blood would never sit back and watch.

This is nothing. Xiang Jing's key is to look at the response of the Holy See, especially the reaction of the senior officials in the Holy See.

The next day, there was a large group of people on the street at the end of the city, looking like people from the Holy See.

Judging from the scale, it is the main elite force, and in every respect it is stronger than the Vatican personnel stationed here.

In the same way, in terms of blood races, the brigade arrived, and the scale was no less than that of the Holy See.

It seems that Xiang Jing's movement yesterday made too much, causing the Holy See and the blood to pull the main force over.

Obviously, this place has also become the main battlefield, where the victory of the blood race and the Holy See will be separated.

In addition to purple clothes and cardinals, there are also a few more white clothes on the side of the Holy See.

Everyone in the surrounding area, including the cardinal, respected them very much, and the aura exuded was very powerful.

Similarly, there are many dukes on the blood side, and there are blood princes among them.

However, there are no Prince Bruch Henry, Prince Gangaro Lind, Prince McAvey Parker, and Zmich Rhodes who are controlled by Xiang Jing.

Those four were beaten enough by Xiang Jing, and they are probably recuperating at the moment.

However, in the blood clan camp, there are still several blood clan ancestor-level powerhouses.

This lineup, this battle, can be called luxurious, both sides have come up with the top strength, once the war starts, it is absolutely earth-shattering battle of the century.

However, it is the top powerhouse behind the two sides that can really guide the battlefield.

The Holy See is naturally the Pope, and the Blood Race is the Blood Emperor. These two have not yet appeared.

Once these two people take action, the war is truly endless. Once one party loses, it is very likely to withdraw from the stage of history.

But in this, there is still one unknown, that is Xiang Jing.

This turned out to be a strong and unreasonable strong man.

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