Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 312: : Seven Yoshimi

However, the kinsmen and the Holy See don't know much about Xiang Jing's information.

This person seems to have emerged out of thin air, there is no trace at all.

And where he is now is still unknown.

Therefore, before the blood race and the Holy See fight the final battle, they must first find a way to solve the biggest variable of Xiang Jing.

At least in the eyes of those in power, the appearance of Xiang Jing will undoubtedly dominate the balance of this war.

As time went by, the situation that was originally tense was eased by Xiang Jing's appearance, and even reached a deadlock.

The Holy See and the kinsmen stood still, and they were constantly searching for Xiang Jing's traces, including Dina.

However, after Xiang Jing killed a ancestor of the blood clan, he had disappeared. The Holy See and the blood clan had turned a hundred li around and could not find it.

With Xiang Jing's strength, he wanted to hide, but the Emperor Laozi could not find him when he came.

Moreover, he is not there at all on the battlefield now, and they can't find it even if they dig the ground.

To say where Xiang Jing has gone, the answer is of course only one-the Vatican.

Now that the main force of the Holy See blood family is coming out, Xiang Jing did not plan to participate too much in it.

At the same time, the headquarters of the Holy See, the internal strength of the Vatican will be relatively vacant, and this time has never been more appropriate.

Therefore, when the Holy See and the kinsmen all over the world were looking for Xiang Jing, others had already come to the Vatican, the home of the Holy See.

The Vatican is an independent sovereign country. Because it borders Italy on all sides, it is called "China". It is also the seat of Catholicism in the world and the smallest country in the world. The Vatican City State is located on the Vatican Heights to the northwest of the Italian capital, Rome.

Its predecessor was the Pope State. Since 1929, it has been identified as a sovereign state by the Lateran Treaty, accepting the direct rule of the Holy See, and implementing a political system that combines politics and religion.

This holy seat is also the pope. This is a religious country, independent of the secular country, and is the holy place in the hearts of all the followers of the Holy See.

But Xiang Jing doesn't care so much. His purpose of coming here is very simple, to ask Dana, why the little girl became like this.

Without a special pass and entry permit, Xiang Jing directly crossed the city wall and guards and entered this, the holy place in the hearts of all the followers of the Holy See.

St. Peter's Basilica, one of the most important symbols of the Holy See.

As the most outstanding Renaissance building and the largest church in the world, it covers an area of ​​23,000 square meters and can accommodate more than 60,000 people. The center of the church is a 42-meter-diameter dome with a ceiling of about 138 meters. The front is St. Peter’s Square and Concord Avenue.

Although it is not the "mother church" of all churches of the Holy See, nor the bishop of the Holy See, that is, the cathedral of the Pope, St. Peter's Basilica is still regarded as the holiest site of the Holy See.

It can be seen how this place is in the hearts of the believers of the Holy See, and how sacred it is to believers.

Just such a sacred place, Xiang Jing, an outsider, or a Chinese, entered easily.

Although it is a holy place, it is now a special period. The Vatican also accommodates many refugees, but they live on the outermost periphery and are guarded by layers of soldiers inside.

But this was nothing. Xiang Jing was so fast that he couldn't catch it with the naked eye, and he easily skipped the guards and patrolling Templars along the way.

Entering St. Peter's Basilica, the pope should be here usually.

Xiang Jing's idea was very simple. He found the Pope, asked why, and refused to accept it.

In this world, if you talk about unreasonable ways, then use your fists to solve it, saving time and effort without much effort.

Xiang Jing entered the inner depths of St. Peter's Basilica without any obstacles.

Before long, a corridor appeared at the corner in front, and there was a door at the end of the corridor.

Xiang Jing walked straight to the other side of the corridor, but just after taking a step, a holy light suddenly blasted from the side corridor.

Xiang Jing avoided dexterously and looked over there.

Immediately afterwards, in the corridor on the side, a Templar knight in silver armor walked out.

He held an inch, his face was firm and rigid, and looked like a robot with no emotions.

However, compared with ordinary Templar knights, this one clearly looks a lot more advanced.

Whether it is equipment or power, it is like the difference between civilian players and krypton players.

However, since this person can find Xiang Jing, it also shows that he has not weak strength.

"Regardless of whether you are a human or a blood race, you have violated the Vatican law by trespassing in the Holy Land. As one of the seven beauties under the seat of His Majesty the Pope: Responsibility, you will be arrested."

This self-professing responsibility first came up with a report to his family, and then, without saying anything, turned his hammer and greeted Xiang Jing.

His hammer is similar to Thor's hammer, but it can't attract thunder and lightning, and can't take people to fly.

"Nima! Wait until I pretend to be forced to fight anyway."

Xiang Jing cursed and hit his big hammer with a punch.

According to Xiang Jing's judgment, the strength of this product is above the prince and below the ancestors of the blood race. It is also quite strong, but it is not enough in front of Xiang Jing.

These seven beauties are the seven people who represent sincerity, smile, kindness, faith, determination, responsibility, and hope.

Every one has been adopted and trained by the Holy See since he was a child. He is powerful and a bit higher than the cardinal in terms of status.

However, their main occupation is to protect the Pope, which is equivalent to a guard.

Although there is no actual power, there are not necessarily a few who have a higher status in the Holy See.



When Xiang Jing's fist collided with the sledgehammer of responsibility.

After only a stalemate for a second, the sledgehammer of responsibility was like plastic.

Xiang Jing's fist did not diminish, and he directly hit the rigid face of responsibility with a punch, knocking him out.

Xiang Jing stepped behind him, stopped his upside-down power, and threw him into the corner of the corner.

Xiang Jing didn't want to make too much noise, and later all the seven good things came out, and the whole Vatican wanted him.

It was expected to be earth-shattering, and even the situation of breaking through half of St. Peter's Cathedral did not happen.

There is no suspense from the beginning to the end of this battle. It is not too easy to fight this seven good beauty.

After resolving the responsibility, Xiang Jing walked towards the gate.

This time there were no more people blocking the way. The Holy See is now scarce, and it is estimated that the other six are in other places.

Xiang Jing stretched out his hand and gently applied force, and easily pushed open the quaint door in front of him.

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